Chapter 23: The End

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"Haha, that's very funny Jellal." I said sarcastically. "Brightening the mood?" He said with a nervous smile.

I rolled my eyes, "As long as I'm chained to a wall there is no bright mood."

"Sorry Nashi, this is my fault." He said sadly. I smiled in hope to lift his spirits, "It's okay." He gave me one last sad smile and we went on in silence for what seemed like hours.

My head swung to the cell door when I heard it's raging grinding sound that it made when it opened.

"Who goes there?" Jellal said to the shadowed figures that entered. 'He sounds like someone is entering a castle,' I thought to myself.

"We're on your side," a female's voice said. Two girls stepped into the faint light of a torch that hung on the wall. It was the girl who had captured us from earlier and a scarlet haired girl who looked like a teenage version of Erza Scarlet Fernandes with a side braid.

"My name is Scarlet Fernandes and this is Gabriela Redfox. We want to stop DEATH from kidnapping our family." Scarlet announced.

"Wait a you're my...s-s-s--" Jellal surpressed but was interrupted, "Sister? Yes." She smiled up at him and her eyes shone in the light of the torch. This girl looked like she was ready to cry but she held it back.

Brie held up her hands and with some swift movements we dropped to the ground. I rubbed my sore wrists and ankles.

Jellal ran over to me offered to help me up, "Are you okay?" I gladly took his arm, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"They were on a date," Brie whispered and I looked up to see Scarlet's suspicious gaze.

I blushed and Jellal smiled at me.

"Alright," Scarlet started, "So we already executed the first part of the plan which was to tell all the originally stolen members to get the hell out of here. Then we contacted Luke to come with a couple of members to help every good soul in here escape."

"What exactly are you planning...." Jellal asked nervously not letting me out of his grasp. His arm was around my waist holding me closely as if he was willing to protect me from a gun shot.

"We're gonna bomb this place," Brie said with excitement lingering in her voice. "Kapow!" She made a little scene with her hands.

"We need to hook up the bombs," Scarlet took out a map from her pocket which showed the whole fortress, "in these places." She pointed to the circled areas.

"Once the bombs are hooked up they will automatically activate a countdown for fifteen minutes. When you get all of them hooked up you will meet us here," she pointed to the entrance of the building.

She handed us the map and 5 lacrima bombs. Those did lots of damage. "Go," she cued us and we ran out of the cell and up the stairs. Jellal's arm was still tightly wrapped around my body as we ran in sync.

After 10 minutes we got all the bombs hooked up. Jellal tugged on my arm to go but I didn't budge. I breathed heavily, running was not my thing.

"Okay, I'm ready." I announced and stood up straight to see Jellal's face in alarm and staring dead straight at the bomb we just planted.

"Nashi. Run." He demanded. "What? Why?"

"Nashi!" He yelled, "I said run, damn it!" Without a second thought I ran and sighed in relief when I heard footsteps behind me.

I heard the sound of an explosion erupting behind me and the next thing I knew there was no floor beneath me. I went tumbling to the floor below and hit it with a hard crash. I tried to catch myself with my arm but it resulted in a crack and a raging pain. I let out an earsplitting shriek and then a ringing noise entered my ear.

"Nashi!" Someone shook me but my senses were going numb. I couldn't recognize the voice at first, nor the face when I looked up. My brain slowly recognized Storm.

I layed there blankly looking at his fuzzy face. "Nashi! Get up!" He shook me with a panicked expression.

"Where's Jellal?" I said slowly and darkly. My hearing was messed up so I sounded like a hairy man.

I titled my head to see a blue-haired man under rubble. Without thinking I stumbled over to him not hearing the roaring fire and chaos around me.

I tried to lift up the heavy piece of metal ignoring the deathly pain of my arm, "Nashi?" I saw his fuzzy head tilt towards me, "Stop! Get out of here!" He yelled but I could only faintly hear it over the ringing.

"I'm not leaving without you," I retorted slowly and stubbornly. "Please Nashi! Get out of here! For me!" His eyes started to tear up.

"But I love you..." I murmured and felt my own eyes tearing up only making my fuzzy sight nearly blind.

"I love you, too, Nashi. More than you could know, that's why I want you to go." He gave me a sad smile.

I lightly kissed his lips, "I'm not leaving you," I brushed a strand of his blue hair out of his eyes.

"Nashi....please..." He begged. "Nashi, we're leaving." A man demanded. Storm. He picked me up bridal style and started running towards the exit.

"NO!" I screamed, kicked and thrashed, "JELLAL! WE CAN'T LEAVE HIM! NO! PLEASE!"

I heard the explosion of the last bomb and the building collapsed and caught aflame. 'Jellal...h-he can't be...'

From the emotional and physical pain my brain started shutting down. I slowly faded into darkness and that was the end.



I cried while writing this. Please don't kill me! There will be a sequel! I shall make you happy! Please...spare my already broken feelings!

This is the last chapter of the book.

The End.

Love you,


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