stranger in your house (ringo)

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the two of you sat cuddled up on your couch watching a movie, enjoying one another's company. the time was 1 am, so naturally the two of you were drifting off.
as the two of you were almost completely knocked out, the sound of smashing glass jolted the two of you awake. ringo immediately grabbed your hand as he squeezed it reassuring you, you guys were going to be ok.

"i think somebody's in our house." you whispered, clutching his hand.

"stay put. i'm going to grab the lamp." he calmly stated, grabbing the lamp from the end table.

as the two of you tried to quietly move, the stranger in your house rummaged through your food, knocking things over, banging loudly. it scared the two of you shitless, when you remembered something,

"babe we have that gun in our bedroom, we need to get it." you whispered.

"right..ok here's what we'll do, we'll try and bash em over the head, then run up and get the gun, sound good? we have to be quick though." he replied as you nodded.

the stranger continued to cause a ruckus as ringo went all barbarian as he ran into the kitchen, bashing the intruder over the head with the lamp, "NOW (Y/N)!" he shouted as you took off upstairs going to locate your gun.

once you found it and loaded it, you ran downstairs to see ringo straddling the intruder, who ended up being a woman. she was no older than 32, with blue eyes and blood stained blonde hair. she had escaped from the mental institution down the street and believed that ringo and your place was her home.

she dizzily held her head as she glanced up at you guys, before letting out a loud cry, "i'm sorry! my name is wendy johnson. i thought this was my home. i didn't mean to intrude. i'm sorry!"

you dropped the gun as ringo dropped the lamp, "no no it's ok. you're going to be fine. see! we're going to call the ambulance right now. do that (y/n)." he instructed you as you nodded dialing the number.

"here. thankfully your head doesn't look that bad. were you just hungry?" he asked handing her a frozen bag of peas for her head. she placed them on her head as she looked up at the two of you.

"yes. i really did think this was my home. i found it strange that i locked my door though, that's why i came in through the window." she sighed, looking at you.

"what's your name?" she asked, smiling at you.

"oh uh it's (y/n)," you half smiled, "police will be here soon."

"gear!" ringo smiled.

once the police showed up, they took down an account of what actually happened, and escorted ms. johnson to the hospital to get all stitched up. since no one was pressing charges, you and ringo hired a window fixer the next day and carried on with your lives. still keeping that contact with wendy.

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