Chapter 5: Apple Juice

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***Guild Hall ; 9:00 AM***
Jellal Jr, Lorie, James, Bianca, Jacob and a blue-haired girl who looked older than the rest of them sat at a table. "Hey Nashi! You look better." Said James who was giving me a huge smile. "Because a real man would get better fast." Said a gruff voice that came behind me. I turned around to see Elfman, "Hey Elfman!" Jaylee greeted the huge man. A tall woman who looked like James came up behind him, "How are you enjoying your punishment, James?" She asked in her seducive voice. "I wanna fight!" James whined in response causing me and the others to giggle. "Well then maybe you shouldn't have helped Nashi disobey her father." Evergreen wrapped her arm around Elfman, "Obeying is manly." He commented. "Now we're going to meet Nashi's parents at a cafe, like a man. So behave." We watched as the couple walked out of the guild hall.

"You have weird parents." Lorie giggled. "Well they're your aunt and uncle!" He glared. "Well I've already realized that I have a weird family, like you." Lorie pinched James's ear. Wow, those two. They might as well be siblings.

The blue-haired girl smiled at me, "You must be Nashi. I'm Alexa." She greeted, "Yep. Hi Alexa." I smiled back. She's pretty, her long blue hair and blue eyes. She's Erza Scarlett and Jellal's daughter.

"Would you like me to get you something, Miss Nashi?" Virgo asked. Oh I had forgotten she was here, "Oh-- um-- yes please." I stuttered, "Apple juice?" I smiled very thankful that Virgo knew, "Yes please!" Jaylee nudged my shoulder, "I can't believe your mom has a maid." I gaped at what she said, "Celestial spirits are friends not tools." I repeated my mother's words. "Yeah, whatever." Jaylee shrugged. I sighed in defeat, she will understand some day.

Virgo came back from the bar with a glass of apple juice and set the beverage in front of me, "Thank you so much, Virgo!" I smiled at her. "Anything for you, Miss Nashi." She said with a tilt of the head. Jellal Jr. looked at me and I raised an eyebrow, "So your a celestial wizard, too?" I was going to say no but then again I could be. "Well, it's my mother's spirit." Jellal's eyes widened when I said that, "You mean she's keeping the gate open for all that time?" I nodded, "Well, yeah, I guess. She is pretty powerful. "That's awesome." Alexa said, astonished.

"Have you seen your brother lately?" I heard Lorie ask Jaylee. I know what you're thinking, I'm a stalker. No, I am not. I just happen to over hear things. "No, of course not. You know he's always on jobs. Besides, I don't care for him anyway." Jaylee muttered.

Wow, I had never heard Jaylee speak of someone so lowly. I never even knew that she had a brother. "You have a brother?" I burst. Stupid me, he he. "Maybe." Jaylee said grouchily. I wouldn't want to upset her so I decided not to say anything else about the matter.

What could be so terrible between Jaylee and her brother?

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