Chapter 20: My First Real Kiss

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I nervously walked down the side walk while receiving plenty of stares. I looked at a clock in a nearby store and the time said "5:48" and I released a gasp, "We're gonna be late!"

I grabbed Lorie by the wrist and we rushed to the guild hall, "Don't destroy the masterpiece!" Lorie complained. It probably meant my makeup and hair.

We stepped into the guild hall with plenty of stares and gasps. And I swear I was going to murder someone when I saw my mom and dad.

"Nashi!" Lucy gasped, "You look so beautiful!" Natsu came over beside my mom and eyed me up and down. "What's the occasion?" He asked.

"I'm going on a date with someone." I said sheepishly and looked away from their awestruck faces. "Who?" Natsu asked in a serious voice. Thank god I'm not going with Storm.

"Jellal..." I replied nervously now staring at my shoes, "Oh." Natsu's face suddenly perked up, "Okay then!"

The guild door opened and Jellal came in looking like an angel in a tuxedo. The river walk was very fancy and you just had to look nice. When I looked behind me my parents had left and my face turned completely pink.

"Hello Nashi," Jellal greeted with a smiled. He offered me his hand and I gladly took it.

"Woah woah woah," My brother's hand pushed my out of the way and I was caught by two strong arms when I was about to fall. I looked up to see Storm looking kinda irritated even though his face was in a smile.

"Where the hell are you going with my sister?" Luke growled. "The River Walk," Jellal said it naturally with a smile as if there was nothing wrong.

"If---" Luke started but was stopped by my Dad's hand, "Hey! Let them go on their damn date!"

"Why are you going on a date with Jellal and not me?" Storm said with a sad face.

"He got to me first and knew exactly where to take me," I raised my eyebrows when I spoke.

Storm made a sad face and I got out of his grasp and walked over next to Jellal. He placed his arm over my shoulders which sent a glorious tingle down my body, "Let's go, love."

Admin: Shhhhhh Nashi! You're breaking the fourth wall. Calm child. Let's get back to the book.

"Huh?" I blushed, did he just call me love? Jellal looked down at me expectantly as if he didn't realize what he did. "Something wrong?" He asked softly. "No, no. Nothing's wrong!" I said histarically. "Ok?" He said as he pulled me closer and glanced over to smirk at Storm who was watching us with an angry face. Those two, I swear.

When we arrived at the River Walk I was amazed by the beautiful water. It was a pretty turquoise that glittered in the setting sun. I looked down the path and it looked like it never ended. There were plenty of fish darting about in the fresh waters while ducks 'quacked' on the surface. "Wow..." I smiled in amazement and I looked a Jellal who was gazing down at me as if I was an angel. Which I found creepy and romantic at the same time. We started to continue down the side of the river.

"Wanna play 20 Questions?" Jellal suggested which broke the silence that had been carried for the past couple minutes. "Sure!" I plastered a toothy grin on my face.

"What's your favorite color?" Jellal asked.
"That's a hard one....I don't really have a favorite."
"Have you ever kissed a boy before?"
I gave myself a mental facepalm, he knew the answer, "Yes." I said through my gritted teeth.
"Other than Storm?" He said with a darker tone.
"Nope." I popped the p.
He pulled me to a stop and turned me to look at him. I looked up into his eyes which shone gold in the glowing sun. He slowly reached his face down to mine and I felt his soft nose touch the side of mine.

Then his lips met mine and I could feel the electricity shooting through my body. My first real kiss.

Hey! Thank you for all the votes and reads! Yay! 5k!

Sorry for the short chapter...

So I was wondering if someone could make a new cover for this book. 'Cause the cover sucks! Please PM me for more information!

Thank you! Buh-bye!

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