Chapter 3: Karma

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***Mt. Hokobe ; 10:45 PM***

I screeched as a huge Vulcan picked me up by the foot, "Put. Me. Down!" My head started to throb, "FIRE DRAGON ROAAAAAAAR!" Fire erupted onto the Vulcans that were attacking my friends, but the loss of magic made me even dizzier.

"Nashi!" Bianca called while she rushed towards me, "IRON DRAGON IRON FIST!" The Vulcan that held me went flying back...with me. "BIANCAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed as the Vulcan and I went falling down the cliff. This was it. Death.

Right when I was about to accept death I felt two claws attach to my arms and pull me up while the Vulcan lost my grip and tumbled down the rest of the way. I looked up to see Lorie with a bird's wings and talons. I panted, "Thanks I thought I was goner." Lorie giggled, "Pssh, you won't escape us that easily." I gave a weak laugh.

"PURGATORY ARMOR!" Jellal roared while striking at a Vulcan, once it was down he ran over to me, "You okay?" Jellal leaned over to me and touched my ankle. "Gah," I flinched. "Oh damn, did you hurt your ankle?" He asked. No, I just felt like making a sound, "No duh!" I growled. "Is it broken?" Lorie asked. "What am I, a doctor?" Jellal retorted probably catching my bad mood.

"Lorie look out!" James warned as Jaylee froze a Vulcan right behind her. Lorie let out a little yelp but sighed in relief. "That's the last one." Bianca sighed as she came to my side along with the rest of them. "Okay, I think your Dad's going to kill all of us."

"That's right." A familiar voice said. I looked over to see an angry Lucy and Natsu. "Hey guys..." I chuckled nervously. "NASHI LAYLA DRAGNEEL!" My mother roared and picked me up my tank and I gasped in pain. My ankle felt like it would explode. Dad ran over to me, "Are you hurt, little Nashi?" I nodded, "WELL YOU'VE LEARNED YOUR LESSON!" He growled. Lucy smacked him, "You insensitive jerk! She's your daughter!" She looked down at me, "It's okay, little Nashi. We'll help you. But your still grounded." I groaned.

"CARLY! What were you thinking?!" Carla scolded her daughter, "Yeah, Carly. You should have gotten me fish instead." Happy added.

***Lucy's Apartment ; 8:00 AM***

"What were you thinking, child?" Carla scolded me. "Yeah, that was pretty stupid. I never thought of you, Nashi, as a rule-breaker." I sighed and looked down at my pink cast, "I'm sorry, Dad. I promise I will never disobey you again." Natsu put his hand on mine, "Don't make a promise you can't keep, Princess."

Lucy put her face in her palms, "I can't believe you have to meet your aunt like this." Dad looked at Lucy, "She's coming today?" Mom nodded, "Yes, Lisa should be here any second now."
There was a knock on the door and Lucy stood up to answer it. A blonde haired woman who look like my mom, but younger burst in and gave her a huge hug. "Lulu!" She smiled, "I haven't seen you forever. Her gaze met mine, "Is this little Nashi?" Why does everyone call me that? "It sure is." Aunt Lisa gave me a huge hug, "Don't--- kill-- me!" I gasped. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy to meet you!" She squealed with delight.

My mom took out a gold key, "OPEN: GATE OF THE MAIDEN! VIRGO!" A pink-haired maid appeared, "Will I be punished?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, typical Virgo. "No, Virgo. Can you watch Nashi for me while we go out?" Virgo nodded, "Yes, Princess." I crossed my arms, "Do I really need a baby sitter?" Mom nodded, "In your condition, yes." I frowned.

"You guys stay safe, we're going out for dinner." Everyone left expect for me and Virgo. Natsu poke his head back in, "Behave."

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