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I was able to shove past everyone and told them that if they all didn't get the HELL out of the kitchen, no more cookies. Immediately they all scrambled away and I picked up the scooper for the cookies. I dipped it into the cookie batter and I felt hands on ym shoulders and saw a face next to mine. It was Nightwing. I inhaled the scent of the cookies and I forced myself to be completely calm.

His fingers scent goosebumps down my arms and I clenched my jaw.

"Those smell amazing," he whispered. "Can't wait to try one."

I swallowed and said in my usual sassy way, "Well, you'll just have to wait for another twelve minutes."

He pouted and then walked away to the couch. I took an intake of breatha and quickly exhaled. I did NOT appreciate the feeling that he was giving me. I wasn't used to ever feeling that way about anyone! Ever! So why now?

I pursed my lips and appeared to be unconcerned about it. I then slouched next to him and turned on the T.V and kept an eye on him out of the corner of my eye. He was leaning on his hand on the arm of the couch. I subcontiously cracked my knuckles like I always did and Nightwing turned. "What's up?"

I shurgged. "Nothing. I just-crack my knuckles a lot. I don't know why. Habit, maybe."

He tilted his head. "Nervous habit?"

"I did not say nervous!" I replied defensivly, which was a total lie.

Nightwing smirked. "Uh huh, so that's why you're fidgeting with the remote."

I froze and looked down at my fingers which had twirled the remote all over the place. I gripped the remote tightly and glared at him. He snickered and I threw the remote at him. HARD.

It hit him square in the jaw and him grunted in pain. "Ow! Okay! So, what's bothering you?"

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing you need to worry about. It's nothing worth fussing over."

He scootched closer to me, "Come on, tell me." When I folded my arms and leaned in closer to the other side of the couch, he got right next to me. I then shoved his face over and he fell over. I laughed loudly as he hit the floor and he stood back up. "Hey!"

I snickered mischievously and flew away. "Get back here!" he said playfully. I hovered teasingly just out of his reach. I smirked when he suddenly got up really high and pulled me back down. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I tried to get away while laughing. Finally I stopped struggling out of breath from laughing so hard. He dropped me onto the couch and pinned me to it.

"Please tell me what's wrong?" he said.

I sighed. "Fine. I'm just worried about what I'm going to do when Cat Woman and Harley find out that I'm gone."

He sighed and let me get up. "Oh, okay. Want to leave them a note?" he asked sensitivly.

I tilted my head to the side. He genuinely seemed concerned and it was disconcerting. Nightwing was always after me, but I never saw him so honestly worried about something to freaking simple. And a total lie!

I shook my head. "No, it's okay. If I were in prison it'd be on the news."

He smiled weakly. "Yeah, you're right. So, I have an offer for you."

I looked at him with interested eyes.

"It's about a bit more freedom."

I smiled a little. "I'm listening."

He smiled. "Alright, here's the deal. I know it sounds like awhile, but, in two weeks, if nothing at all has happened, you can go out and we can go do something fun. Like, I don't know, and amusment park."

I bit my lip and looked away.


I sighed. "I've...never been to an amusement park before. Being raised in Gotham, well, no country around here."

His eyes widened under his mask. "Excuse me? You've never gone to an amusment park?"

I pursed my lips and shook my head. "Nope."

Just then, the oven beeped and I shot up to go and get them. I pulled them out and Nightwing stood behind me. He whispered, "I promise, as soon as two weeks are over, I will take you to an amusemnet park, and you are going to have the time of your life."

I clenched the spatula and slowly put the cookies on the rack. My heart was pounding as his voice said that into my ear and his hands rested on my arms. I felt my cheeks blush, but he was behind me so he didn't noticed.

He then walked away and I sighed with relief. God, what was I going to do?

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