Chapter 9: Boys

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***9:00 PM ; Lucy's Apartment***

I poked at my dinner with my fork, "Dad, why can't I be friends with Storm?" I asked in a hushed tone. Natsu looked at me with a frustrated face, "I already told you." He sighed. "Because he's dangerous? Just because he's dangerous doesn't mean he'll hurt me." I said. "I don't want my daughter hanging out with dangerous perverts." Natsu instructed.

"He's not at pervert." I argued. "All Fullbusters are perverts." Dad retorted. That was so not true! Jaylee nor Storm were perverted. Just because Jaylee has a habit of stripping doesn't make her a pervert, right?

"Just stay away from his and we can be a big happy family." Natsu ruffled my hair. I sighed seeing no reason for arguing further. Not even Mom had said anything, maybe she agrees with him. I finished my pasta and broccoli then put it in the dishwasher. "I'm going to bed." I announced as I headed to my room.

I entered my room which was very pink. I believe you know what my favorite color is by now. The carpet was a dark pink and the walls were a light pink which I had posters of my favorite wizards from Sorcerer Weekly. I even had on of Mirajane in a before-after picture of her normal maroon and pink dress then her Satan Soul. Mira was very scary but very awesome.

My bed was framed in white with the fairy tail emblem engraved on the headboard. I had a light pink sheet then a blanket that my mom had sewn for me. The bed was up against a window which let me see out into Magnolia, but it wasn't the best view.

On my dresser was a large mirror and above the mirror was a shelf with Fairy Tail action figures which Aunt Lisa bought for my birthday. I had Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Happy, Laki, Makarov, Mavis, Mirajane, Cana and Gildarts. She seem to know exactly what to get me.

I sat down on my bed and rested my head on a fluffy white pillow. I don't understand why my father was so against Storm Fullbuster. He some-what encouraged me to be friends with Jaylee, so why am I not allowed to go near Storm? He was so nice and honest and handsome. Not that I had a crush on him or anything.

I sighed and rolled onto my side. Soon my eyelids became heavy and I fell into a deep slumber.


"Jellal..." I whispered as I looked into his handsome brown eyes. "I love you, Nashi." He whispered as he leaned down to kiss me. I felt his gentle lips touched mine and my eyes fluttered closed. When I opened them again I saw Storm staring at me in delight. Wait where did Jellal go? "Nashi..." Storm said in a handsome voice, "Nashiiiiiiiii...." The voice turned into a whine. I saw Jellal's face flicker then my vision went dark. "NASHI! WAKE UP!"

"Can't I sleep longer?" I grumbled wanting to go back to my dream. "No you may not! Jaylee told me to come and get you!" Carly said as she tugged on my arm with her tiny paws. "Too bad." I muttered as I felt my brain start to shut down again.


Ice-cold water was dumped onto my face and I squeaked and jumped up. "CARLYYYYYY!" I growled. "You need to get up, Nashi!" She said holding the cup from which she had dumbed the water from.

"Well maybe I don't want to get up!" I complained as I headed towards the bathroom. I quickly stripped and slipped into the shower. I put some shampoo and conditioner in then brushed out my hair. I jumped out of the shower and put a neon green dress on with floral sandals. Then I lazily braided my hair to the side.

Carly was waiting in my room and I looked at the clock which said '9:30'. "You could have let me at least sleep in until 1 o'clock." I grumbled. "You're such a lazy butt," Carly said, "And you know what Dad said, 'No butts for you!'" The exceed giggled. "I really don't like you sometimes." I sighed.

Carly and I walked together to the guild hall along the side of the river, "Be careful Miss Nashi, don't fall in. It's slippery today." The river men warned. I rolled my eyes, "I won't sl-AHHHHH!" A splash sounded as I hit the surface of the water.

I wavered my hands around not being able to tell which way was up until a hand grabbed onto mine and pulled me out. I ringed my dress out, "Thank you." I smiled and looked up to see Jellal. "You need to be more careful." He said wrapping his long-coat around my shoulders. He squeezed my arm and continued to walk to my the guild hall, "I came out to get you," he started, "Since everyone likes you and we could agree on a good name we wanted to call the team 'Team Nashi'. How does that sound?" He asked me with a smile on his face.

I blushed a bit, "I don't deserve such on honorable title." Jellal only chuckled, "Everyone looks up to you and you are a very powerful mage. You are strong, beautiful and kind," He slipped his hand into mine and my cheeks went darker, "no one is more fit." He finished. "I'm flattered but that's not true," I said as I stared at my shoes." I felt his gaze on me but I kept my eyes on the ground, "That's not what everyone else thinks. I think you're amazing."

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