Leave Me Be

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Three years later:

I walked down the street and had just turned twelve years old the day before. Cat Woman and Harley Quinn had gotten me a new customized outfit for my name of Blue Jay. My real name was Jasmine.

The outfit was really cool! And it would expand to fit my height for the rest on my life. The top part was blue that stopped just above my belly button and then a black skirt that went down to just above my knees. Then, black leather boots with heels that went up to my knees, a mask that was black, and really awesome gloves that went up to my elbows. The awesome part about the gloves? They had claws at the ends of them just like Selina's.

I wasn't wearing it just then, of course.

I looked up at the night sky and decided to take to the rooftops. The Joker's plan was destroyed by the dynamic duo three years ago, so the city was still fine and running.

I flew up to the top of the roofs and lied down to look at the clear night sky. I felt the cool breeze brush against my skin and I sighed with content. But, of course, Boy Wonder just had to swoop in to ruin the moment.

Cat Woman had been training me over the years, and I was very proficient with my reflexes. I hopped up a split second later and got into a fighting position. i laid eyes on Robin and my face twisted.

"I thought I told you to leave me alone," I spat at him.

He shrugged. "Eh, I know, I just want to talk, alright?"

I relaxed and folded my arms. "Fine. What do you want?"

"To offer you a place to stay," he replied. "Look, I know that you and Cat Woman are tight and that she's like a mother to you, but, you could have a better life! Please, consider it?"

I snorted. "No way! I don't like big houses or being spoiled. I like my freedom."

"You've robbed two banks and you're what? Eleven?"

"Twelve," I corrected. "And? So what? What are you going to do about it, Boy Wonder?"

"You know," he said, "because of you, that is now my new nick name. Thanks a lot! I have a great reputation now! But it's a bit annoying when fighting bad guys."

I rolled my eyes. "Leave me alone, Boy Wonder. I want nothing to do with you."

I flew up into the sky, but his grappling hook caught my ankle and he pulled me back down. I landed with a hard thud and I grunted in pain. He placed a foot on my chest and didn't let me give up. "Look, it's either you come with me, or I have to arrest you!"

"Yo!" a new voice said and a blur shot passed us and then next to Robin. "'Sup, Rob! Everyone's wondering where you've been." The guy with messy orange hair saw me and lifted an eyebrow. "Who's this?"

"Blue Jay," Boy Wonder replied.

Kid Flashes eyes widened. "Woah! No way! You told me about her once! You're the girl who kicked him in the head!"

"You know about that?" Robin asked as KF snorted.

"Everyone knows!"

I used that opportunity to slide my leg under Robin's and I shot into the air and flew away quickly. I was getting so sick of him trying to save me! And save me from what? I actually had people who cared about me right where I was, which was more then my mother ever was to me. I was just fine where I was...why did he want to screw that up?

I stopped by a local hair salon and told a lady what I wanted done. I was going to pay with the stolen money. Wee!!! The lady died my blond hair black with blue tips. When she asked why, I told her that I just needed a change.

And it was the truth! Robin knew what I looked like, well, a general idea anyways. It was totally way to dark for him to see, so he probably didn't have a good image of me in his head. All I knew, was that I could get taken away, and I didn't want that.

I walked out of the hair salon and put my hair up into a pony tail, and then headed home. My home was now with Selina, and she was happy to have me. Harley stopped by once in awhile, but we all knew that she was going to get arrested one day and then taken to the Wacky Ward. I was more concerned at the moment about the new team of sidekicks, and Robin was totally one of them.

That could become a problem. If Robin tried hard enough, he might be able to convince the rest of his team to help him turn me over to the light side. Of course, that was never going to happen though. I was perfectly content with being the bad guy.

Two years later:

I was now fourteen years old and had constantly been trying to avoid Robin to the best of my ability. He kept popping up in places when I was all alone. He'd even tried to stop me from robbing a convenient store.

But this next time, we actually fought.

"Blue Jay!" Robin called out to me as I was exiting an ally way. "Stop!"

Boy Wonder swooped down from the roof and I realized that his outstretched legs were aiming for me. Cat Woman had updated my costume so that none of my now pixie cut hair with blue tips stuck out from under a hood, so he had no clue who I really was now.

I ducked out of the way, caught his foot, and swung him into the brick wall. He landed hard and let out a huff of air. I then flew into the air and spun kicked him away from me. But this time, I didn't run when he fell down. No. I was going to stick around and make sure that he left me alone once and for all.

He got back up and was totally expecting me to be gone, instead, he got a hard punch to the face. I didn't want to kill him, so I kept my claws in. He fell back again and I kicked him in the stomach. He grunted in pain and coughed up some blood.

Unfortunately, he had the advantage of size and was able to catch my foot and slam me down onto the ground. Damn, I was so short. He got on top of me and pinned me to the ground and blood dripped from his nose and onto my cheek. It was disgusting.

I moved my legs so that they wrapped around his neck and I yanked him back. I sat up and cross my legs around him so that he couldn't use the same trick. I dug my claws into his arms where I had him pinned by the arms. He cried out in pain and cringed. "I told you to leave me alone!"

"You're a criminal, Jay," he said back as the blood dripped from his cut lip. "You left me no choice. I told you awhile ago, I will save you, I will always save you. that hasn't changed. I don't want you to go to jail. You were just a kid that got pulled into the wrong crowd at the wrong time. Let me help you! Please! I can't stand to watch you ruin your life!"

I narrowed my eyes and got off of him. I didn't let my guard down however. I never let my guard down. That's what Cat Woman and Harley taught me. Before I could change my mind, I flew away. I felt confident that he had gotten a nice taste of what I was capable off.

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