Chapter 2

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As soon as I got home I ran up the stairs and into my room. Jack Gilinsky saw me and almost caught me. I was in the gym trying to calm down but it wasn't working. Hot angry tears ran out my eyes as I sang one of Nate's songs. That's what I usually do. I sing one of his songs because it's what calms me.

Nate left me and my brother, Jared here to ourselves with our hell house. My brother was 12 and I was 17.

Here's how it works at my house. Nate was here and we were one big happy family. We got along perfectly, no one fought, no one had a single bad thought. Then Nate moved and everything changed. My mom and dad fight, we hardly have a time where we're happy. I don't get fed, half the time I'm forgotten. My dad gets mad at me the most and the easiest. When he yells at me I can tell it scares my brother. He doesn't like it that Nate moved but he doesn't have the bad life I do now.

My mother is the sweet angel that looks over me. She sneaks a small dinners to me and gets me the things I need secretly. I don't know what it is but my father hates me because Nate moved. He acts like its my fault that he moved.

The huge question here is how do we get by? How do we have an amazing house? My mother is a lawyer and my father is a world class surgeon. We get enough money to supply a family for a year in just two months. Yet with all this money I still have to buy every single thing myself. Like I said before my mother is an angel and gets me things behind my fathers back which I thank god for having her in my life.

Nobody was home when I got there today. Today is the first Wednesday of the month. Every first Wednesday I get a package from Sammy and Nate with things in it that they pick up along their way or sell that they think I will like. I love every single thing they give me. Most of the time it's clothing, posters, music, they've even given me blankets as well as Jared. As weird as it sounds I love the blankets they send. The first ones I got were with the picture of the singles they sold. I have one with the song West Coast, one with Nothing to a King, another with Signs, my favorite is the Wassup blanket because it's my favorite song of theirs.

About an hour later I hear the back door open. Someone was home. "Ella? You home?" It was my mom.
"Yea!" I shout from my room that was up the stairs down the hall and the room at the end of that hall. I hear footsteps then my mom appears in my room.
"Hey honey." She says softly.
"Hey mom." I say looking up at her.
"How was school?" She asks me as she sits on the edge of my bed.
"The usual, boring, stupid, a waste of my time." I say looking up at her. I see her look at the papers on my bed.
"What class is this for?" She asks me.
"Sports and entertainment marketing." I say writing down some reviews from a newer movie.
"Cool." She says setting the paper down. "Guess what just got here?" She says to me.
"What?" I ask not really paying attention just writing things down.
"You're package." She says getting up and walking downstairs.
"About time!" I shout and run down the stairs after her and into our fairly large kitchen. When I get in there I see a bigger box than before. I usually get a package the size of a shoe box but today the package was huge. It sat on the floor. "Whoa." I say looking at it. My mom nods.
"Yea. Well open it." She says handing me a pair of scissors. I take them from her and slice the tape that was preventing me from getting at the mysteries inside the box. First thing I pull out is two crewneck sweatshirts. One that was black and said LA with gold letters on it. The other was also black but on the back it said Maloley with the year I was born 97. Next I pull out a plain white t-shirt. It had a little note attached to it. "For when you get tired of the leather jacket" I read and show my mom the note.

"That's nice of him." She says setting the note down. I look through the smaller things in the box. I got CD's from various artists. Nate sent me my favorite foods/candy. Those were takis and kettle corn. Also he sent me skittles, Hershey's drops, and Reese's. He knew me too well. Next came pictures of them two with singers. One of them stood out to me. It was a bigger picture and it was both of them with SoMo. My favorite artists. And they were all holding a red lighter. My favorite song. I smile and place the picture down gently. There were two pairs of sweatpants. One was from Nate and the other was for sure from Sammy. The ones from Nate where black and said "Maloley" on the left leg. The ones from Sam were light grey and said "I got you" on the leg. That was something we always said. There were some stuff in the box that I knew Jared would love. Lastly there was a smaller box.
"That's weird." I say picking it up. My mom looks at it confused as well.
"What's in it?" She asks. I shrug and open the nicely decorated box.
"They didn't. No." I say looking at the contents in the box.
"Ella what's wrong?" She asks me.
"T-they sent me money." I say surprised. She looks at me.
"How much?" She asks. I pick up the note and skim over it.
"T-three thousand." I say looking up at my mom. She looks as surprised as me. "They told me to buy clothes and things I need today before dad gets home." I say quietly. My mom nods.
"Let's get going then. We'll pick up Jared early so he doesn't have to be here with your dad. Put that stuff in your room quick." She says setting the things back into the box. I kid and pick up the box carrying it to my room and running back downstairs to my mom with my phone, my leather jacket, and a wad full of cash.

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