Chapter 13: Chained

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A/N: Best picture I could find except she's not in a dress...her feet are chained...and there's no

I awoke to darkness. As my sense of touch slowly came back I felt chains on my wrists and ankles. Was I chained to a wall?

I tugged on my body and sure enough I was. I winced as I felt a sharp, dense pain coming from my stomach. Someone had done something to me while I was asleep.

I tried to cry out for help but my voice wouldn't work. It was if something was clogging my throat. Was I just suppose to helplessly wait?

It seemed hours before there was a creaking in front of me and the light of a torch. I looked up hopefully to see Storm or Jellal, but it was only a creepy looking man with a knife and a mirror.

"Did it like pretty picture I drew on its belly?" The person (or thing) said with awful grammar.

"Wh-what are yah-you t-talking ab-about?" I croaked being able to barely speak.

"It would like to see? Here, now it can see." The creature said. Oh, so now I'm an 'it'?! Great...

He flashed a mirror in front of me and I gasped to see the world, 'D E A T H' engraved into my stomach. I winced when I noticed how deep the cut looked. Fresh blood still continued to spill as it glittered in the torch-light. Pain shot in my stomach, for seeing the wound made it worse.

"Gahhh-" I hissed in pain. 'Ow...why I am in this situation? What am I to be held captive? What good am I? I just want to go home and be with my mom and and dad,' I thought to myself solemnly.

"It feels pain, does it? It's not in enough pain. Why don't it cry?" He smirked and took out a whip, swiping at my arms and legs. It stung and I screamed in pain. Tears rolled down my face as if my cheeks were a slide. "HEELLLP!" I screeched as if someone could here me.

"No one will help it, no one will find it."

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