I'm a Good Person

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I slumped on the park bench in a park next to the Laster Tag place. I was exhausted!

Dick sat down next to me. "Woo! We gotta do this again sometime!"

I smiled and laughed. "Yeah, we gotta. I dunno about the single player, I wanna play with a team. It might be fun to work as a group..."

He gave me a surprised look. "YOU want to be a part of a team?"

I shrugged. "I never said that I never wanted to. My team was pretty much consisted of whoever the hell could benefit from me the most, including Joker. Which was why he was going on about betrayal and what not. But, yeah, it's nice knowing that someone's got your back, I'll admit that much. But, then it's hard if you have to leave them for whatever reason."

He sighed. "I know what you mean." He looked over to me and we just kinda sat there. Our eyes were locked together and he suddenly cleared his throat. "We, uh, we should get back before the game starts."

"What game?" I asked.

He gave me an evil grin. "You'll figure it out soon enough."

It took us about an hour to get back to the mountain and everyone looked totally excited.

"Alright!" M'gann's cheery voice said as she floated down. "Here's how this 'training exercise' works. We're at the end of Happy Harbor," she opened a map and pointed to where we were, "and this is the other side," pointed again. "The goal of the game is to get to the other side as fast as possible. There will be prizes for whoever can cross the finish line first, second, and third. This is kind of like a race, with a twist. You can use whatever methods you choose to stop your opponents, except for extremes."

Robin raised his hand.

"Yes, Rob?"

"Will we be able to trap our opponents?"

She smirked. "Absolutely. But nothing too dangerous. Remember, the goal is to get there as fast as possible."

I looked up at Nightwing. "So THAT'S why you took me out this morning! It was preparation for this, wasn't it? You wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be totally lost, weren't you?"

He didn't replied, but shifted a little.

"We start in ten minutes!" she then announced. "Starting...Now!"

The power suddenly all shut down and I put on my mask with night vision on it. For those who didn't have that luxury this was gonna suck! I flew into the air silently, determined to get at least third place. I wasn't about to get shown up by THESE people!

I shot out of the exit, amazed that they trusted me this much. Hmmm, it must've been the cookies...

I landed on the ground, knowing that M'gann wasn't gonna make it THAT easy. I heard a yelp of surprise as Cassie fell from the sky. Clearly, she wasn't very good at this yet. Noob.

I then saw Conner and smirked. This guy, I could mess with a bit. I shot forward silently in the air, picked him up by the shirt, and dropped him. He landed with a hard thud, and i flew away quickly.

"Hey!" I heard him protest. "No fair!"

I snickered silently and continued to hover just inches above the ground. I looked forward and saw a weird green bug on a tree next to me. I picked up the bug and threw it behind me. I heard Beast Boy shift into a human and he hit the ground hard. Robin was the next one to appear to me. I pulled down on his cape and twisted it around his head.

Flying away quickly, I heard him shout with surprise.

I smirked with satisfaction, until my mask was ripped off and I flew straight into a tree. I fell to the ground and looked up. Once my eyes adjusted, i realized that it was Nightwing.

"Missing something?" he asked. "Awww, that's a shame. You better run, little birdy, 'cause you're not gonna get-"

I was gone before he said anything more. I was wicked fast when flying and my adjusted real fast to darkness. I couldn't see clearly, but I could see well enough to tell who someone was.

But, Nightwing probably knew this place like the back of his hand and I ran into him again. I hit his chest and he grabbed my wrists to keep me from escaping again.

"It's not THAT easy," he said with a chuckle. I dug my claws into his wrist and he winced in pain. I used that moment to fly up high, just enough so that he wouldn't be able to reach me. I shot off and spotted the finish line as I reached the top of the trees. I drifted back down and walked carefully in pursuit of the finish. Almost there.

There was a sudden blood-chilling scream from behind me. Impulse took over and I flew quickly towards the sound.

Nightwing was trying to free Batgirl from a weird looking guy with huge muscles. I targeted his knee and I flew at full speed into that knee. I felt the nice crack beneath my heels and smirked with satisfaction. He cried out with pain and released Batgirl. I smelt blood, but ignored it. I then raked my claws across his face followed by a knockout punch.

Once he was finished, I turned to Nightwing who was applying pressure to a wound on Batgirl's back. There was a beautiful knife in her side. "Give her to me," i demanded. "I'll fly her back to the mountain."

Nightwing didn't hesitate and I lifted the both of us into the air. I made my way inside and set her down in the medical area where Batman was doing God knows what.

He flinched when he saw her and demanded, "What happened?"

"She got stabbed by this weirdo," I replied quickly. "I was able to get to her before he did something worse."

Nightwing came huffing and puffing on in and said, "It's true. She took him down without a problem however."

I looked away as my cheeks turned red. "Go," Batman said. "I need you two to let the others know."

"We're all already here," M'gann said as she came in with the others.

I felt Nightwing grab my wrist and pulled me away into a separate room. "Thank you," he said. "Without you, that could've gotten ugly."

"It was-"

Before I could finish, his lips were on mine. It felt like I had skipped a step on the stairs and my heart was flying. I closed my eyes and leaned back into the kiss. His right arm was pressed my hips against him, while his left hand was pressing me head up to his. My hands rested on his strong chest as I reached on my tippy-toes to reach him. He was so damn tall!

He slowly pulled away, but just barely. We were both out of breath by the time we were done. His forehead was resting on mine and he said, "Why the hell didn't I do that sooner?"

I laughed a little as me cheeks were aflame. "Well, I probably would've beatin' the shit outta you, so, yeah." My fingers gently glided over his semi-swollen face and I furrowed my eyebrows. "And trust me, it's not an attractive look on you."

He gave a puppy-dog pout and said, "But I'm attractive either way!"

I rolled my eyes. "I can't believe I kissed you back. God! Who would've thought that not two weeks ago, I would've gladly thrown you off of a friggin' bridge!"

He smiled and kissed the corner of my lips. "You won't now, because you're a good person, Jasmine. Plain and simple. Not many people would've jumped into something like that."

I swallowed hard and he tilted my chin up to look at him. "See? You won't even deny me anymore. And that means I'm one step closer to saving you. You have no idea how much that means to me."

I closed my eyes. "I know."

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