Chapter 12

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It's been a month since I've met Ashely, and she's become my best friend. She and I have every single class together. Except media.

Today was Saturday so I was hanging out with Ashley, and the Jacks.

"Come on I know you like him!" Ashley shouts at me as I walk down the stairs to her kitchen. I just woke up, but she's apparently been up for a while.
"For the last time we're just friends!" I say as I sit down on one of the stools at the bar in the kitchen.

Ashely thought I had this huge crush on Jack G. I don't. We're just really good friends.

"Yea friends...with benefits." She mumbles the last part.
"I heard that!" I shout.
"You were suppose to." She says laughing.
"I'm gonna throw this orange at you." I say and start peeling it. "Actually I'm not. I'm to hungry." I say taking a piece off and eating it. She laughs as she sits next to me with her breakfast and we eat.

"Okay so Johnson will be here any minute. We should probably get ready." Ashley says. I nod and we start looking for our things. We both decided to match today. Ashely wore a pair of teal Jean shorts with a white t-shirt that she ties in the back to make it a crop top. I wore a pair of pale pink shorts with a plain white crop top.

We both did our makeup lightly which was just concealer and mascara.

Our hair were in braids so we took them out which made them nice and wavy. We looked cute.

Ashley put on white vans and I out on pale pink ones. "They're here." She says as she checks her phone. I grab my phone and some money and we head out to Johnson's car.

"Hey." Ashley says and kisses Johnson. They've been dating for a little while and I thought it was cute. They were the same height which was adorable. Ashely was a bit taller than me which made Johnson taller than me and Jack G tower over me.
"Hey babe." He says smiling. I wanted that. I wanted someone to make me smile by doing the simplest things.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.
"We were thinking about going shopping. There's this party coming up and we wanted to go." Jack G explains. We nod. Okay cool.

"So I'll take Ash and you can go with Jack." Johnson explains. We all agree and go our separate ways.

Jack and I walk awkwardly together for a while.
"So where do you wanna go first?" I ask him.
"Anywhere you want." He tells me.

First we go to some stores for him and he buys one or two things. Then we go to some stores for me. I just get jeans and a jacket. Lastly we go to a sports shop. I needed new soccer gear.

"Are you going to help me out with this?" I ask him. He nods. First I had to pick out some sports bras. I was in desperate need of those. Next I get some black shorts, some red, and some white. Whole I pick out a soccer bag, and ball, Jack was on shirt and sock duty. I told him I needed a medium sized short and socks to fit a size 10 shoe. He gets right to work.

I picked out some cleats that were white and they faded to red as they reached the heel. They looked really cool, and they fit which was even better.

Jack approaches me with some socks, shorts, and some headbands.
"I figured you would need these." He says to me. I smile.
"Thank you." I say as we take the things up to the counter. They ring everything and it comes up to a total of $386. It's a lot for soccer things. I grab out my money to pay when I notice that Jack payed for my things.
"Jack! That's a lot of money. You didn't have to pay." I tell him.
"It's okay I wanted to." He says adding a smile. I smile back at him and we walk out.

"I at least want to buy you something." I tell him. He laughs and we walk into a skate shop. It was cool in here. Jack walks over to the counter to talk to someone while I look at the long boards. I've always loved the idea of going long boarding with someone but I never had someone to do it with.

"How may I help you?" A boy asks. He looks around my age. He was a little attractive. But I had my eyes on someone else.
"Oh I'm just looking." I say to him.
I walk around and see a board I like. Maybe I'll get it. I'm not sure. When I went to pick up the board the kid pulled me to him. "Get your hands off of me." I say to him as I push him away. He grabs my wrists at the last moment. "Let go of me!" I say a little louder.

"Hey get your hands off of her." Jack says coming over to us.
"Hey man I was just having a little fun." The kid says letting go of my wrists and pushing my shoulders back. I fall into Jack and he keeps balanced.
"You keep your hands off of her you hear me?" Jack says and we walk out of the store.

"Are you okay?" He asks me. I nod. "I'm sorry he did that to you." He says quietly looking at me.
"It's fine. The guy was just stupid." I say to him. He shrugs and we decide to go meet up with Johnson and Ashley.

"You guys wanna go to the park?" Johnson asks as we get in his car. Ashely was in the passenger seat and I was in the back with Jack.
"Yea. Let's get something to eat and sit there." Ashley says. We all nod and go get some sandwiches and go to the park.

"We're gonna go sit over here. You guys can go sit wherever." Johnson says as him and Ashley walk over to a little picnic area.
"We're going somewhere else." Jack tells me. We walk over to a huge tree. "Follow me." He starts climbing. I follow him up and were about 30 feet off the ground. It was really high up. The branch Jack sits on is wide and very stable. "Let's eat here." He tells me as he hands me my sandwich. I unwrap it and take a bite.

"So what's your favorite song?" Jack asks me.
"Probably Red Lighter by SoMo." I tell him. "What about you?" I ask him. He smiles.
"A Drop in the Ocean." That is a really good song.
"It reminds me of a special girl. I just want her and I to be together." He says looking up at me.
"That's really sweet. Whoever she is she's lucky to have a guy like you like her." I tell him. He sighs and looks out at the park.

"Jack? Ella? Where are you guys?" I hear Johnson call. We were currently up in the tree taking pictures. Some of them were of us and they were really cute.
"Up here!" We call.
"Come on were gonna go home." Ashley shouts. We both climb down. Jack makes it on the ground. I was still a few feet above the ground. I step on a branch and it breaks making me fall. To my surprise I didn't hit the ground. Jack caught me.
"Thanks." I say as I look up at him.
"Anytime." He says setting me down gently.

"This would be a really cute picture." Ashley says as we stand next to each other looking out at highway from the catwalk we were standing on.
"Way ahead of you." Johnson says snapping a picture. We smile and laugh. "Come on guys it's getting dark."' He says and starts walking wrapping his arm around Ashley's waist. I start to walk but Jack grabs my hand and pulls me back.
"Come on Jack were gonna be left behind." I tell him.
"I just wanna talk for a second." He says. I look at him confused. "Look Ella I've hung out with you for only a few months but I've known you for years. And in those few months we've became friends I've always was happy. Never once was I sad." He says. I smile at his words. "It would make me happier if you could be the one I call mine. This might be cheesy but will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me. I look at him then down at my feet. After a few seconds I look back up at him with a smile.
"Of course." I say smiling. He smiles huge and pulls me into him and kisses me. This was cute. I'm kissing the one guy who I've wanted for so long.

Life couldn't be any better.

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