C hapter 21

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After walking outside and breathing the damp and cold air, Su Nianqin slowly loosened his tight nerves. Su Nianqin would be too weak to even dare to stay in front of this woman for one more moment and say another word.
  She returned to her residence and immediately received a call from Sang's mother.
  "Wuyan. How is it? This character looks good, right?"
  Only then did Sang Wuyan realize that she had forgotten the surname Wu in the coffee shop.
  Late autumn is approaching, and the new semester is halfway through, and the cities in the south are also breezy. She and Li Lulu received a child autism case, a child named Xiaojie accepted by the Children's Research Center.
  Before the age of two, Xiaojie was mistaken for deafness or mental retardation by his parents because of his insensitivity to voice and slow language development. Later, when Sang Wuyan saw Xiaojie for the first time, his parents were secretly discussing whether to throw him away.
  "He is not a fool."
  "Impossible." His irresponsible parents resolutely denied.
  "Not only is he not a fool, but he may have other talents."
  "Ms. Sang," the parents seem to be a little confused, "a kid who can't speak, laugh or even basic movements is not a fool. What's more, we are all rural villagers, and we don't have much money to pay for your treatment. ."
  Sang Wuyan was angry.
  So after signing an agreement with his guardian, Sang Wuyan took Xiaojie to the research center and took on all the costs of his treatment.
  It means that she almost adopted the child, but there is no legal protection.
  Cheng Yin said: "The parents of this child are not fools, you are."
  At the beginning, Xiaojie's condition was very bad. He can hardly pronounce it, and can only repeat a few words parrotingly. The treatment was too late and almost made his auditory nerve atrophy. Losing the ability of self-care for children of the same age, rudely rejecting anyone who wants to be close to him, and screaming like crazy when he gets out of the way.
  Fortunately, the treatment teachers there are very patient.
  Today, one year later, Xiaojie began to learn to build a red house quietly with building blocks. Although the style of the house has never changed.
  Li Lulu looked at Xiaojie's recent medical records and asked, "What was the result of your blind date in the morning?"
  "Don't mention it."
  "Not enough education?"
  "It seems pretty good."
  "Not handsome enough?"
  "I didn't even pay attention to what he looked like."
  Li Lulu whistled.
  "This is not your Sang Wuyan style. The previous few times, you either thought that the other person was short or had small eyes. How could you not even see the other person's appearance clearly this time?"
  "I saw him."
  "Su Nianqin ," Sang Wuyan said.
  "What I said, as soon as Master Su came out, who would fight for it."
  Li Lulu used to meet Su Nianqin on the day of her undergraduate graduation, and in the two subsequent years of postgraduate life, she gained a lot of details about Sang Wuyan's love story.
  "It's not that there are reports that Mr. Su has already transferred all the shares under his name to him last month. Now Mr. Su is the real top diamond king. Why don't you fight for it and come back?"
  "How did the old love come back?" Sang Wuyan laughed at herself , "and it seems that he treats me like a plague, and he is very disgusted."
  Yes, how can you not be disgusted? He once told her that if she left first, he would hate her for a lifetime. But it was obviously that he had a problem, so how could he blame her.
  Su Nianqin frowned tightly, holding an ashtray in her hand. She actually lied to him to say that the man was her boyfriend and said nonsense with her eyes open. Did she think he was a three-year-old child?
  In a trance, the smoke burned to his head, burning his fingers, his body was startled, and immediately pinched out. After stopping for half a second, I wanted to smoke again, and when I touched the box, I realized that it was gone.
  Su Nianqin opened the window of the hotel, and together with the autumn wind, there was the hustle and bustle of traffic coming from below. He took a deep breath of cool breeze. Then he rolled the cigarette case in his hand and threw it out the window. Suddenly, my heart was slightly angry: Su Nianqin , don't think about anything more. Are you still a man like this? Three years ago, she just dumped you, without hesitation at all, and even said words not to appear in front of her for the rest of her life.
  She also said that she hated him.
  "Mr. Su?"
  Secretary Xiao Qin called him.
  "Don't turn on the lights?"
  "Just open it if you need it." Su Nianqin stopped her mind before turning around.
  "If you turn on the light, it makes people feel a little gentle." Xiao Qin made a cup of hot tea for him, and then asked the hotel waiter to take away all the fragile items and extra furnishings, and then she brought it to the desk in the study. His voice scanner and Braille typewriter are arranged according to his habits.
  "The cooperation with TORO is going well. I have put the drafted agreement on your desk, but you need to go there tomorrow morning."
  "Yeah." Su Nianqin supported his chin on the armrest of the sofa with his right hand. This was his usual action when running a short errand, and he listened absently to the secretary.
  "And our branch here hopes that you can visit the employees."
  "Miss Yu has called, and I hope you will call her back when you are free."
  "Yeah." He didn't listen at all.
  Xiao Qin understood that she wasted a lot of words, but the boss was the boss.
  "Mr. Su?" Xiao Qin smiled.
  "Huh? That's it?" Su Nianqin returned to her soul.
  "That's it for the time being. What does Mr. Su need me to do?"
  "You put the agreement we are going to sign tomorrow on the table, and you will meet with their shareholders in TORO in the morning. I will inspect the affairs of the branch, and you will arrange the time." Su Nianqin said.
  It seems that he didn't listen at all just now, Xiao Qin thought.
  But there was still a good expression on her face: "Okay. I understand." Yu Xiaolu said to her when she first took office. Being Mr. Su's secretary, braille and doing things is secondary. The key is good temper and good temper. patience.
  "What's the telephone number of the main station?"
  "101. Do you need anything?"
  "I want a bottle of wine."
  "Miss Yu ordered, the doctor said your eyes..."
  Su Nianqin raised his hand impatiently.
  Xiao Qin was silent immediately, because she was a secretary and not his wife, so she knew what it meant to be enough.
  When she left, Su Nianqu suddenly asked, "Did I bring my radio?"
  Xiao Qin said: "At the time, you said you didn't use it, so you didn't bring it. However, if you want to listen to the radio, my phone has this function."
  "No need." Su Nianqu immediately refused again.
  Today's boss is very strange, Xiao Qin thought, although it was not normal in the past.
  Su Nianqu read the information left by Xiao Qin until midnight. He had never thought that he would be in business before, so he didn't understand many professional terms. Xiao Qin helped him a lot, but he still felt strenuous, so he had a lot more work than others.
  Fortunately, a person thought of a way for him before.
  "If you read a book, it won't be enough for people to read it out, and then write down what you need to remember." He still remembered every word Sang Wuyan said with a smile. She was the crying and laughing girl he met the most.
  Although he couldn't see it, he could hear laughter from the heart.
  His heart was a little uncomfortable, so he asked the restaurant to bring up the wine.
  "Mr. Su, do you need anything else?" the other party asked kindly.
  "No need." He coldly refused.
  Su Nianqin's drinking age and smoking age are not long, which is a bad habit since Sang Wuyan left. He is not good at these things, so he is not picky. In his eyes, drinking it can forget Sang Wuyan is good wine.
  Unfortunately, it has not been found yet.
  At night, he had a dream of Sang Wuyan standing under a tree.
  What kind of tree is that?
  He frowned in his dream.
  Man planted a tree in City A, he didn't know what it looked like, he only remembered its taste. Yu Weilan said it was Holly. After many years, Sang Wuyan told him that this was not Holly but a privet. At that time, she plucked the scented rice-sized flower and placed it in his palm, as well as an ordinary leaf, and even led his fingertips to touch it.
  That was the second time she held him with her hands.
  The first time was when he put aloe vera juice on the burned area. She is small, her hands are not the standard slender, but they feel soft and comfortable, and warm.
  He touched her face countless times, so that he could accurately depict the outline of each part in his heart.
  However, no matter how you do it, you can't combine her appearance, smiling, crying, angry, pouting and acting like her.
  Therefore, she just stood under the privet tree of his dreams again and again, holding the umbrella, and turned her back to him, but never looked back.
  She told him that she would never see each other for the rest of her life. He originally thought that no matter how painful his heart was, his self-esteem was enough to make him stick to this sentence in his next life.
However, he couldn't help breaking this oath, and suddenly wanted to come and see her to see if she was good.
  In the morning, Xiao Qin came and called Su Nianqin . She knocked on the door and no one answered, she could only open it with her room key.
  Su Nianqin slept on the bed in his clothes, and the smell of smoke and alcohol in the room was almost suffocating. He sleeps curled up like a baby, holding the MP3 he carries with him in his hand, and the earplugs are still in his ears and he spends the night like this.
  Xiao Qin didn't make a fuss when she was used to seeing it. She looked at her watch, and it was only seven o'clock, which could give him half an hour of sleep. So she opened the window and took away the empty bottle on the bed. At that time, she heard Su Nianqin muttering "Wuyan". I don't know whether it is smoke-free or smoke-free, but I have not figured it out after listening to it many times.
  Xiao Qin raised her eyebrows and waited for him in the living room while watching the schedule.
  At half past seven, Su Nianqin consciously woke up on time, as if he had an alarm clock in his body. He took a shower in the bathroom, wrapped in a bath towel and went back to the cloakroom to fetch clothes by himself. Each piece of clothing has a braille label, which is about the color and style of the clothing.
  Twenty minutes later, Su Nianqin became the Su Nianqin of the day: his beard was cleanly shaved, his clothes were neat, there was no abnormal smell on his body, and his facial expression was calm.
  "Nianqin —" Someone called him just after TORO's meeting.
  "It's Miss Peng." In fact, Xiao Qin didn't need to remind Su Nianqin to know it was her.
  Peng Danqi, the niece of TORO owner.
  There is probably only this woman in the world who can use this tone to call Su Nianqin aloud.
  Su Nianqu frowned slightly displeased, he didn't like others calling him so intimate.
  "What else can Miss Peng give?" Su Nianqin asked, with alienation and reservedness in her tone.
  He has always been indifferent, so Peng Danqi doesn't mind.
  "Just call me Danqi, otherwise it's too far-sighted." Peng Danqi smiled.
  The smell of CD perfume on her is too strong, the boss must not like it, Xiao Qin thought. Yu Xiaolu reminded her that Mr. Su is sensitive to smell and sound, so you should not use perfume and make no noise.
  "Nianqin , I heard that you have come to City B for the first time, and I will take you around."
  "Thank you Miss Peng for her enthusiasm. My eyes are inconvenient and I don't like to walk around."
  Peng Danqi applies the methods in the market to love, pressing hard but persevering.
  "Then I'll be the host tonight, and I invite you to dinner to do my best as a landlord. Nianqin, shouldn't this be rejected?"
  Su Nianqin has nowhere to go.
  On the way from the hotel to Catiero restaurant in the evening, Su Nianqin suddenly searched for his pockets in the car.
  "Mr. Su, looking for something?"
  "The MP3 I brought with me."
  The white iPod, Su Nianqin's treasure.
  "Did it fall in the hotel?" Xiao Qin asked.
  "Then go back and find it." Su Nianqin ordered without hesitation.
  "Mr. Su, your appointment with Miss Peng is almost up."
  "Not going anymore." Su Nianqin spit out three words.
  The date Peng Danqi carefully prepared was cancelled due to this small incident, which caused Xiao Qin to lower her voice and explain the reason to her. Fortunately, the other party has a good education and is not an unreasonable woman.
  But Su Nianqin was totally unreasonable.
  The hotel room was turned upside down by him. The waiter who cleaned the room was sternly questioned one by one, which made everyone very embarrassed.
  The manager asked in a frightened voice: "Mr. Su's lost things are very valuable?"
  "An MP3." Xiao Qin kept smiling.
  Su Nianqin's way of dealing with people has been much better than when she first came into contact with him two or three years ago, but occasionally began to be abnormal after arriving in City B.
  Xiao Qin remembers meeting for the first time. Su Nianqin stood at the other end of the room and asked, "Why do you braille?"
  "My father is blind."
  "Innately..." He was considering his own words.
  "The day after tomorrow, he is a worker. I was about two years old and he had an accident in the workshop and went blind." Xiao Qin replied.
  "He is lucky, at least he has seen your mother and you."
  Xiao Qin shook his head: "No, Mr. Su. An adult who suddenly loses light from a state of complete health suffers a greater blow than a person who has been invisible since he was a child."
  She couldn't help refuting him, although the staff repeatedly emphasized that she should not disobey Mr. Su before she came in, but she still did it impulsively. Because that accident was never lucky for her father's life.
  Su Nianqin turned his head, with no expression on his pale face, and asked, "Your father, was he happy later?"
  "Later, the factory shifted the responsibility of the accident to his operating error, and then fired him. After he came out of the hospital for a long time, he couldn't find a job, so he started to drink heavily, and when he was drunk, he fisted at my mother, and knelt again after he was sober. Begging her not to leave him on the ground, repenting again and again but committing again and again."
  "What happened later?" Su Nianqin asked again. In his calm expression, there was a trace of pain that was not easily noticeable.
  "When I was less than ten years old, my mother divorced him and took me to remarry." Xiao Qin said lightly.
  She withdrew from the office, thinking that the opportunity had passed away, but she didn't expect to receive a call after a week. The other party said: "Ms. Qin, Mr. Su has decided to hire you. Please come to work on Monday."
  Xiao Qin entered the company and found that Su Nianqu was the most diligent boss she had ever met, like a never-ending perpetual motion machine, and like a sponge, quickly absorbing those unfamiliar knowledge. One day, I accidentally heard someone say that Su Nianqin once loved a person, and then that person left him. Xiao Qin suddenly thought of his expression when he asked her father's story.

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