i trust you (ringo)

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he was something you wanted, no needed desperately. he was the one man you could trust with anything, and on this particular night, you called him over.

"hey (y/n)! is everything ok?" he asked as you looked up at him with a sad countenance.

you couldn't speak. you could only show him the positive pregnancy test, and the note your fiance william, left behind. ringo noticed how upset you were, taking the note from your hand reading it aloud;

to my cheating whore of a wife/husband/spouse, i saw that you are pregnant. how is that possible? we haven't had sexual intercourse in months. i just hope that whenever this burden is born you can provide a dna test just as fast as you claimed i am the father. - william.

ringo looked over at a very distraught you as he tore the note in half. you nearly had a heart attack as ringo reached out to calm you down, "oh fuck that wanker. i never bloody liked him in the first place. if he's not going to stand up and be a man then i will! i will take care of you and your baby. i can promise you that!"

you glanced at ringo with much love as you broke down again, "oh richard! thank you so much. i-i-i don't know what to say."

"say you trust me." he whispered

"i trust you." you smiled, grabbing his hand.

months later you gave birth to your /daughter/son/child, drew. ringo was in your lives, and everything with william subsided, but you and ringo got much closer.

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