Chapter 16

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Jack G's POV

Today I needed to tell Ella. Jack and I were going on tour with this thing called Digi Tour. We were really excited but we don't know how well she's going to take it.

Jack was lucky. He didn't have a girlfriend to tell. Ashely was cheating on him. After Ella found out she was about to fight her. Until she moved. Her parents moved to West Virginia for her dad's job. The break up wasn't that hard on Johnson. He wasn't getting the same vibes as he was during the first weeks they were dating.

"Hey man." Johnson says plopping a seat on the couch next to me.
"Hey." I respond.
"What's wrong?" He asks me.
"I have no idea on how to tell Ella. I just really don't want it to lead to a break up." I say to him.
"Look Ella will understand. I mean why do you want to go on this tour?" He asks me.
"So I can get where I want to be for my future." I tell him. He nods.
"Then that's what you tell her." He says to me.
"But I don't want to go on this stupid tour if I break up with Ella. I see her in my future." I explain to him. He smiles.
"She's got you whipped man." He says.
"I don't care. If this is what it is...then I don't care." I say. He nods.
"Call the manager and ask if she can come. There will be other people there for her to hang out with." Jack explains. I nod and quickly call my manager.

"Hey Jack what's up?" Derek my manager asks.
"I wanted to see if I could bring my girlfriend with on the tour?" I ask him hopeful.
"I would love to have her," he says and I get super excited. "But she has nothing to benefit us." He says to me.
"What? That's stupid! How can she not benefit us?" I ask angrily.
"She is going to make us spend more money by paying for food, hotel rooms, and she will take you away from what's really important. Your music and your career." He says to me. That frustrates me.
"She is the reason behind all of my music. Every girl I talk about in the songs is her! And she won't take me away. She understands how important my work is!" I shout into the phone. Derek was really pissing me off.
"I'm sorry Jack but she can't come." He responds.
"If she doesn't come then I don't either. You can have me and my girlfriend. Or neither of us." I say to him standing up and pacing the room. That makes Derek stop and thing. He really had to think.

"Okay fine she can come. But if she causes any problems, she leaves. Understand?" He asks me.
"I understand. You won't have any problems with her. I promise." I say and quickly hang up. Johnson was smiling. "She's coming." I say happily. Johnson gets up and gives me a high-five. I'm glad Johnson likes Ella. I mean he's my best friend, practically my brother.

"I'm gonna go tell her now." I tell Johnson.
"I'll come with." He says as I nod agreeing. We both go out of the house and to my car to
get to Ella's. Her house was about 15 minutes from mine. We did live on opposite sides of the city anyway.

When we get there Johnson looks so surprised. He's never seen Ella's house before. It was big.

We knock on the front door, and wait a few seconds before her mom opens the door.
"Hey guys." She says smiling.
"Hi Mrs. Dillon." I say smiling. "Is Ella here?" I ask her.
"She is. But she isn't feeling the best. She's asleep right now." She says looking at the ground.
"If you don't mind me asking what's wrong?" I ask her.
"It's Ella. She hasn't been sleeping because of nightmares. She hasn't been eating because she's not hungry. She's been having headaches and stomachaches. Also she can't speak. She doesn't have a loud voice. I don't know what from." She says to me.

Oh god. No. This can't be happening.

"Mrs. Dillon this is really important. May I go speak to Ella?" I ask her.
"Go right ahead." She says letting us in. I thank her and quickly run up to Ella's room.

Please don't let it be what I think it is.

I quietly open the door. Ella wasn't in bed.
"Ella? It's Jack." I say as I'm in her room. I hear water running then it turns off. Ella soon appears in her room from her bathroom.
"Hey Ella." Johnson says when he sees her.
"Hey." She says barely audible.
"We had to come by and tell you something." I say to her. She looks at me confused and sits on her bed wincing a little bit.

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