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         I looked outside of the limo where I was sitting across from Lex.

        "Jasmine," he finally said after a long time of silence. "I really do want to make things right with you. What reason would I possibly have to lie to you?"

        I snorted. "A lot of reasons. I'm good buddies with Nightwing, that should say something. I actually like all of those people, and I don't appreciate you in any way, shape, or form at the moment."

        He sighed and rubbed his temple. "Just as fiesty as your mother, I see. You have a lot of her in you..."

        I closed my eyes in sadness and said, "Mama is dead, and I'd prefer not to take a walk down memory lane, thank you very much. There's been a bit too much death and surprises in my life recently. Life has been quite the bitch lately."

        He smiled slightly and chuckled. "Trust me, I do understand. I am taking you to a nice place in the mountains. It is a beautiful home and you will be able to do whatever you please. You'll love it there. As soon as I realized who you were and got the results from the DNA test, I began contruction immediately. This house will be yours, if you want it. It was custom made for your...abilities."

        I lifted an eyebrow and asked, "How much do you know about that?"

        "Quite a bit," he said and folded his hands together. "I also am aware of your vast knowledge of information, and also about Selina Kyle."

        My throat then squeezed tightly and my whole body tensed up. However, his eyes were full of empathy.

        "I understand that she was like a mother to you after Ellen died," he said. "Harley was also a big part of it. I am also aware of how Nightwing kidnapped you after years of trying to capture you. You are quite skilled at escaping sticky situations, aren't you?"

        I narrowed my eyes. "So? It came with a shit ton of practice. I can fly. That's pretty much it."

        He pressed his lips together into a thin line and said, "I'm sure that there is much more that you are capable of. It is also why I want to get to know you better. I don't think you understand what it's like to look upon the face of your own flesh and blood and knowing that you had to abandon them. And now, I am finally here with you, and I'd like to make things better."

        "So you've said," I replied flatly. "I hope you won't mind a possible drop in from Nightwing. He'll be pissed when he sees the news. I'm all the rave right now. I can see the Headlines now; Lex Luthor Discovers Mysterious Long Lost Daughter! Jasmine Hale Accepts to Go With Him! God. I can't believe you had the nerve to make this public."

        "It was the only way to get your attention without going to the same lengths that The Joker did-"
        My temper snapped. "Shut up! Shut. UP! I don't want to hear anymore about my damn past!"

        His eyebrows furrowed. "I apologize for angering you, Jasmine. That was not my intention..."

        I had to give him credit for one thing...the house was freakin' AMAZING. Well, it was more like a tall, tall glass structure. It was as if it were made for a bird. I had to force my jaw not to drop.

        Lex had to "attend to the press" and left me alone to go exploring. My stubborn streak was refusing to even move a single finger. While the rest of me was aching to explore the building.

        My stubborn streak gave in and I shot up into the air to go and look around. It was awesome because you had to fly to get up to the different floors. It was a totally modern house with a REALLY cool bedroom with a large painting of a blue jay. The house matched the colors from my outfit. And the kitchen! OH MY GOD! THE KITCHEN! It was HUGE with lots of counter space and four double ovens with cookie racks on display. My jaw dropped and I flew around to go exploring even more.

        There was a living room with a T.V the size of my apartment! The sound system was even cooler1

        There was a sudden knock on the door and I went to answer it.

        "Hey...Dick," I said with a sigh and pulled him in.

        "What the HELL?!" he shouted. "You could've at least called!"

        I rolled my eyes. "I just got here asshole," I replied. "Lex had this house custom made for me when he found out who I was. He told me that I was free to have anyone over here. So, if you want to stay, feel free. In fact, I'd feel a bit better if you did. I'm still uneasy about this whole thing. So please, try to show a little sympathy, okay?"

        He sighed. "You're right, I'm sorry. It's a pretty awesome house, I'll give him that...So. What should we do while we wait?"

        I smirked mischievously and floated up to the entrance to my bedroom. "I know exactly what YOU want to do, and I'm all for it. But, alas, I am bored. Entertain me by playing tag, okay? You're it!"

        "No fair!" he protested. "You can fly! However, I am Nightwing. I WILL catch you!"

        He launched something into the air and I flew up even higher. Well, I wasn't bored anymore!

        Eventually, he did catch me, but it took a good two hours for him to do it! He pulled me down onto a couch in what appeared to be a gaming floor. His hands always seemed to automatically go straight to my ass and he pressed me close to him. It got to mouth against body when he suddenly stopped at my breasts and said, "They got bigger."

        "What?" I asked in confusion. "Usually, most guys would not question that notion. What's wrong?"

        The look of panic on his face gave me the exact answer I needed.

        "No," I said firmly. "Are you sure?"

        He shook his head and swallowed. "It's never been protected."

        "Shit!" I said and got off of him. "Um, okay. I'll call M'gann!"

        "Wait what?" he asked.

        "She knows," I replied. "She must've heard us."

        After I called her she came over in about twenty very long minutes. "What's going on?" she asked.

        "M'gann," I said. "Listen very carefully. I think I might be pregnant. Can you tell?"

        She furrowed her eyebrows. "Um, yeah. I can pick up on another life form..." She walked up to me where I was sitting down and placed a hand on my abdomen and closed her eyes.

        After a few minutes, her eyes widened and she flinched away. "Jasmine, you're pregnant..."

        "Shit!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and Dick's face turned white. Not only that, but I started to feel sick and I ran over to the bathroom and puked my guts out. That was a bit of stress coming out of that heaving. Dick was rubbing my back.

        "Okay," he said in a calm voice. "Calm down. We'll figure something out. We always do."

        "Fuuuucckkk!" I groaned loudly. "Easy for you to say! God, child birth...this is gonna suck some serious balls! Everyone will know soon enough! What do we tell them? Oh Jesus, what do I tell BATMAN?!"

        "We tell them the truth," he replied. "It'll probably be obvious anyways. You're a lot of things, Jasmine, but a slut is not one of them. Just breath and I guess we'll start all of the doctor appointments..."

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