Chapter 8

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I was getting ready for this stupid dinner party that I had to go to for my mom's work. Of course I went to show my support for her. My mom did everything for me. The least I could do was go to a dinner party. Usually I wear leggings and a nice shirt but I guess this one is much more important. There was a black dress with thin-ish straps laying on my bed along with a pair of heels. The dress was fitted at the top and flowed out at the waist. It looked beautiful. Too bad I had to wear it.

First things first I shower. Had to get all the dirt off of me. Next I wrap my hair up in a towel and pull on a black strapless bra with black underwear. Over those I wear an old grey shirt and spandex.

My makeup was a smokey eye with black and grey. I added a little gold to it but it was blended. My eyelashes were curled and finished with mascara on them to make them stay. My eyeliner was minimal in the outer corners to make my eyes pop. I add a nude lip to make my makeup complete. Next my hair.

I take my wet mop out of the towel and brush it out. I then blow dry it. With a chunk of my hair I do a waterfall braid around the back. Normally a waterfall would go diagonal but mine was a little different. It wasn't even a braid. It was more of a twist than a braid. The pieces that are left were curled. My hair actually looked good for once.

Before I put my outfit on I lotion my legs, I put on a sweet smelling deodorant and sprayed myself with a body glitter/perfume. The perfume thing was sweet smelling yet not to girly. It was more of a sweet musk. I loved the smell.

Lastly it was time to put my outfit on. I take off my shirt, shorts and grab the dress. As carefully as I could I pull the dress over my head, trying not to mess up my hair or makeup. I do that successfully and pull on the heels. They made me a bit taller, which I didn't mind. I look at the clock. 6:30. The cocktail party starts at 7 and the actual dinner starts at 9. It was a long dinner party tonight.

While I was touching up on everything I hear a knock at my door. I don't answer and they walk in. It was my mom.
"Hey mom." I say looking in the full body mirror examining myself.
"Are you almost ready?" She asks.
"Yea just about." I say putting on the necklace my mom got me for my 10th birthday. I've worn it everyday for 7 years. It was my favorite thing ever. It had a big elephant in the middle on the chain and a little further up on the chain was a smaller elephant. My mom smiled when she saw me.
"You look beautiful." She says walking over to me.
"Do you want help?" My mom asks pointing to the necklace. I nod and she comes behind me and puts it on. "Do you remember what I said to you when I gave this to you?" She asks as she hooks it in the back.
"Yea. You told me no matter what you'll always be my mom and stand right behind me. Even if I'm wrong or you don't like it you're on my side and you support me." I say smiling. She nods.
"And with you and your're right. You should have ran away. You needed to get away from your father. I just want you to be safe. If you need to run. Just run somewhere safe." My mom tells me. I was not believing my mom was telling me to run away when I wanted. This is why I love her so much. She understands.
"Thanks mom." I say smiling. She nods.
"Let's get going, we don't want to be late." She says and we walk out of my bedroom.

Jack's POV

I have been at this dinner party for an hour and nothing interesting has come up. My dad always had these things and I always go. Just for his sake. People talk about the cases they've recently gotten and the ones they've closed. Not that interesting.

"So Jack are you still doing football?" Mr.LaBouant asks me. He's always been a close friend to my dad.
"I'm no sir. Not this year." I say to him.
"Oh why's that? You were exceptionally good at it." He asks me again.
"I got hurt sophomore year. Really hurt and I didn't want to risk getting hurt again, or worse." I tell him. He nods.

"That's a shame. What do you do in your free time now?"
"Oh um I coach the middle school football team." I explain to him as he looks genuinely interested in what I have to say.
"How neat! That's good that you're staying close to football. You could teach those kids some amazing things out there." He says smiling.
"Thank you." I say and he nods while he gives his attention back to my dad. That was nice while it lasted.

I decided to go get a drink since I still had another 45 minutes of this before we eat or anything cool. When I make my way over to the bar I see someone very familiar. It was a girl talking with her father. They were arguing more than talking. The mother and a little boy stood behind them talking.

"One sprite please." I say and hand the bartender $2 for my drink.

The father raises his hand while he was gesturing and the girl flinches. That's terrible. How could ones life get that like that to the father just has to raise his hand not even an inch and have the child flinch. It's awful.

I get handed my drink and I take a sip. Who is this girl? I know her just I can't remember where.

Next thing I know the girl gets slapped in the face. Nobody seems to notice except for the mother and brother. Before things get worse the mother takes the father away with the boy following, and leaves the girl standing alone. I decide to go talk to her.

When I approach her she looks scared.
"Hey are you alright?" I ask her. She jumps at the sound of my voice.
"J-Jack? Why are you here?" It was Ella.
"My dad's work dinner thing. Now are you alright? I saw your dad-"
"Yea I'm okay. Like I said I'm use to it." She says looking at me.
"You shouldn't be use to it. I'm sorry he treats you like that." I tell her as I step closer to her.
"Don't be sorry. I don't want anyone's sympathy except for my own." She says. I nod.
"Do you wanna go outside for a bit? Get away from all the people?" I ask her. She nods and we walk out the front doors and sit on the steps leading up to the entrance.

"It's so quiet out here. I love it." I say to her.
"Yea it is nice. Sometimes I wish I could just sleep durning the day and stay awake for the night." She says looking at me. I nod.

"So what were you guys arguing about?" I ask her.
"He got mad at me for running away. He said I had no right to do that. I argued back telling him that I did that to get away from him. Then it went on from there till he slapped me." She explains. I just sit there quietly.
"I know you don't want my sympathy but I'm sorry any of this happens and if there was something I could do to change the way he treats you I would." I tell her.
"Thanks Jack." She says as she rubs her arms.

"Are you cold?" I ask her. She nods. I take my suit jacket off and place it over her shoulders.
"Thank you." She says giving me a small smile. I return one and look at her. She looks at me with her eyes. They were bright green and capture your attention. They were something I could look at all day. Before I know it I begin to lean in. She does the same. Soon were not even an inch apart. We're so close. It's killing me that I'm not kissing this beautiful girl sitting right in front of me.

I close the gap and press my lips to hers. I kiss her. I'm kissing Ella Dillion. Wow. She kisses me back softly.

This girl who I am kissing ever so gently is so amazing. She looks like a superstar without trying, her personality is wonderful when you get to know her, she's so strong and independent it kills me. She's the exact things I want in a girl. And I'm kissing my ideal girl. Nothing could ruin this night.

"Ella!" Jared screeches as he stood a few steps away from us. She quickly pulls away and looks at him.
"J-Jared! I'm so sorry! I-it-"
"It's not what it looks like? It looks like you were trying to get in this guy's pants!" He shouts.
"Jared I swear it was only a kiss." She protests. Only a kiss? It meant much more to me.
"Whatever. Be a slut if you want-" I cut him off before he can finish.
"Hey don't call your sister a slut." I say to him.
"You kissed Jack! Are you serious! I was fine with some random guy but not Jack! I can't believe you Ella! You always find a way to ruin people's lives!" He shouts at her.
"Jared please-"
"No it's true! You've ruined my life, mom's life, dad's life, even Nate's life. You're probably the reason he moved out! I don't know how you do it." He says frustrated at his older sister.
"She didn't ruin your lives!" I say sternly to him.
"Oh and by the way Ella, Nate is in the hospital. He said something about you not caring for him. So he tried to kill himself." Jared says and walks back inside.

Nate? Who's that? When Jared say that I could see Ella break down. Stop functioning. She cared so much for that boy.
"Ella?" I ask her.
"C-can you take me home?" She asks barely audible. I nod and help her up and walk to my car helping Ella in. I get in and drive the broken girl back to her home. Wherever that may be.

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