Him Too?!

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        There was a distant echo inside of my head and I tried to force my eyes open. They felt sticky and heavy. I finally managed to pry them open and when I did, I saw Conner looking down at me.

        "Jay? Can you hear me?" he asked and his voice slowly registered in my mind and I moaned in response. Pain sliced through my back and I gasped. "Easy," he whispered and placed a hand on the normal shoulder. "You got shot, remember? You're not going to be able to do much for awhile."

        I hissed in pain and said in a hoarse voice, "Figures. Where are we?"

        "You're still in Gotham," he replied. "The cave got invaded and Nightwing brought you to the Bat Cave. Nightwing called me to help protect you. Poison Ivy showed up shortly after you passed out and tried to kill you. Nightwing had one hell of a  time trying to protect you. He could've won, but he was protecting something so he had to run. I got called to help. Everyone else is trying to fight off the robots at Mt.Justice."

        I sighed. "How long was I out?"

        "Six hours," he said. "It's nine in the morning. You lost a lot of blood and almost died, by the way. You're lucky to be alive."

        I nodded slowly. "Thanks for coming to help, Conner."

        He smiled sweetly down at me. "Of course. I wouldn't let you get hurt. If it were up to me, you wouldn't have jumped in front of that bullet. Unfortunately, Nightwing could have died if you hadn't, and that would've been quite unpleasant."

        I laughed slightly and was thankful that my ribs had healed so I could laugh. "Yeah, I guess so, but still. It hurts like hell."

        "Jasmine?" I heard Nightwing's voice and I shifted my head to the left to see him running towards me. The bloodstain on his suit was obvious and it was on his left shoulder and ran down onto the bird on his chest. His arm was soaked in the stuff. In fact, his whole left side was covered in dry blood. Damn, how was I still alive. "How are you feeling?"

        "Like crap," I said and released a huff of air. I saw the yellow and green bruises on his face that were still healing from me beating the crap out of him. "We're even. I beat the living hell out of you and then literally took a friggin' bullet for you."

        He smiled and chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so. Superboy, thanks for keeping an eye on her."

        "What happened?" a pissed off and dark voice asked.

        "Batman," Nightwing said with surprise. "Blue Jay got shot by Joker. It was meant to hit me, but she was too fast and the bullet hit her back right shoulder. Since Mt.Justice is under attack, this was the safest place that I could think of. Turns out, a lot of our enemies are pissed off that she chose to save my life rather then stick by their side."

        Batman turned to look at me. He was silent for a moment and then said, "That is quite...surprising."

        I shot him a glare. "Hey! I'm right here!" I protested. "And I DO have a heart, believe it or not. I wasn't going to let him die like that." 

        He narrowed his eyes and folded his arms. "Blue Jay, this is not the time for snarky comments. Superboy, I need you to get her out of here. The robots appear to be going after every major base, including this one. Nightwing, I need you to come with me to try and figure out how to override their programing and to find out who's behind it all."

        Superboy gave a curt nod and slid his arm under my leg and the other arm below my bullet wound. He lifted me with complete and total ease and I rested my head on his shoulder. Why? The world started to spin from the pain the shot through my shoulder. I hissed in pain and he pressed his head to mine in apology. i was amazed at how gentle he really was. I had heard from M'gann that he had quite the temper and could be very rough.

        A door near the back of the gigantic cave that could totally be a museum opened up and Conner carried me outside. It was a grey day with no sunshine and rain was sprinkling down. I looked up at him and his bright blue eyes seemed to reflect off of the light drizzle of rain. His sharp features and black hair blended perfectly together. No wonder M'gann dated this guy. He was pretty hot.

        My gaze drifted down to his black shirt with the red "S" emblem on the front. His broad shoulders probably made me look tiny seeing as his biceps were the size of my head. I suddenly realized that I was only wearing a bra and my cheeks instantly became red and hot.

        Conner looked down and saw my cheeks. "Yeah...sorry about that. Your shirt was completely drenched in blood and we had to cut it off because some of it had dried to your skin. I'll get you a new one asap."

        I nodded and pressed my lips tightly together into a fine line. I averted my eyes from his and I felt his chest rise and fall rapidly from a light chuckle. "You are really cute when you're being shy and blushing. It's a good look."

        "I'd slap you if I wasn't injured," I shot back.

        He rolled his eyes with a smirk. "Suuure."

        I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips.

        "By the way," he continued. "Your eyes are really pretty."

        My left hand went up to my face and I realized that my mask had been taken off. He smirked again and said, "You should learn to say 'thank you' when someone gives you a compliment."

        "Thanks," I said quickly. "S-sorry. I am not used to being polite or a hero. This is all kind of new to me."

        He gave me a sympathetic smile. "But doesn't it feel good? To know that you saved a life from someone who would've destroyed it? It's a rush that you get and it feels like heaven."

        I looked up at him. "I-I guess you're right. It's weird, though. I didn't even think about what I was doing. All I knew, was that I couldn't let him die."

        "It's a good instinct to have," he replied. "And it also means that you actually did something good. You didn't just stand by and watch someone you care about get hurt. The last time I checked, he and the others weren't exactly best buddies. You said it was on impulse, right? Well, that just proves that you're NOT one of them, Jay. You're a GOOD person with good values. Nightwing was right. You were just lost."

        I swallowed hard and had no idea how to respond to that.

        His eyes were so kind and so full of good that my heart melted right there on the spot.

        God damn it! Not him too!

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