Chapter 11: Team Nashi

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A/N: I threw my phone across the room. JELLAL HOW COULD YOU?! That guy with the axe is me -_- HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US SHIPPERS?! ;-;


Almost everyone had fallen asleep on the floor during the movie we watched. I snuggled into my blanket on the floor and turned over to see Jellal staring at me. "You're still awake?" He whispered to me.

"Yeah, it's hard to sleep in the cold." I shivered. He pulled me too his warm chest and my cheeks grew rosebushes of pink, "Is this better?" He whispered down to me. "V-very." I stuttered and instinctually cuddled into his chest. "Good night, Nashi." He whispered. When he said my name it sent butterflies to my stomach but I was too tired to worry about that. As snug as a bug in a rug; I fell asleep.


'Snap! Snap!' Was the sound that woke me up. What followed that sound was giggling and, "This is totally going on GuildBlog!"

My eyes fluttered open to see Lorie holding her MagiPhone and the camera pointed at me. I looked down to see Jellal's arms around my waist and my head against his chest. I squealed and jumped up, "Don't you dare!" I jumped after Lorie's phone but ended up face-planting into the couch. "Oww..." I muttered.

A warm hand was placed on my back, "Are you okay?" Storm asked. I clumsily got up and rubbed my eyes, "Yeah, I'm fine." Jellal was next to Storm with eyes filled in concern.

I put my hands on my hips, "Don't worry about me."

*** Guild Hall ; 2:00 PM***

"We're all in this together!" Lorie cheered putting her hand in the middle of our circle. Storm, Jaylee, Jellal, James, Bianca and I all put our hands on top of hers.

"TEAM NASHI!" They all cheered in unison. "Guys, I'm not really sure about this." I said feeling guilty for the team being named after me. "Oh come on! You're awesome! Everyone loves you and we couldn't have a better leader." Jaylee smiled. "True dat." Bianca said while chewing on a piece of iron.

"Thanks guys." I said with a faint blush on my cheeks. "I couldn't be happier." I smiled, but truthfully the guilt still swirled in my belly. The all gave me a warm hug which lifted my spirits.

"I think you'll be the leader we've been waiting for." Bianca smiled, "Nice, stubborn and funny."

I tapped my chin not sure to take the 'stubborn' thing as a complement. "I do appreciate it." I muttered softly. "Let's all go get some apple juice." Lorie suggested, "I love you guys." I smiled while Storm put his arm around my shoulders, "I love you, too." He winked while Jellal pulled him off.

I giggled, 'I really do love you guys.'

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