Guess Who's Back?

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Three Years Later:

I ran my fingers through my pixie cut hair with blue tips as I walked down the street in my leather jacket. It had been a long night and Robin hadn't shown up for awhile now. It was a lot easier to get what I wanted though. Cat Woman had gotten me set up with my own apartment since I turned seventeen. She was going to wait until I was eighteen, but she just wanted me to be safe in a place of my own. Harley had also disappeared along with the Joker. The Joke had been taken to prison, so I assumed that she had gone with him.

I took out my keys and put it into the lock on my door at number 13. No one wanted it because someone had died apparently, but I didn't care honestly. I didn't believe in any of that crap.

I yawned and flopped down onto the sofa. I had just jumped a rich looking dude who had pissed me off because he had called me dirty trash. It may have been true, but I had never gotten drunk, I didn't smoke, and I had never done drugs. That was because of my mother. I never wanted to be anything like her, so that meant staying the hell away from all of it.

There was a knock on the door and I shouted, "What?!"

There was a moment of silence and then another knock. So, I groaned and got up to answer it. As I opened the door, there was a guy about a year older then me with scruffy black hair and amazing blue eyes. He was way taller then me with a strong build and he was really quite hot.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He smirked. "I'm Dick Grayson-"

I immediately slammed the door in his face and locked it tightly. Cat Woman had told me who Batman was, and who his side kick was. Obviously, he had no idea that I knew.

Holy crap puberty had been generous! I had only grown to 5'2''!

"Jasmine!" he shouted. "Come on! Open the door!"

"Go to hell!" I shouted back. "Leave me alone! I told you years ago! I don't want to be saved."

I heard a moment of silence. "I'm sorry," I heard his voice crack through the door. That voice. It hit home hard. It was the same tone that I used with my mother when I was begging her to not go drinking.

I squeezed my eyes shut and groaned again. I slowly turned the door knob, and opened the door. I stepped to the side and gestured for him to come in. His eyes widened in surprise and he stepped inside.

"Thank you," he said as I shut the door.

"You have five minutes," I said, "to explain why you want to help me? Why are you so damn persistent?"


I lifted an eyebrow. "Because what, Dick? Why? Because I was a sweet little girl who's mommy OD'ed on her and her father left before I was born? Look, I don't need your help and I don't want it."

He sighed. "I had a feeling you'd say that."

I narrowed my eyes and saw exactly what was coming. I caught the arrow before it hit me and tossed it to the side. However, during that little distraction, Dick lunged forward and pinned me to the ground. He was ten times buffer then before! He made me roll onto my back and pulled my arms behind me. Hand cuff went around my wrists and he yanked me back up to my feet.

A girl with long blond hair and a Green Arrow related outfit stepped in.

"Thank you," Dick said to the girl.

She shrugged. "I could've ended up just like her, of course I came to help. Plus, she could end up like Cheshire."

I narrowed my eyes and snarled. "Why do YOU care? You don't even know me!"

"Because my mom was sent to prison and my father is evil," she spat back. "Our situations aren't drastically different missy."

Dick made me walk forward passed archery girl and I asked, "So what now? Are you going to take me to the police?"

"No," he replied. "No officials know about this. And, you're welcome, I deleted all photographical evidence of you robbing or beating the crap out of somebody. I really wish you could have just listened to me when I talked to you for the first time. However, when I make a promise, I keep that promise. I WILL save you, Jay, I will always save you."

I groaned and he lead me down the stairs. He then shoved me into the passenger seat of the car, buckled me in, and got into the drivers seat. He started the engine and we drove off.

"Where are you taking me?" I demanded.

"I've talked to the Justice League and the rest of my team," he said and I flinched. "They've agreed to keep an eye on you and to try to HELP you, alright?"

I rolled my eyes. "Good luck, buddy. I'm REAL stubborn. And what makes you think that I won't just fly away once we get there? Or as soon as you stop the car, hmm?"

"Because Superman will be there," he replied and I cringed. That was a valid point. I was an excellent flyer, but I could't break the sound barrier like he could. I slouched in the seat and pouted.

He snickered. "That's what I thought. You're not going anywhere, Jay, because you won't be getting very far."

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