56. Fly

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Yibo POV

I had to stop myself from scratching Bianca and Michelle's eyes out. I couldn't believe how sick and vindictive people could be. But worst of all I couldn't believe I fell right into their little plan, I should've known better.

Meng Ziyi comfortingly stroked my hair as I silently sobbed, "It's okay, didi, they played us all." She said and I shook my head "Still, Zhan loves me and he's been nothing but amazing to me, I should've believed him; what kind of a fiancé am I?" I said. "You believed what you saw and you were hurt, no one can blame you for that." She replied. 

But she still believed him; why couldn't I? Then again when it came to Zhan I couldn't think or act rationally. "He told me he'd never cheat on me. He was sweet and understanding, he put up with my silly insecurities. But I couldn't believe him when he needed me to." I said sadly.

Because of that I ended up hurting him and breaking my promise, my promise to stick with him no matter what. "I'd be surprised if he didn't leave me, and file a restraining order against me," I said shaking my head. Meng Ziyi looked at me dumbfounded "Why would he file a restraining order?"

I bit my lip, I never told Meng Ziyi about my visit "I went to see him the night you were working late; I got a little crazy." I said chagrinned. I honestly don't know what got into me that night. Hormones and mood swings can't possible make a person that crazy.

"Oh my God, do I even want to know?" she asked and I shook my head, "That bad?" she probed and I nodded; She sighed.

"What am I going to do Meng Ziyi?" I asked sitting up, I felt lost. "Go see him and this time don't go crazy," she teased and I grimaced. Her expression turned solemn "The first step is to tell him your pregnant, I believe the rest will work itself out." She said.

I sighed, "I wish I had your optimism," I said. His baby had a place in his life, but my place was not so certain. She chuckled in disbelief "I will pray for you, didi, that one day you finally see how much that man loves you." She said.

For once I laughed with her, she was right. Why else would Zhan put up with me?

"Come on, I'll make you hot chocolate." She said and I smiled. "God, I'm going be fat." I said frowning a little, but I couldn't control these stupid cravings. "It'll serve you right." She laughed as I pushed her back. I finally gathered up enough courage to see Zhan, Meng Ziyi parked on the driveway of the castle and turned to me.

"You can do this didi, go on." She said smiling; I nodded and got out. I waved her off as she drove away; I took a deep breath and entered the front door. I found Angie in the kitchen and she gasped when she saw me. "Please tell me you're staying." She said.

"We'll have to see." I said and she nodded. She told me where Zhan was and flashed me an encouraging smile. I went out to the backyard and found him playing golf with YuBin.

My heart was racing as I walked on the golf course and towards him. YuBin's eyes widened as he saw me approaching, and Zhan turned around. I stopped a few feet away from him; YuBin nodded towards me and walked away. I turned my reluctant gaze to Zhan, who watched me with calm eyes. I smiled and walked past him towards the flagpole, I lifted it and looked at him. He watched me with curious eyes

"Hole in one." I called out to him; he smiled and took his swinging stance. He glanced at the hole and hit the ball. I watched it gradually roll towards me and into the hole. I smiled and applauded him, is there anything you can't do? I thought as I picked up the ball.

I walked towards him and handed it to him, he continued to watch me silently; I guess he wanted me to speak first. "You have every right to kick me out and tell me you never want to see me again." I said looking into his beautiful eyes. I wouldn't even put up a fight; I would just leave. 

He gave a nonchalant grin "Now why would I do that?" he said and I looked down. Why did he do that? Why couldn't he shout at me, and tell me I didn't deserve him? It would make me feel a little better I guess. He lifted my face with his finger "Don't look so culpable little one, you did nothing wrong." He said softly.

I shook my head "I just feel so stupid and I should've listened..." "Nonsense" he said taking me into his arms "I should've told you the truth before this got out of hand, I'm sorry."

"But I should've believed you, I should've known you'd never hurt me like that." I said, clinging onto him for dear life. For God's sake, the man had a tattoo of me on his back, just to show how much he loved me.

"True." He teased and I let out a faint chuckle, he stroked my cheek "There hundreds of people like Bianca and Michelle out there. There are malicious people who are going to try to tear us apart Yibo. All I ask is that you trust in my love, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you little one." He said softly.

I nodded "It's been hell without you Zhan, I'm not going back there again." I said

"Good" he said, "Because long engagement be damned, I'm marrying you next month." He said and I looked up at him shocked. "That's crazy, its 2 weeks from now" I said incredulously.

"Why wait? Besides I want to make sure you can't legally leave me." he teased, but humor didn't touch his eyes. I looked down; my departure hurt him more than I thought, I sighed.

"I can never leave you again, we have a stronger tie than love and marriage now" I said meeting his questioning gaze "I'm pregnant." The love Zhan and I shared ran deep and now that there was a child in the equation we were inseparable now, weather we like it or not.

 I watched his eyes widen for a moment then his expression turned to complete elation "My God Yibo, when did you know?" he asked smiling as he cupped my face in his hands.

"A couple of days ago." I said then frowned slightly "I forgot to take my contraceptives properly." I muttered. He laughed "And I knocked you up immediately" he said "I guess I got another hole in one." He teased and I chuckled.

I screamed as he suddenly scooped me in his arms, twirling me around excitedly. He sat me down and kissed me "Thank you for making me a father." He said. I smiled my insides melting "Thank you for making me a mother, I've always wanted kids but having yours is a dream come true." I whispered.

He kissed my forehead and gently laid his hand on my abdomen "How far are you?" he asked. "I'm not sure cause I haven't been to a doctor yet but I think I'm five weeks." I said and he smirked.

"Luoyang." He said, "I guess I'm very potent." He added and I laughed. "I'm definitely marrying you next month then." He said.

"You can't be serious Zhan, I want to marry you but I can't possibly plan a wedding in two weeks!" I said panicked.

He rolled his eyes "We have people for that little one, Li planned your party in four days." He said and my mouth fell open. My party looked like it took months to plan. He was right; with his influence he could get everything with the snap of his finger. "I want to plan my own wedding Zhan." I said and he nodded smiling

"And you can, you just can't do all of it yourself besides you don't want to upset my cousins, do you?" he asked raising an eyebrow.  A-Li and A-mi weren't even going to allow me to do anything at all; my guess is that they've already started planning it behind my back. I huffed.

Zhan chuckled "I'm glad they are also at our disposal, I don't want you straining yourself love. It is not good for the baby." He said. I frowned "Oh no, overprotective father alert. My poor baby" I said and he threw his head back laughing.

"You know me well." He teased, picking me up again. I laughed with him.

I kissed his neck as he carried me off the golf course I love you and your baby I thought, feeling happier than ever, if that's even possible.

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