Chapter 16: Missing

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"Rin Fullbuster?" I inquired. Another Fullbuster? How big are these families? By now I wouldn't be surprised if I had a twin sister named Luna.

"He was Jaylee's twin brother but he was murdered by DEATH," Lucy answered softly, "Poor Juvia-san was upset for days that she became ill. That was a dreadful time for Fairy Tail."

Luke shook his head, "Don't cry, Mom. DEATH actually has a secret."

"A secret?" I asked. Luke nodded his head, "In irony of the name, DEAD doesn't kill. They come up with a diversion of some sort to make it look like they died and then they take the child in for themselves. Sometimes they have to brainwash the person."

"Really?" Lucy gasped in surprise, "S-so Rin could still be alive?"

"Yes. He is in fact alive and so is Scarlet Fernandes." Luke said grimly.

"Scarlet Fernandes? I've never heard of 'er. Erza and Jellal's daughter, huh?" Natsu said through a mouth-full of food he had shoveled into his mouth after sitting back down.

"They said she died at birth." Lucy noted with furrowed eyebrows.

"No, she's very well alive. And she's one hell of a woman." He smirked, "She's one of our greatest assassins if we ever actually need to assassinate someone."

"Sounds like Erza quality to me." Natsu chuckled, "I'm glad they're alive. But, hey, aren't you still in the assassination?"

Luke glanced at me, "Um, I'll explain later. Alone." Natsu nodded in agreement. I crossed my arms and pouted. "Ugh," I huffed.

"Nashi, why don't you go ahead and get some sleep? We'll have some fun at the guild in the morning, okay?" Mom said in a sweet voice almost as if she was babying me.

With a groan I stormed off to my room and slammed the door then quietly opened it with an evil grin and poked my ear out. Thank Mavis for my dragonslayer hearing.

"—took a child from everyone in Fairy Tail in a 5-year range. Only some managed to be rescued, like James and Lorie. But there is still Scarlet Fernandes, Rin Fullbuster, Brie Redfox and..." There was a moment of silence, "me."

"I haven't exactly left the association nor am I allowed to. I will be brainwashed if they get to me again. If they are kind, probably just my recent memories, if not, my whole life will go away."

There was a bang on the table, "Well, I'm not gonna let that happen! We are gonna storm in their and get our kids back!" Natsu's voice echoed.

"It's not like they'll be willing to."

"I don't give a damn! DEATH is an illegal association anyway."

"Dad, there's one more thing." Luke said in an uneasy voice.


"If I don't go back...they will take Nashi."

I gasped a bit too loudly and I quickly and quietly shut the door. "" I whispered.

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