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I continuously punched the punching bag in an effort to blow off some steam. I had done it again. I had shown vulnerability for the ump-teenth thousandth time this freaking week! With each punch, the bag moved further and further away. Finally, it got to the point where I gave up, jumped into the air, spun around, and kicked out with my left leg (jump-spin-side-kick).

The bag went flying as the chain holding it broke off. I landed neatly on the ground. A beed of sweat dripped from my forehead and I went over to my towel and water bottle. I rubbed my hair violently and draped it around my shoulders. I drank a sip of water from my water bottle and felt the cold water slowly make its way down my throat.

It had been two weeks since the nightmare and I had flatly refused to talk to anyone, including Nightwing. Thankfully, he understood when somebody just needed to be left alone. I sat down on the ground and rested my head in the palm of my hand.

The bad was sprawled out on the ground with sand pouring out of it. With the nightmare, came a burst of strength that I never knew I had. Though I noticed that it only came when I was truly pissed. It was another one of those moments.

There was a knock on the gym door and I shouted, "It's open!"

Conner came in and he walked over to me with a blank expression. He sat down next to me and looked over at the destroyed punching bag. "That's the fifth one today, Jay."

I sighed. "Yup. What is that? A new record or something?"

He laughed a little. "Good to see your sense of humor is getting back to normal. But you know, I recommend punching at something who can take more of a beating. Wanna spar?"

I nodded silently and the towel slid off of my shoulders. I cracked my neck to the left and then to the right. Superboy took the other side of the mat and we both got into offensive positions. I was the first one to make my move. I swiftly made my over to him with my feet barely skimming the ground. My speed threw him off guard and just when he thought that I was about to move forward, I shot the the left and kicked his knee. He cried out and crumpled to the ground. I brought my knee up to his chin and knocked him onto his back.

Then, I pinned him to the ground, grabbed the collar of his shirt, and aimed a punch at his face.

"Do it," he said with a small smile. "You need to hit something real and alive."

I didn't hesitate after he said that. My fist came fly down and hit him right in the nose. I felt the sickening crack underneath my knuckles and his blood dripped from his nose. My face remained expressionless as he cried out once more. I relaxed my arms and my body and just sat there on top of him. I looked down into his sky-blue eyes and he gazed back at me. Then, I hung my head low and closed my eyes.

His upper body sat upright and he placed a hand on my cheek. "Feel better?"

I slowly nodded and pulled me into a hug. He pressed my head against his shoulder and my arms remained limp.

In all honesty, it DID make me feel better. I hit someone and caused harm, without truly hurting them, which was nicer then it sounded. Plus Superboy was perfectly fine with me taking my anger out on him.

I finally pulled away from him and stood up. "Thank you, Superboy. Tell Nightwing that there's something I need to do. Alone."

He gave me a curt nod.

"By the way," I then said, "M'gann does love you. She would NOT shut up about you when I first met her. Try to forgive her, Conner, you two are soul mates."

I knocked out the last guy with a solid punch to the face. I looked behind me and gazed at the dozens of knocked out men on the floor. I adjusted my gloves and continued forward towards the Joker.

I didn't wait a single moment to knock down the door to Joker's room. He jumped with surprise and I waisted no time kicking him in the balls. He collapsed onto the floor and I used the same leg to knee him in the face.

"Blue Jay!" he said with panic "Let's be rational! No need to make any rash decisions."

I lifted an eyebrow. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I grabbed him by the collar like I did with Conner and thrust my face into his. "You kill Catwoman, kidnap Harley, and then shoot Nightwing. And you expect me to be RATIONAL? You're mental if you think that I would show you mercy, you asshole. You don't deserve to live!" I punched him once more in the face and slammed my other fist into his gut. "And I'm going to be the one to KILL you, Joker. You hear me? Good! Bye bye, fucker!"

I pulled out a knife from my belt and raised it above my head aimed directly at his eye which were wide with fear.

Just as I was about to kill him, a hand grabbed my wrist and twisted it so the knife was released from my grip. I jerked my head around; fully prepared to beat the hell out of whoever wanted to stop me.

It was Batman.

I didn't hesitate to kick him square in the jaw. It was very obvious that he wasn't prepared for that. He fell backwards behind me and I slammed my heel into his stomach. He grabbed my ankle and then threw me to the side. I hit the ground hard, but I wasn't going down THAT easily! I shot up and used both feet to kick him away from me. My senses had kicked into high gear and I saw everything he threw at me. I dodged every single one as I made my way closer and closer to him.

I got to the point where he could no longer throw anything at me and I slid underneath him. I popped up behind him, but he caught my wrist, twisted, and put me into a joint lock.

"What are you DOING, Blue Jay?" Batman yelled at me. "Taking his life will NOT bring her back! It won't make anything better. Revenge does nothing!"

I finally fell limp and said in a hoarse voice, "What do I have to loose?"

Batman then let me go my shoving me into the wall. "I knew what you were planning when I heard Superboy talking to Nightwing. I came here instead. I've been there, Jasmine, and Revenge does nothing. You can have justice by putting him behind bars. That is his punishment. Life in prison."

I turned to him with a harsh glare. "Fine."

I decided not to stick around and I shoved past him, kicking Joker once more in the face on my way out.

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