Chapter 2: First Time

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It's been two weeks since I've joined the guild. Other than the friends part, it's sucked. You'll find out why.


"Hey Nashi!" Jaylee greeted me while I sipped on a glass of apple juice at a table. "What's up, Jay?" I asked her excited face, "Wanna go on a quest with me?" She exclaimed before putting her hands together. How many times do I have to tell these people? "For the millionth time: I. Don't. Know. How. To. Use. My. Magic."

Jaylee groaned. What does she think I am? Magic? Oh wait, I am magic...damn it. "Well why don't you make Natsu teach you?" I glared at her, "He's always busy with jobs!"

The door burst open and Dad and Mom came in arguing again. Jaylee skipped over to them, "Hey, Natsu?" Dad's gaze landed on me then met Jaylee's, "Sup, Princess?"

She smiled at him, "Could you pleeeeease teach Nashi magic so she can go on a quest with me?" Dad looked at me, "You still don't know how to use magic?" His expression was surprised and confused, "I've tried but I can't figure it out!" I complained. "Well then hell, why not?"

Natsu grabbed my arm and led me outside. "Focus your energy on a feeling, feel your inner dragon. Now try the iron fist."

I took a deep breath and focused my energy. "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I roared. Nothing. You have to be freaking kidding me!

"That sounded like it would work. Maybe you're a celestial wizard after all." I shook my head violently, "No, no, no! I got this." There was no way I was going to be a celestial wizard and let my celestial spirits do the battling for me!

I focused my energy again, I was going to do this! "FIRE DRAGON IRON FIST!" I roared even louder then a pink flame danced around my hand and sent me striking through the air.

"I did it!" I did a little happy dance. "Yay! Little Nashi did it! Now try the roar."

I focused my energy the same as last time, "FIRE DRAGON ROAAAAAR!" A fire erupted from my mouth and Natsu ate it. "Hey! You made a meal out of my awesomeness!" I complained and punched Dad in the stomach. He grunted and looked at me, "Well someone is getting stronger." I smiled at him with pride.

"Can I go on a quest with Jaylee, now?" Natsu's eyes widened, "Hold it. You just learned how to use it thus you are in no shape to fight." My body went limp and my arms sagged, "But--" Dad shook his head, "No buts or butts." Happy came up behind him, "Aye! No butts for you!"

"Let's go home, Nashi." I sighed and followed him to our apartment. The anger started to bubble in my chest. Unfair. I needed learning experience, right?

When we opened the door, Mom was making dinner. "Hello, little Nashi. How was your day?" She asked. "Dad taught me magic but wouldn't let me go on a quest with Jaylee." I pouted in hopes Mom would change Dad's mind.

Natsu grumbled, "I don't want you getting hurt."

"Ugh!" I turned away and stomped to my room. Why do they have to be so over protective? "Fine. Be that way!" I slammed the door behind me.

Carly opened the window and landed beside me, "Hey Carly. Don't you want to go on a quest?" Carly fist-pumped the air, "Aye! I'll be right back. Jaylee has a surprise for you."

A couple minutes later Carly came back with Jaylee in her grasp. "Wh-why did you bring her here?"

Jaylee punched me in the arm, "Well don't you want to go on a quest, flame princess?" I nodded, did they expect me to break the rules? Oh Mavis.

"Jellal, Lorie, Bianca and James are waiting outside," Jaylee told me.

"Wait who's James?" I inquired with a puzzled look. "The son of Elfman and Evergreen. James Strauss." She said like it was obvious. "And you still haven't met Leonardo Strauss, son of Bickslow and Lisanna. Oh, there's also JJ's older sister Alexa Fernandes."

Woah, there are a lot of people. "Um okay..."

Carly picked me up by my pink tank, "Let's go!" We fluttered down to the ground, "Wait!" I thought for a moment, "Dad's gonna kill me." I muttered.

A guy with light brown hair and green eyes put his hand on my shoulder, I assumed this was James. "It's okay, Nashi, right?" I nodded, "Well, if we can destroy all the Vulcans your dad will realize how you're such a great wizard and will trust you." I sighed, "Thanks James." Even if we did manage to defeat all the Vulcans Natsu will kill me either way and I doubt they were just going to let me stay in my room.

***Mt. Hakobe ; 10:00 PM***

"It's cooooooold!" I complained. The snow was so freaking cold in this blizzard. "Stop complaining, it's perfectly fine." Jaylee huffed and I jumped back. "WHERE ARE YOUR CLOTHES?!" I gasped.

Lorie giggled at me, "I'm surprised your not used to it by now."

I wrapped my arms around my cold body, "Why didn't you guys bring me a jacket?" Everyone else, well except Jaylee, was wearing a jacket. Snuggling in it cozily probably just to bother me. "You can use mine," Jellal shrugged and wrapped his jacket around me. "Thanks, Jellal." I smiled at him.

***Lucy's Apartment ; 10:00 PM***

Lucy went into Nashi's room holding her dinner, "Nashi, here's your--" Lucy dropped the meal which splattered on the ground, "NASHI?!" Lucy ran over to where Natsu and Happy were devouring food like a vacuum cleaner. Then there was Carla who was cutting up her steak like an angel.

"NATSU! Where's little Nashi?!" Natsu looked up at Lucy with a confused expression, "In her room. DUH!"

Lucy smacked Natsu upside the head, "If she was in there, would I be asking you?!" Natsu rubbed his head and spoke with a mouthful of food, "Um, I don't know?"

There was a vain popping out of Lucy's forehead, "THAT WAS A RHETORICAL QUESTION, IDIOT! WHY THE HELL DID I GET MARRIED TO YOU?!"

Happy snickered, "Because you looooooove him." Lucy glared at the annoying cat, "I WASNT ASKING YOU, STUPID CAT! YOUR DAUGHTER IS GONE TO SO I DONT SEE WHAT YOU'RE LAUGHING ABOUT!" She roared.

Carla looked up at Lucy in horror, "Carly's gone?!" Lucy wanted to throw these cats in a trash can, "Oh, so now you care?!" Carla huffed, "Your daughter is your responsibility."

Natsu stood up from his seat, "Come on Lucy," he said as he grabbed her from the arm, "Let's go find Nashi. She probably snuck out because she's mad at me." Natsu sighed, "I just hope she's okay."

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