Chapter 19: Lorie Took Me Shopping

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A/N: OMG 4k reads! Love y'all SOOO much! This chapter is for knifesinhearts for shipping so much and commenting on the ships. I know you ship StoNa, so please don't kill me because of this chapter! *goes inside a bomb shelter*

I sat at the guild hall with Storm and Jellal on either side of my arguing their heads off with me huddled over crossing my arms with a pout.

"Can you guys please stop?" I asked nicely. They both glanced at me and looked away with a mutter, "Sorry Nashi," they sang in unison which was so adorable.

"Thank you!" I sighed and sipped my apple juice. There was a warm feeling on my shoulders and I looked up to see Storm stretching his arm across them.

"Oi Storm! Stop flirting with my sister and get over here!" Luke called from across the table.

Storm sighed and took his arm off me and slid out of the booth we were sitting in and chased after my brother. They were probably doing a job, like they always did together.

"Hey Nashi," Jellal asked in a warm tone that reminded me of honey. "Do you want to go to the new Magnolia River Walk with me tonight?"

I looked up at him with shining eyes. I had been wanting to go there since it was built like a month ago. "Really?"

"Yeah," he said cooly. "Like-- on a date?" I asked with a giggle when his face turned red. "!" He stuttered.

"Sure," I smiled brightly, "Cool. I'll pick you up at 6 o'clock!" He hopped up quickly and rushed out the guild hall doors. I swear I heard him yelling in joy.

Carly crept up behind me and sat on my head, "Sooooooo. I hear you're goin' on a date." She snickered.

"Shut up," I said and my cheeks heated up causing the cat to laugh louder.

Lorie poked her head out from behind a chair and jumped out from her hiding spot, "That means we need to go shopping!" She squealed and formed her hand into the shape of a heart.

"Oh Mavis..." I muttered as Lorie dragged me towards the Magnolia Shopping Center. There were so many stores of different sizes and products. Lorie slowed down to look at all the window displays to look for something I would need.

"Here!" She announced and pointed at a store called, "Marci's" and the writing was in pink cursive above the door. "A dress?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yep! The River Walk is so romantic. You have to wear a dress!" Lorie announced like it was the most important thing in the world.

She dragged me into the store and a raven-haired woman with red glasses greeted us, "Welcome to Marci's," she smiled in a welcoming fashion, "My name is Marci and if you need any help feel free to ask."

Lorie nodded and I waved my hand slightly, "Thank you."

"Where are you prettiest simple dresses?" Lorie asked with a wide grin. "For you or her?" Marci asked while pointing to each of us.

"Her," Lorie informed while pointing towards me, "She's going on her first date at the River Walk tonight!"

Marci grinned and chuckled lightly, "Wow. Very nice, I think I'll be able to find you a couple choices." She motioned for us to follow so we did so. She went over to a rack with a bunch of petty dresses. Marci scrolled through the dress while continually saying, "No. No. No." A few times she would say, "Ah yes!" In victory and toss a dress neatly on her shoulder.

"That should be good!" Marci announced after what felt like days of her rejecting dresses. Only 3 dresses were on her should and she gently handed them to me and pointed towards the dressing room.

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