Ass Whopin

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My head was in my arms at the table and I was messing around with a coin in boredom. M'gann was babbling on and on about how she and Conner were going through a rough phase, trying to get me to open up. I had completely tuned her out and was more focused on getting the coin to spin for a long time.

I pursed my lips in concentration when M'gann suddenly shouted, "Jay! Are you even listening?"

"Nope!" I replied bluntly and the Martian sighed and sat down in the chair next to me at the kitchen table.

"You're not very social, are you?" she asked.

I gave her a smart-ass look. "What could have possibly given you that absurd idea?" I asked sarcastically.

She narrowed her eyes. "You're going to be here for awhile, you know that, right? Nightwing isn't going to let you go until you behave."

I rolled my eyes. "I haven't done a single damn thing since I've gotten here! Again, I'd like to stay OUT of prison, so don't worry. I'm not planning on doing anything stupid, alright? You want me to open up? Fine. First question: Why is Nightwing so insistent upon 'saving' me?"

M'gann sighed. "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. Nightwing has a lot of different intentions that none of us are aware of. Plus, me might just be lonely. His best friend left to go and try and live a normal life with MY best friend, and a member of our team betrayed us."

"This started back when I was nine, M'gann," I replied.

She paused. "Oh, then I have absolutely no idea."

"Not to mention that I'm a criminal practically raised by Harley Quinn and Cat Woman," I continued. "I'm a freaking criminal. What could he possibly want with me?"

She sighed. "Again, I don't know."

I stretched a little and yawned. "Anywho! I'm tired. I haven't gotten any sleep since two nights ago, and I am ready to hit the sack! Anywhere that I could sleep?"

"The couch," Nightwing suddenly said from the frame of the door into the kitchen. "You have to EARN a room."

I shrugged. "Whatever. It'll probably feel better then my own bed." I got up without waiting for a response and flopped down on the nearby couch in front of the T.V.

Nightwing sat down next to me before I could stretch my legs. I gave him a pissed look and he rested his hands behind his head. I grumbled, "Excuse me, buddy, not to be rude, but, MOVE!'

He closed his eyes and snickered. "Again, you have to EARN it!"

I rolled my eyes again and rested my head on the edge of the couch. My eyes became extremely heavy and so did my legs. Eventually, I felt into a nice deep sleep.

"Rise and shine!" Nightwing practically shouted in my ears.

My eyes snapped open, I jumped up, and fell back on the floor. "Ouch! Jeez! Is this how you NORMALLY wake everyone up?!"

He shrugged. "Nope, just you!"

I groaned and sat up. "What time is it?"

He looked up at a nearby clock. "Uh...about one a.m!"

I turned and glared at him. "You're an ass."

He snickered again. "If this is what it's going to take for me to save you, then so be it. I am going to do whatever it takes to try and make you see yourself the way I see you, okay? And, unfortunately, you are not the most whelmed person in the world, so this is going to take a long time. But, you are extremely stubborn, so it's going to take even longer!"

I snarled at him and stood up. "So? What's your plan?"

He shrugged. "Not quite sure yet. Plan A: get you to bond with one of us, anyone of us! Take your pick! You can bond with anyone of your choosing!"

I tilted my head to the side and narrowed my eyes. He was right, I was extremely stubborn, but I was also pretty damn evil when I wanted to be. So I was going to be as difficult as possible. Finally, I smiled. "Superboy!"

Nightwing's smirk turned into a frown. I smiled in satisfaction and walked away with a certain bounce in my step.

Superboy then walked down the steps and I smirked. "Hello, Superboy! So! Nightwing wants me to 'bond' with you guys. And I thought, 'Hey! What better way to do that, then to spend time with a fellow stubborn?' And now, here we are! When should we get started?"

Superboy just kind of stood there awkwardly and said, "Uh, okay-"

"On second thought!" Nightwing cut in. "Maybe we should skin plans A through F and go straight to plan G! Yeah, that sounds good! Superboy, you can go ahead and, go back to bed or something. It's one in the morning."

"I was just going to get a glass of water..."

Nightwing abruptly grabbed my arm and pulled me down the hall. "You seem to respond best to action. So, we're going to spar."

He took me into the main hall area and the computer running the place turned on. I rolled my eyes and unzipped my leather jacket, took off my sweatpants, pulled on my leather gloves, and slipped on my mask and hood. Now, I was in uniform.

"Fine," I replied. "Have it your way. But I'm not going easy on you."

"Wouldn't have it any other way," he said as he turned. When he saw me, he stopped and stared. "Woah. I didn't know you had an outfit. But, I'd loose the hood."

I sighed and pulled back my hood. "Fine. So, are we going to start or what?"

"I beat you once," he replied and stepped up to me. "What makes you think I won't do it again?"

I smirked. "Because this time I know exactly what's coming." And without waiting for a response, I jumped into the air, spun around, and hook kicked him in the face in one fluid motion. He was thrown back but quickly caught himself. Without a single moment of hesitation, he immediately retaliated. He twisted his leg around, wrapped it around my leg and threw me backwards. I caught myself quickly and back flipped away from him.

Nightwing lashed forward and I caught his punch. I jumped up using my flight powers and I threw him as I landed. He suddenly twisted in mid flight and landed a hard blow to my face. I barley flinched, but it caught me off guard and he used that moment to turn and shove me to the ground. I quickly outstretched my arm and pushed off against the floor. I used that momentum to cartwheel up and both of my heels hit him in the jaw. I landed away from him as he fell back onto the ground.

I smiled. "Thank you Harley!"

Nightwing sat up with a painful grunt. "Okay, I'll admit, I wasn't expecting that. Harley Quinn taught you that, I presume?"

I nodded. "You assume correctly."

He chuckled a little. "Round one goes to you. But I won't be going easy this time either."

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