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        I got shoved forcfully into a cell with a blind fold on. Ivy took it off and let me look around. All I got was a simple computer, and it wasn't even that good. She made me sit dowwn in the chair and hissed into my ear, "Now, FIND HIM."

        I squeezed my eyes shut and cracked my knuckles as she left me alone in the cell. I put my face into my hands and bit back tears. Guilt was gnawing away at my stomach and I felt sick. Looking down at the keyboard, I knew that I had to do something. I HAD to warn Nightwing. But, I could only hope that he'd be smart enough so realize the, "HELP," engraved on the desk back at my apartment was brand new.

        Swallowing hard, I placed my fingers on the mouse and keyboard. Poison Ivy had left me an address. I did my work and I felt my panic slowly rising. I couldn't count on the fact that Joker and his goons weren't watching my every move. No doubt they were also watching the internet.

        There was no way of getting a message to them. So, I used my claw as I was still staring at the computer and tore part of my skirt off. I then quickly continued searching, trying to buy as much time as possible. I looked down at the corner of the computer screen and saw that it was two in the morning. I yawned at the thought and realized that I had found him. It wasn't obvious, but his cellphone had lead me to a park, but it wasn't moving anywhere. It was most likely a disposable phone and he was probably trying to ccover his tracks.

        I closed my eyes and tried to think. There was always the option of leading them into a trap, but it would be pretty obvious what I was up to. They still had Harley.

        After another hour, I discovered that the boss's name was Kristin Valdez. He was fourty-one, black hair, dark skin and eyes, and a buff build. I quickly found where his last location was, which was reported three days ago. Great. Like THAT was going to help me.

        But, I was able to find him via other not as careful companions. Thank God that it was right next to a zetta tube! I had to get there as soon as possible. I shot up from the desk and shouted, "I found him!"

        Ivy suddenly came barging in and asked, "Where?!"

        I pointed to the location on the screen.

        A wicked smile curled along her bright red lips and she said, "Good. Now then, you know what to do. We will be watching you, Jay, but you will be going alone. I'm confident that you won't do anything that'll hurt Harley."

        I cringed as she put the blind flod back over my face and she shoved me out the door. She kept directing me where to go until we were back into the outside world. "Go," she ordered. "Kill him."

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