Chapter 11: Love Philosophy 2

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However, anger is always more interesting than no response. Sang Wuyan achieved the expected results and continued the topic with satisfaction.
  "Then next time I invite you to see it."
  "No. Thank you." The man squeezed these words out between his teeth.
  "You can try. There are rich and colorful lifestyles and lives in this world, we can only experience one of them, and the movie is like a program that allows you to try the different tastes in a short time. It seems to be off track once. The same adventure."
  "It's the same as reading."
  "The movie is more direct."
  "It's no different to me."
  "Do you cry when you read a novel?"
  "I cry when I watch a movie, and the people in the play are sad, and I will also be moved."
  "That's because the emotional structure between men and women is different." He paused, "Maybe you love to cry." The tone was full of mockery, completely different from the cautiousness he had just carried her downstairs.
  Sang Wuyan paused when he heard his unusually unceremonious tone, and then said, "Yes, for example, I want to cry now."
  Su Nianqin was a little surprised by this really crying sentence, and then he heard Sang Wuyan crying loudly.
  Sang Wuyan wanted to intimidate him, because this man is really not ordinary stubborn. When I heard his indifferent cynicism, I was actually very sad. I just wanted to say a few more words to him and break his cold body. With such a pretense, she didn't even expect that she really couldn't help crying.
  After the tears burst the embankment, they began to burst out of control.
  "What did I do wrong? Why do you always treat me so fiercely. When I met in the elevator, it was wrong for me to help you; it was wrong for me to send you home on Valentine's Day; I beg you to pretend to A couple is also wrong; I helped Xiaowei buy things, but I was wrong. I was so sick that I couldn't sleep and talked to you. That was a mistake. So you hate me and want to ridicule me, right? "
  She pulled a piece of paper towel, wiped her nose, and continued to complain: "I am top-heavy now, as if there is a hammer in my mind, it is terribly uncomfortable. Not only do you have no sympathy for me, but you are also fierce to me."
  The originally quiet living room is now full of Sang Wuyan's cries.
  SuNianqin sat next to her, feeling a sense of helpless frustration. Hearing her crying to the end, he said: "The water is cold." Then he handed the cup to her, trying to divert her attention.
  The tone is indeed much softer than before.
  Sang Wuyan took a few sips, moistened her throat and continued to wipe tears, choked and said, "I am a patient, why are you so cruel to bully me like this?"
  Su Nianqin didn't dare to talk to her anymore, fearing that something might happen again, so she opened the book just now and continued reading. However, the speed is much slower than before.
  Sang Wuyan curled up on the sofa with her feet wrapped in a quilt. She was a little tired crying and crying. In addition, Su Nianqin was almost like a wooden person, and she didn't answer a word, and she gradually became bored. Afterwards, the sad mood was gone, and I almost forgot why I was crying.
  After a while, Su Nianqin heard her gradually calm down, some words turned into intermittent murmurs, and then they were barely audible. In the end, her breathing became long.
  Probably fell asleep?
  His fingers stopped, and he waited quietly for a few seconds to make sure she was asleep.
  After making such a conclusion, Su Nianqin dared to breathe a sigh of relief. She has cried in front of him twice so far, and each time she can be called an earth-shattering weeping.
  He placed the cup and book, and left gently, lest he woke her up. He walked a few steps but turned around again, a little hesitant.
  Because of the thick carpet on the sofa, she just sat on it casually and talked to him. But if she let her sleep on the ground until dawn, I'm afraid she will become more ill.
  Thinking of this, Su Nianqin sighed lightly and turned back.
  "Sang Wuyan." He called her, "You have to sleep in bed."
  She answered, and went back to sleep in a daze. Su Nianqin had nothing to do, and it was hard to hold her up again. He was holding Sang Wuyan just now, and she agreed with her when she was sober. Now that she went to bed early and unconscious, thinking about the embarrassment of holding her down the stairs just now, she simply didn't hold it.
  However, he knew that she finally fell asleep, and it might be even more uncomfortable if he awakened her directly. He stood in the middle of the room, after a moment of silence, he decided to turn on the heating, and then went back to the room to sleep.

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