Chapter 15: Back

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A/N: If you haven't noticed; I updated chapter 14, so check and see if you read it! :)

I walked down Magnolia with my arm hooked with Luke's. 'I have an older brother!' I thought with a smile. It was such a relief that I didn't have to die in that dark cell. Of course I was a bit angry with him, but how could I stay mad at a family member I had just found?

"Nashi!" I heard a voice yell and before I could blink a felt someone embrace me with a tight hug, "D-dad?"

"Great Mavis, Nashi, you scared me. Please don't leave us again." Lucy gasped while adding to my dad's hug. "I won't, I'm sorry." I whispered into my mom's blonde hair.

Once they released my I looked behind them to see Jellal Jr, Storm, Erza, Jellal, Jaylee, Gray, Juvia and almost the rest of Fairy Tail behind them. It seemed that relief washed over them and they all slumped over. That's when I noticed how dreadfully tired they looked. How long had they been searching for me? How long have I been gone?

"Storm..." I whispered and walked over to him and gave him a hug, "I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you. You were right." I whispered into his chest only to be ripped off by Natsu, "What did I tell you, Nashi?! Stay. Away. From. Him." He demanded.

I crossed my arms stubbornly and puffed out my cheeks, "Ugh." I heard the giggled behind me, even Storm was laughing. "You're so cute when you pout," Jellal Jr and Storm both chuckled. Natsu threw Storm to a tree, "Stop flirting!"

"Hey! Watch where you throw my son, flame brain!" Gray growled while marching up to Natsu. "Watch where your son is flirting, ice princess!" Dad retorted and they started to brawl.

"L-luke?" I heard Lucy gasp and guilt went to my stomach when I realized I forgot he was here. I looked over to my mom to see tears start to form in her eyes and her lip quivering when she saw her lost son.

My dad looked over to Luke and froze in his spot, his pupils were the size of a spec. "Is it really you?" My mom asked as she put her hand to her mouth. I skipped over and linked my arm through Luke's. "Mom, Dad; I found my older brother." I smiled brightly.

"I- I thought you were dead..." Lucy whispered as her tears finally fell from her eyes. "Well," Luke scratched the back of his head, "I'm here now."

Lucy's immediately embraced him in a tight hug and I giggled as Luke's face went pale and I also noticed that he was taller than her. That made me feel shorter than I already felt.

"I can't believe it. Where have you been all this time?" My mom cried into his vest, "I've been training so when I came back you would accept me as a strong son who you could count on."

Lucy shook her head, "All I wanted was my son. Please, never leave me again." Luke smiled and hugged her back, "I promise I won't. Besides, now I have a younger sister to take care of." He said and looked at me.

"I can look after myself." I pouted."You clearly proves that statement wrong when you went off by yourself." Storm argued and I huffed in response.

"Well, I think it's time that we all get home." Erza suggested, "We've been searching for a long time with little sleep. We need to get our strength back up."

Jellal agreed with his wife, "Yes. Let's go, Jellal." He said while looking at his son: Jellal Jr.

We all headed back and went to Lucy's apartment and I went to my room and sighed on the bed. 'Why didn't my parents ever tell me?' I thought in pitty.

After a long while there was a knock on my door, "Nashi?" Mom's voice called as she opened to door, "Are you alright?"

I was curled up in the corner of my bed with the sheets draped over me, "I'm fine." I lied with a whine the lingered in my voice.

"You clearly aren't." She replied as she closed the door behind her and sat on my bed. "What's the matter?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" I squeezed my legs that my arms were wrapped around. Lucy put a motherly hand on my knee, "Because I didn't want to add any sadness to your life. We didn't want you to feel sorry for us or go and search for him. We thought that Luke was dead and we wanted you to live a happy normal life without knowing that you had a dead brother."

I understood her reason even if she was lying I guess it was nice of her to keep it a secret so I could live a more carefree life.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" I asked quietly. Mom looked at me and smiled, "When you were older; yes. But now we don't have to worry about that because your big brother is here and alive. That's all that matters." She gently ran her hand through my pink hair and patted my head, "Now let's go eat some dinner and enjoy the life you have."

I nodded and followed her to the dinner table were Natsu and Luke were eating like pigs.

"Natsu! Would you at least try not to make a mess!" Lucy complained. "Not when there's food!" Natsu chuckled while stuffing another piece of chicken in his mouth.

Luke sat beside him and gnawed on a chicken leg. They looked so alike.

I sat at the table beside Lucy and took small bites out of my chicken leg. "So how have you been training?" Natsu asked Luke while only taking a glance up from his food.

" an association." Luke said quietly. "You mean a guild?" Natsu asked, confused. "No I mean an association. There like guilds except not as...official."

"What do you mean by official?" I asked with creased eyebrows. Does he mean a dark guild?

"I was with the Dark Eye Association of The Hallowed." He murmured. My eyes shot open and the all gasped. Natsu shot up from his seat, "WHAT?!" He roared, "WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH THE D.E.A.T.H!"

"Training." He muttered. "They murder people!" Lucy gasped, "How could you?"

"I didn't know at first. They took me in when I was lost, so I trusted them." He said in an ashamed voice.

"The DEATH killed..." Lucy started a couple tears falling down her face.

"Rin Fullbuster."

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