Chapter 10: Jealous?

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***Guild Hall ; 1:00 PM***

"Hey guys!" I announced while they looked at me with quizzical faces. "My parents are going to be on a quest for a week so I was wondering if you guys wanted to come to Mom's apartment to hang out."

Storm sat next to Lorie and Bianca while Jellal, Jaylee and James sat on the other side giving him death glares.

That poor innocent boy. He didn't mean to do anything wrong and he was clearly still here to make up for all the lost time.

"Sure," Storm said with a hesitant smile. "That sounds like fun!" Lorie squealed, "Whatever, I'll come." Bianca added.

Our eyes led over to the people on the opposite side of the booth who sighed, "Do we have a choice?" Jaylee muttered groggily. "Not really, I will drag you there if I have to!" I mused.

They sighed and groaned a "Fine" in harmony.

Lorie and I skipped side-by-side to my mother's apartment while the other dragged behind us. When we reached the door I slipped the key into the keyhole and with a 'click' it unlocked.

"This is a pretty big apartment," James observed the 5-roomed home. "Eh, I've seen bigger." Bianca shrugged.

"Come on," I said while gesturing towards the living room. We all sat down in a deformed circle on the reddish carpet.

"Truth or dare!" Lorie cheered a suggestion. "Oh god...not with boys," Bianca groaned. Lorie only smirked, "You haven't completed your dare yet, liar."

Bianca's face turned red, "W-well it's too late now." She announced. "No it's not." I argued, "So do it."

"Do it now, or we'll force you." Jaylee threatened. Well, I was glad this lifted her mood a bit.

The boys looked at us with confused faces. "Fine," Bianca sighed and quickly kissed James on the lips with a red face. "W-what?" James blinked with his cheeks pinched with pink. "It was a dare! It's not like I have a crush on you or anything." Bianca huffed while giving James a tiny shove in the chest.

"Okay..." James slowly got back to his normal self, "But don't be afraid to give me another one." He flirted and I chuckled in response. Bianca's face turned red (in embarrassment and anger) then she punched James in the face, "DON'T. YOU. EVER. MOCK. ME."

James smirked in response showing no pain. Ah-- typical James.

"Anyway--" Lorie started to change the subject, "Storm; truth or dare?" She giggled. "Dare." Storm said courageously.

Lorie's eyes fluttered over the group then her eyes caught on mine. I flinched at her evil gaze. Oh dear...

"Storm, I dare you to kiss Nashi. On. The. Lips." I glared at her and she smiled innocently.

"Okay." Storm shrugged but it was obvious that he was trying not to smile. I looked over and saw Jellal Jr. glaring in the corner.

I felt my cheeks burn as Storm crawled closer to me and put his warm hand gently on my cheek. My eyes shot open when I felt his lips brush mine. Then he pressed them and I could feel the warm of his breath. He didn't stop kissing me until 7 seconds later Jellal pulled him off. "Get off her," he growled. Storm gave him a crooked smile, "Jealous?" he scoffed. "Don't be such a pervert." Jellal retorted.

While they continued to throw insults at each other the girl's gaze rested on my tomato-red face and giggled. "That was worse than mine!" Laughed Bianca who was kicking her feet in the air.

Everyone continued to argue, laugh or giggle but I just thought to myself, 'Why would Jellal pull him off? And why did Storm stay in the kiss?'

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