Chapter 18: Fight! Fight!

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I layed in my bed and stared at the pink ceiling, "How many children do these people have?" Is the thought that occurred most. These people sure liked to frick frack.

I giggled and rolled under my covers and let the warmth of the surrounds consume me into a peaceful sleep. Well, if you call nightmares peaceful.


"Nashi?" A voice called out and I looked around but there was nothing but blackness and wind.

"Nashi?!" The voice called out again except it was louder. "Storm?" I called out into the high winds that pushed me different directions.

After what seemed like hours I finally collapsed to my knees and put my face in my hands as tears spilled from my eyes. "I'm scared...I'm alone..." I whispered.

"There's no need to be scared, Nashi." A voice said from behind me as a warm hand touched my shoulder.

I looked up through my tears vision to see Storm's handsome face looking down at me with a smile.

"Storm!" I cheered in happiness and hugged him tightly not wanting to let go.

"I won't ever---" he started but his sweet voice was interrupted with the sound of a gunshot. I looked at my hands to see red and I quickly let him go.

"Storm!" I called out as his limp body collapsed in front of me. "No! Storm!"



"Jeez, someone's desperate." A familiar feline voice joked.

I sat up in my bed and my eyes shot open to see light streaming through the blinds on my windows.

"Why are you panting?" Carly asked in a gentle voice.

"J-just a nightmare." I said with a heavy breath.

"About your boyfriend?" Carly smirked.

"HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" I yelled in a Lucy-rage voice.

"Suuuuure." Carly giggled and sat on my head.

I groaned and ran my fingers through my unruly hair while throwing my legs off my bed and sitting up. While setting Carly down I got out my clothes and went into the restroom. I quickly stripped and turned on the shower to warm. When I stepped in I felt the warm water run across my body like a gentle stream.

When I finished washing my salmon-pink hair I stepped out of the shower and brushed it out while I wrapped a towel around my body. I dried off and put on the usual pink tank and shorts then put my hair into a ponytail.

"Wow, that took you forever." Carly complained while swatting at my hair, "Shut up..." I mumbled.

When I stepped out into the hallway I froze in my place, "Get me?" Was the first memory that I heard but I quickly gave my head a shake

"I was probably just tired..." I whispered to myself and gave the back of my head a quick scratch.

"Let's go!" Carly's little paws tugged on my arm as she led me out the door and through the kitchen towards the guild where I assumed Luke, Mom and Dad were.

I walked along the edge of the river on the way to the guild where the fisherman told me to be careful but I just shrugged them off.

"Hello Nashi," A gentle voice sounded from behind me. I looked back to see Jellal Jr's bright face flashing me a warm smile.

"Hey Jellal," I grinned while using airplane arms to balance along the ledge.

"I hope you don't fall in," Jellal chuckled while he strolled beside me on the sidewalk.

"Of course I won't," I expressed, "I do this everyday to gain balance and there is no way that today I will just happen to fall in."

He smiled, "Except for that one time you did fall in." A smirk of victory was plastered onto his handsome face.

I stuck my tongue out at him, "That won't ever happen again."

When we arrived at the large guild hall doors we entered in a natural manor to see the guild louder than usual. Everyone was crowded around Luke excitedly their faces looked like they had seen an angel.

"Didn't they see him yesterday?" I asked while I little jealousy tugged at my heart.

"Not everyone was there yesterday. Besides, it's his fist day back at the guild," Jellal explained.

I shrugged my shoulders, "Well he seems like he will be pretty popular amongst the guild."

"Yeah and just wait till Storm comes. They were best friends in their real early years before Luke disappeared."

"Is that so?" I scrunched my eyebrows while looking up at Jellal who seemed to cringe at Storm's name and looked intently at Luke.

I shook my head and tucked a pink band behind my ear, "Well, today seems like it won't be very interesting." I heaved a sigh.

"You never know," Jellal smiled that knowing smile, "Things usually get very banged up when powerful mages are gathered."

As if by signal; chairs started to be tossed and the chatters of the guild hall turned into roars of arguments.

Even Lucy who had summoned Virgo had joined the fight. Holes quickly started to form across the wooden floor of the guild hall.

Jellal even stepped forward and transformed into his Earth God Armor. I quickly tried to grab his arm to prevent him from destroying the guild hall only to release a squeak, "Kyaaa!"

I found myself in a hole that was clearly created by Virgo. I groaned and looked up to see Storm's gaze down on my now-heated face.

"That was an adorable 'Kyaaa' you made there." He chuckled while lending me his hand.

I accepted it and help him lift myself from the hole, "It was not cute," I pouted.

Storm ruffled my hair, "That's cute, too." He chuckled, "Now let me stop this ridiculous fighting."

I stood next to him as he held his hand up towards the roof; a silver magic circle was at his palm, "STORM MAKE: THUNDER!"

Thunder boomed throughout he guild hall causing everyone to cover their ears and look towards Storm.

"What the hell was that for?" Natsu growled while a fire encircled his hand.

"To get you to shut up," Storm said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Natsu's gaze rested on mine then back to Storm's. "What did I say about staying away from my daughter?" He growled in a dangerously low voice.

My eyes widened at what happened next, "What? Are you afraid I'll do this?" Storm grabbed me by both arms which pinned them to my side and planted a long kiss on my lips.

My face was as scarlet as Erza's hair when he released me with a smirk on his face.

After I recovered from the shock I let a pink fire form on my hand as I punched Storm in the gut, "Baka!" I yelled.

Not only was he an idiot for kissing me in front of the guild but he was antagonizing my dad. I never saw this side of him.

A heatwave hit me and I looked over to see Storm with burnt clothes and his hair set aflame but was quickly set out when he cast a rain spell.

Once Natsu and Storm started to fight others joined in as well, "Oh hell," I rubbed my head as I looked at all the fighting.

An arm was slung around my shoulder and the figure beside me laughed, "The guild hasn't changed." Said my blonde brother.

I giggled beside him, "I don't think it ever will."

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