Chapter 8: Problems

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***Lucy's Apartment ; 11:00 AM***

"Jaylee, please tell me why you don't like your brother." I begged. I really wanted to help my best friend even if she denied it. "I will tell you..." There was a pause, "eventually." Jaylee sighed. "You're so difficult." I shook my head. Convincing her was not going to be easy so I decided to put it aside and do something fun, "Want to go on a quest?" Jaylee looked up at me, "Really?" She said with a brightened face. "Yep."

We walked together to the guild hall, "We should form a team." Jaylee insisted. "Consisting of who?" I asked. "You, Jellal, Lorie, Bianca and James." She said as if it was simple, "What about Jacob?" I asked. Wouldn't want to leave a friend out, "Or Alexa?" Jaylee looked at me then 'oh'ed to herself. "Jacob and Alexa make up at team called Team Jexa." She leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I think they're secretly dating." Jaylee giggled and I giggled along with her. 

We then entered the guild hall and we spotted Storm and Jellal Jr. fighting over something. "Why are you guys fighting?" I asked sweetly. They both stopped and tried to act natural which was an epic FAIL. "Oh, hey, Nashi." Storm said smoothly. "And sis." I looked at Jaylee who rolled her eyes. 

"You know, fighting nice the weather is?" Storm answered my question, but Jellal rolled his eyes over how rediculous that sounded. I just giggled and tossed away the topic. "So Jellal..." Jaylee grabbed his arm and pulled him away from Storm. "We were thinking about forming a team and we want you to join." Jellal smiled, "Of course I would join--" But Storm interrupted him, "Ooh I wanna join." He smiled. "But you're a powerhouse," I gasped. "Well, I would do anything to be with my little sister and her best friend." He said while he gave our shoulders a squeeze. 

Jaylee quickly pushed him off, "That's not what you would say if Nashi wasn't here. You selfish jerk!" She sputtered while tears of sadness and hatred ran down her face. I've never seen Jaylee, of all people, cry. She quickly turned away and ran out of the guild hall. 

"I've never seen Jaylee so upset..." I whispered. Jellal put his arm around my shoulder, "It's Storm's fault to be honest. Jaylee has always wanted to do stuff with her brother but he would always turn her down. And to add on to that he never stays at the guild. He always takes the longest quests he can find then once he comes back he just starts another one. He's been awful to Jaylee. He's a terrible brother," Jellal explained,  "and would probably a terribly boyfriend." he also added.

I turned around to see Storm, his eyes sparkled obviously he was trying not to cry. He looked hurt and confused. "I-I didn't know that." He said looking lost in thought. Storm sat down in the chair behind him and put his face in his palms while he grasped his hair. "How could I have been so stupid?" He cried. 

I honestly didn't know the Fullbuster's were so emotional. They must have a really delicate relationship. I wonder what it would be like to have a sibling. 

"Why didn't you ever ask her?" I said gently. "I never thought she cared. I thought she would be embarassed if she could never be as powerful as me. But that's not her fault. I thought she wouldn't like me as I was." He cried taking his self-rage out on his handsome hair. "And where did that get you? Come on. I will make sure you get on the team so you guys can make up. I promise on my honor of being a dragonslayer." I smiled at him. 

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me down, "Thank you so much." I could feel his tears on my new blue shirt with black sleeves. Right when I was about to say 'No problem', Natsu came over and pulled me away from him with Jellal angrily glaring at Storm. 

"WHAT DID I SAY NASHI?" He raged, "STAY AWAY FROM THIS PERVERTED FULLBUSTER!" He roared. The guild became silent and I could feel everyone's eyes on us. "But Dad--" I complained. "No buts!" Dad growled. "That's right, no butts for you!"  Happy chirped. "Happy, make sure you watch her." Natsu intructed. "Aye, sir!" Happy agreed.

Dad let go of my scarf and stormed over to Storm, "Stay away from my daughter or I'll have your head on my wall." He warned in a deadly tone. Without letting Storm answer Natsu threw him into the ground and grumbled off.

 Jellal linked his arm with mine, "You should listen to your father." He said warmly while leading me out of the guild hall. I looked back into the guild hall to see Storm's longing sad eyes.

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