Chapter 1: Welcome to FairyTail

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2/15/16 A/N: Currently rewriting Team Nashi to make the plot more smooth going to to add more depth into it. So please excuse the sloppy story line for now :)

Hello! My name is Nashi Layla Dragneel daughter of Lucy Heartfilia Dragneel and Natsu Dragneel. Yeah, you probably know them. After all, my parents are the heroes of Magnolia. But that's not really important is it? Let's get to my life.


"But I don't want to." I pouted and crossed my arms over my large chest.

"But you can meet so many new friends! You won't regret joining the guild." My mom insisted.

Puh-lease. They just want me to be a hero so I'm not a bad impression on them.

"That's right, Nashi! You can even meet Gray's daughter, I'm sure you'll get along with her." There was a pause and dad put his hand on his chin, "Or maybe not..."

Carly, Happy and Carla's daughter, flew in and landed on my shoulder. "I wanna see the guild!" I glared at Carly and flicked her off my shoulder. Shouldn't my best friend be on my side? "No way, Carly! Not in a million years am I going to become a drunk who does fancy magic for money."

That's when fire came out of Dad's ears, "NASHI LAYLA DRAGNEEL! That is no way to think of Fairy Tail!" He started to drag me by my arm, "YOU'RE GONNA PULL MY ARM OUT OF MY SOCKET!" I screeched in complaint.

"I don't care what it takes, but you are going to join Fairy Tail!" I struggled under Dad's grip, Mavis he was strong.

"Carlyyyyy! Help meeeeeeeee!" The stupid blue flying cat, or my so-called friend, only laughed at me.


Dad flung the guild hall's large door open and you could instantly hear all the noise from the bustling, laughs to the screams.

"You can let go of my arm now." I growled at my dad as my arm started to throb.

"Sorry, sweetie." Natsu smiled as he released my arm. 'I hate him so much sometimes,' I thought to myself as I rubbed the bright red mark on my arm.

"Oi flamebrain!" A man's voice called from a table. I looked over to see a guy with raven black hair and there was also a blue-haired woman sitting next to them. That must be Gray and Juvia Fullbuster, Dad talked about them all the time.

"Hey, ice princess!" Mom and Dad rushed over to them and started talking.

Everyone in the guild seemed to be chatting and laughing. There were a lot of couples and children who looked my age. I wonder if--

"HEY! I've never seen you around here!" A girl with long blue hair yelled in my ear which interrupted me from my thoughts.

I studied her and realized she was only in a blue bra with matching panties. "W-where are y-your clothes?" I gasped as I jumped back.

The girl laughed, "My name's Jaylee Fullbuster." Gee, thanks for ignoring my question but I guess being the daughter of Gray answers it.

I hesitantly held out my hand, "I'm Nashi Dragneel."

"Oh so you're the flamebrain's daughter."

"Don't call my dad names, you pervy popsicle!"

"Who you calling a pervy popsicle, fire breath?!"

After a few more minutes of bickering a blue-haired dude with a red tattoo broke us up, "Shut up, you two!" He growled.

"Make me, Jellal Junior." Jaylee said emphasizing 'Junior' probably just to annoy him.

"I'm older than you, Jaylee." He stated calmly, "Anyway, who's your friend?" He said while looking at me. "Oh, this is Nashi. She's the daughter of Natsu and Lucy."

He gave me a flirty smile that I bet he uses on tons of girls. How the hell is this boy a flirty playboy?! Isn't he the son of Jellal and Erza? Well they must of had this boy on the highway, 'cause that's where most accidents happen.

"Well hello, Nashi. What a beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He said giving my hand a soft kiss.

I blushed a little, even though I shouldn't be.

"H-hey Ja-Jellal." I stuttered.

He smirked, "You're hotter than fire itself."

I laughed at what happened next: Jaylee punched him in the face. "Stop being a flirt! Since when are you flirty?!" She gaped.

"Well, I'm sorry that I'm in love." Jellal grinned giving me the lovey-dovey eyes.

Jaylee thought for a moment then looked down at Jellal, "Give it up, Lorie."

Who's Lorie?

Jellal sparkled then what sat on the floor was a small girl with glittery white hair and deep blue eyes. "You fell for it!" She rolled on the floor laughing.

"I hate you and your stupid transform magic!" Jaylee growled then looked up at my confused face. "This is Lorie Dreyar. Daughter of Laxus and Mirajane Dreyar."

Then the real Jellal Jr. walked over and picked up Lorie by her pastel dress. "Don't ever do that again or I will decapitated you with my swords." He growled roughly.

Jellal looked at me, "You must be, Nashi. Sorry about that. Everyone here is insane, but I'm sure you have more sanity inside of you. I guess you already know who I am."

I averted my eyes towards him, he was pretty hot if I do say so myself. "Um, yeah. Thanks...I think," I responded quietly, not really sure how to respond to that.

"Don't you want to meet some other people?" Lorie insisted sweetly.

"Sure!" Carly then flew and landed on my shoulder, "Oh and everyone, this is Carly." Lorie jumped up and down, "OMG! Is that an exceed? She's so cute!" I rolled my eyes and followed Lorie who ended up carrying Carly. "Hey, Bianca and Jacob." She greeted them. Jaylee whispered in my ears, "These are the Redfox twins. Bianca is an iron dragonslayer and Jacob uses script magic."

Jacob had blue hair and glasses and Bianca had black hair that was thrown in a huge side braid. Wow that girl had a lot of hair. "Sup girl?" They said in unison. "This is Nashi." Jellal said plainly, "Oooh! You must be a Dragneel! I'm delighted to meet you!" Jacob smiled. "Pssh, nerd." Bianca scoffed.

A hand was set on my shoulder and I looked up to see Dad, "Hey, little Nashi. Meet everyone? Wanna join the guild now?" I scratched the back of my neck, "I guess so..." My mom fist-pumped the air, "Yay! Little Nashi's going to join the guild!" She cheered. "Guys, don't call me that." I said in embarrassment while they all chuckled at me. "Aww, but it's so cute, little Nashi!" Lorie giggled while putting an arm around my neck.

A blue haired woman walked over to my mother holding a toddler's hand. "Hey Wendy!" Lucy Dragneel greeted, "Is this Julius?" Wendy Conbolt nodded, "It sure is. Have you seen Carla lately?" Carly squirmed out of Lorie's hands and flew in Wendy's view. "Aye! She's at Lucy's apartment with daddy." Wendy giggled at the sight of Carly, "Okay."

After a while everyone's gaze turned to me, "Please join the guild!" They pleaded in harmony. "Well, I guess," I sighed not wanting to admit defeat. Mirajane skipped over and stamped my hand with a pink fairytail symbol. "Welcome to the guild!"

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