70. Encounter

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 Zhan POV

3 years later...

I parked my M-Class outside of a restaurant, I wasn't much a fan of an SUV but  Sizhui had a different idea. I had no interest in keeping my Porsche any longer besides I wanted another family-sized car. Daddy, I want that one he said pointing at the Mercedes when I went to my dealership with him. 

He was an energized little chimp, forever climbing on top of everything; Yibo and I had our hands full. I smiled inwardly. He was also very bright; he began walking and talking in full sentences earlier than we could've anticipated.

We walked in and the usher led us to our table "Mommy, can I have the sundae now?" he asked with puppy dog eyes. Yibo chuckled opening the menu "Now you know the rules baby, you eat your meal first." He said and he pouted.

"I'm glad I decided to tag along, you probably would've given it to him." He said to me and I chuckled. "Well, I don't see the harm in giving him his dessert first for once," I said and he laughed shaking his head.

"You spoil him too much." He said "You might be able to handle him when he's on sugar, I can't." he added.

The waiter came and took our order, after the meal and desserts Yibo excused himself to the restroom. I was taking the bill when a familiar face walked into the restaurant then towards us. Irina, someone who I haven't seen in years, and hoped never to see again. She's a model I met when I took a mission with Zhoucheng in Spain in what seemed like a decade ago.

I cursed inwardly when she stopped in front of Sizhui and me, flashing me a brilliant smile. "Zhan, su pasado demasiado tiempo." Zhan, It's been too long she said.

"Hola Irina, què te trae a Macao?" Hello Irina, what brings you to Macao? I asked, keeping a straight and cool face. She chuckled

 I knew Irina spoke Mandarin; she was just taunting me. I forced a smile on my face and gave her a brief hug.  I had slept with her twice during my stay in Spain; I didn't go around sleeping with random women. I only did when the urge struck; I kept to women like Irina, superficial and shallow.

 I figured you couldn't break a heart that's not there. She sighed "I miss us." She said and my mood darkened "There was never an 'us' Irina." I corrected monotonously "Right because you stopped calling, stopped coming around. It only dawned on me then that I was just a casual screw." She spat.

At that time in my life, I did what I saw fit and it didn't matter if I hurt anyone. No one deserved to be used regardless of who they are; Yibo's unconditional love taught me that. At times it felt surreal that he loved me knowing everything that he knew.

I watched Irina with an unreadable expression "You didn't answer my question." She sighed, "I'm actually here for a photo-shoot." She said then she settled her gaze on Sizhui "So that's the famous Sizhui, he looks like you." She added. 

She crouched down and greeted him with a smile; Sizhui, who was normally friendly, quietly went behind me. I smiled inwardly as she awkwardly stood up. "Is that Yibo?" she asked looking behind me and I tensed "He's even prettier in person." She added sweetly but I could hear the venom in her voice. 

I turned to see Yibo intently watching us, he slowly turned his attention back to the man he was talking to. I'd hoped that he never comes across my old lovers, but fate had another idea. "I never figured you to be the settling down type, but look at you now. Married with a kid." She said, "I would've never believed it if I didn't see it with my own eyes." She added. 

When Yibo came to us I introduced them, saying Irina was an old friend. They shook hands as Irina chuckled "En serio? Sólo un viejo amigo", Seriously? Just an old friend she said to me. "Usted no està pensando en hablarde de mí, verdad?" You're not planning on telling him about me, are you? She added with a wicked grin.

"Yo tendría mucho cuidado de no iniciar ningún problema Irina, estás advertido. Ahora habla Hanyu para que te pueda entender" I'd be very careful not to start any trouble Irina; you're warned. Now speak Mandarin so he can understand you I said. With a smile careful to mask the ire in my expression and voice but Irina definitely got the message.

Yibo eyed us speculatively and I gently rubbed his shoulders, Irina smiled too "How rude of me, I'm a Spanish native. I can't resist speaking the language, when I find someone who can too." She said and Yibo nodded.

The phone in my pocket rang and I checked to see whom it was "I have to take this, excuse me." I said and kissed Yibo's forehead, I walked away and Sizhui followed me grabbing my hand. I smiled at him as I greeted Nicolas on the phone. He and I talked about business while I watched Irina and Yibo chat. They were smiling at each other, but it looked wrong.

I didn't want to tell Yibo about Irina or any of the women in my past, because they all meant nothing to me. But Yibo could be very jealous sometimes; I didn't want him to get upset unnecessarily. I said goodbye to Nicholas and picked Sizhui up "Let's go home, buddy." I said and he smiled playing with my phone. 

I walked back to them "Are you ready to go?" I asked Yibo. Who seemed a little offish? "Yes." He said then started walking away. I looked at Irina, She shrugged innocently "It was nice seeing you again Zhan." She said as I went past her. We went to the car and drove back home.

I could see easily when Yibo was okay and when he pretended to be, and in this case, he was pretending. It unsettled me why and I knew it had something to do with Irina. But why wasn't he saying anything about it or her?

I decided to let it go for now.

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