Chapter 14: The Dragneel

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A/N: Are you guys excited for a real plot finally? I know you guys were probably like, 'Gee what a sloppy structure' and stuff. But I think I've got it now. Now I've got a question:

Should this be a super long story like 7 seasons of Fairy Tail worth book?



***Storm's POV***

I was worried. It's been days since Nashi snapped at me and I really did feel guilty. I only wanted to protect her and make sure she stays safe. If Nashi got hurt I would never forgive myself.

When I first set my eyes on Nashi I could feel my heart leaping out of my chest. Her beautiful pink hair that was laid perfectly on her shoulders and those warm, kind brown eyes that I would get lost in. She was amazing and I wanted her to be mine.

If I really wanted her to be mine I would protect her with my life. But then there was Jellal. My 'competition'. Apparently they had slept together, according to Lorie's post on 'GuildBlog'. It really made my brain storm with lightning. I had to show Nashi that I was the right one for her.

My thoughts were interrupted when Jellal Jr. sat down in front of me, "Have you seen Nashi?" He asked in a worried tone.

"No, I haven't seen her in the past couple days." I sighed with guilt growing in my stomach.

"WHERE'S NASHI?!" Natsu growled and got up in my face. Mavis, her father was scary. "I- I don't know, sir." I stuttered.

"We have to find her!" Lucy said with tears on the edge of her eyes. "What could she be doing?"

"She's not on a quest," Mirajane noted. "Then where is she?!" Natsu growled at the nice waitress who flinched.

"Hey, be nice, punk. Mira didn't do anything to you." Laxus scowled.

Before Natsu could retort Wendy gave a suggestion, "Why don't we have a search party for her?"

Everyone blinked in the seconds of silent then the roar started back up as they ran out of the guild hall to find Nashi and I trailed at the back.

Nashi, I will find you.

***Nashi's POV***

My eyes fluttered open and I groaned in pain.

"Hello, beautiful." A voice echoes from the gate in front of me. Again, my voice wouldn't work.

The man stepped out from the shadows with a torch floating beside him. He had long blonde hair and onyx eyes that seemed to change color in the fire.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself. I'm Luke. Luke Dragneel." My eyes shot open when I heard his last name.

"D- Dragneel?" I managed to stutter. "Ah, so your familiar with the name?" He smirked, "Well of course you are, being a member of Fairy Tail and all."

'So I suppose he doesn't know who I am? I never knew I had a brother...' I thought.

"I want you to deliver a message to my father, Natsu. If he wants me, then he can come get me. After all, it is his fault for letting me get kidnapped by that dark guild. I wonder if he even misses me." He said starting to tell me his life story but right now I was in too much pain to care.

"Now, beautiful, would you mind telling me your name?" He said while placing one finger under my chin.

"Nashi..." I croaked, "Nashi Dragneel..."

There was an painful moment of silence before I heard him gasp with a flinch and taking his hand back.

"I- I...have a sister?" He asked himself in uncertainty, "No way...not possible..."

"Could you cut the drama for a moment, 'cuz I'm kinda in pain here and you're making my ears bleed..." I complained with effort. For Mavis sake, it took effort to breathe.

He rushed over unlocking my chains and catching me in his arms, "I'm so sorry--" he murmured into my ear, "If I would have known..." He hugged me tightly and I could feel his tears on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't torture someone before asking them a favor..." I croaked in between coughs.

He only hugged my tighter, "You don't need to kill me in the process either..." I gasped as he hugged me to death.

"I...I just can believe I have a sister. I've always wanted a sister," He cried.

"You torture me, call me beautiful, then when you find out I'm your sister you cry. You make no sense, you know?" I said smugly.

"I'm sorry, I've just been alone...all these years." He whimpered, "Nashi..."

I patted his blonde head, "It's okay." I looked down at his newly red shirt, "I'm not gonna do you any good in my condition though. In the future you may have an ex-little sister." I said as I coughed.

The blood on my stomach seemed to never stop flowing and I very well knew that without some medical help I would become a bloody corpse.

"I'll help you..." Luke said while propping me over his shoulder. A large ringing noise echoed in my ear and black dots started to speckle my vision. I felt as if I was losing control over my body, "I feel weird..." I said drowsily.

"Nash..." Luke's voiced echoed until I entered a stage of blackness.


"Nashi?" An unfamiliar voice asked. My eyes fluttered open to see a blonde man with sandy colored eyes that had black slots for pupils.

I instinctively crawled back with my fore-arms until my back hit a wooden headboard. I sighed as the memories came back into my mind, "Sorry Luke." I apologized while giving my head a rub.

"Do you feel any pain?" He asked gently while resting the back of his hand on my forehead.

I looked down at my stomach to see everything completely cleared up, even the word that should have left a heavy scar. "No, I'm fine."

"Good," he smiled contently and smoothed his blonde hair back over his head.

"Will you go to Fairy Tail?" I asked my brother curiously. He raised his eyebrows and looked at me with worry in his eyes.

"I-- um-- don't think so. After what I did to you I don't think anyone would forgive me." He sighed with a sad look in his eyes.

"I bet Mom and Dad miss you." I hinted, "You would be more than welcome into Fairy Tail. I won't tell anyone what you did, I promise."

"Really?" He smiled and I watched as the happiness danced in his eyes.

"Yes. You have a bright future ahead of you." He bent down and ruffled my hair, "Thanks, sis."

"No prob, bro." I giggled and jumped up. "Let's go to Fairy Tail!"

A/N: I made the chapter longer just for y'all!

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