Chapter 4: Will I Be Punished?

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Virgo stared at me, "Do you wish to punish me now, little Lucy?" Can I kill someone now? I have nothing in common with my mom except my brown eyes and my personality. At least that's what people tell me.

"Why does everyone call me 'little'?!" I groaned. Virgo giggled, "Because you are fun sized. So huggable. What would you rather me call you, Miss Nashi?" I tapped my chin, "Miss Nashi will do fine." Virgo nodded, "Will I be punished?" I wanted to strangle this maid until she bleeds. I guess that would be a punishment, though. "Virgo, please stop asking for punishments." Virgo's face turned sad, "Yes, Miss Nashi."

There was a knock on the door and Virgo announced, "It's Mrs. Wendy. Shall I let her in?" Please tell me Wendy isn't here to check on me. "Let her in." When the blue-haired woman entered she smiled at me. "What do you want?" I asked, but I could just imagine Carla saying: "That is no way to speak to Wendy!" I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"I want to help you. I found a spell that can heal broken bones. You'll be better in no time." I smiled at the thought of mending so quickly, "Thank you." Wendy returned the smile, "Don't thank me yet." Wendy chanted words that I didn't catch but then a green cloud came from her hands and soaked into my cast. I could feel the magic soak into my ankle but I winced as it felt like melting wax on my skin. Wendy gently removed the cast and asked me to stand and I did so. "OMG! Thank you so much Wendy! I feel as if it was never broken!" I hugged her and she smiled.

"You're very welcome, little Nashi." Okay, since she healed me, I'm not going to kill her. For now.

Wendy waved to me and left. But right as the door closed it burst open again. Oh look, it was Jaylee the stripper. "PERVERTED INTRUDER!" Virgo shouted while taking a fighting stance. "It's fine, Virgo. It's just Jaylee Fullbuster." Virgo nodded, "I fully understand now." Jaylee huffed, "Just because I got a habit of stripping from my father doesn't mean I'm perverted."

Both Virgo and I stayed silent. Jaylee sighed, "Anyway, did Wendy heal you?" I nodded, "Yup! All better now!" Jaylee sighed, "Are you grounded, too?" I raised an eyebrow, "Yeah. Wait, you got grounded?" Jaylee bit her lip, "Yeah I did. Everyone got grounded for helping you sneak out." Oh great now the guilt it getting to me. "This is all my fault!" I pouted. "No. It's mine. I thought of the idea and technically forced you to go. So yeah..." Virgo nodded, "It is the pervert's fault." Jaylee's face turned red, "I AM NOT A PERVERT!" Virgo bowed, "Will I be punished?"

That maid is going to die one day, and it will be by my hands. I brushed a piece of my light pink hair behind my ear and took a deep breath, "So, what are you grounded from?" Jaylee asked. "Going on quests for a month." I sighed. "Same here," Jaylee nodded, "Do you wanna go to the guild hall and talk with everyone?" I jumped up, "YESSS!!! But Virgo will have to come with us." Jaylee and Virgo nodded and we skipped out to the guild hall.

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