Chapter 15

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"Alright ladies you ready?" I ask as we all stand at the end of our tunnel. They respond with a simple "yes."

"Now the moment you've been waiting for! Your 2015 Varsity girls!" They shout and you can hear screaming. We all run and break through the banner at the end of our tunnel. More screams erupt from the crowd. I look and find Jack standing there wearing his school t-shirt. I smile and continue jogging with the team until we reach the sidelines.
"Please stand and join us in the singing of national anthem by our own Jack Gilinsky." The commentator says and we wall stand to face the flag. He starts singing. Oh my god he's amazing. His voice is what makes me melt on the inside.

"And the home of the brave!" He sings. We all cheer and clap for Jack. We stand on the sidelines in a group.
"Alright ladies this is the first game of the season. Treat this game like its the championship game! Be aggressive! Be smart! And most important be a teammate! We're a team! We can't do this alone!" I say giving the girls a pep talk. "Now watch their left side. They use it more often. Let's get out their and kick ass!" I yell. They holler and put our arms on each other's shoulder as we away from side to side.
"Who are we?" I shout.
"Warriors!" The girls shout!
"Who are we?" I shout again.
"Warriors!" They shout once again.
"WHO ARE WE!" I shout louder than any other time.
"WARRIORS!" They shout making their voices vibrate in my chest.

"Now let's get this game started!
You're starting line up for Mountain Side is...." He reads off some names and the girls walk to their positions. "And your starting line up for your West Side team is.... Number 37 Mackenzie Turner as your goalie!
Number 33 Samantha Louis, number 34 Jordan Gregory, number 35 Emily Hassart, and number 30 Hailey Basi as your defense!
Next is number 17 Charlotte Hayes, number 20 Whitney White, number 18 Melanie Staff, and number 28 Kelsey Jones as your offense!

Finally we have our main chicks! Number 7 Ashley Ryder your right midfield!

Last and certainly not least number 4 your left midfield and your team captain Ella Dillon!" When my name is called I jog out on to the field and take my position. The opposite team gets possession first. No biggie. We can get the ball back easily.

The ref blows the whistle and the game begins. The two middle offenders pass the ball to each other and make their way slowly. Finally Ashely approaches them and the ball gets taken from them.

I quickly run up matching Ashely on the opposite side of the field. A player starts to come from behind her.
"Ash! Man on!" I shout. She knows exactly what I mean and passes the ball to me. I quickly dribble towards the goal. Two defenders were just standing there not paying attention. I kick the ball and it goes into the goal. First goal of the game, and the season.

"Looks like Melanie White is hurt! This game is not looking good for West Side." Four of our girls are hurt. These girls play dirty. I could play dirty. But I won't. This is soccer. Real soccer. Not street soccer.

The game starts up again and we have the ball. Ashley is dribbling down the field when someone comes to her making her pass the ball to me. I am at half field and there is three minutes left. We're tied. The right side of the field is wide open.

I take the ball and dribble all the way and shoot. Before I can see if the ball goes in or not I'm knocked over. That's a late hit. I stand up and look at the girl who hit me. She's looking right at me.

I make my way toward her about to punch her not caring if I get a red card the first game. (A/N a red card means you're out for the rest of the game and the next game.)

"Ella stop." Ashley says pulling on my arm. "You don't want to get a red card. We need you to control your anger." She says to me. I glare at the girl who hit me.
"You're lucky this time. Watch your fucking late hits." I say to her.

After the game some people came into the field. We had won. 8 to 3.
"Hey babe." Jack says coming up to me giving a peck on the lips.
"Hey." I say back.
"There's a party at my house for the win. You coming?" He asks me as we walk towards the locker room.
"I guess I will." I say looking up at him.
"Okay perfect. Do you want me to wait for you?" He asks me. I shake my head.
"I'll meet you there." I tell him and walk into the locker room.

When I arrive at Jack's house it was packed. I guess I arrived a little late. When I was walking around I see Johnson sitting at a table talking.
"Hey Johnson." I say walking up to him.
"Hey Ella. What's up?" He asks me.
"Have you seen Jack?" I ask him.
"Last time I saw him he was outside." He says. I simply nod and walk outside.

When I get out there I see Jack talking to some guys. He looks towards me and smiles.
"Hey Ella." He says coming over to me.
"Hey Jack." I say copying him. He chuckles.
"You played well." He says smiling. I smile.
"Thanks. I thought I was okay. Except for that one girl." I say looking down.
"Hey...there are people out there like that. Don't let them take you like that." He says. "I know you're strong." He says poking my sides. I giggle as he tickles me.
"Thanks Jack." I say laughing as I manage to push his hands away from me.
"Question. Did you wear a swimsuit by chance?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Okay. Go up to my room and grab the one in my drawer. Put it on and meet me back down here." He says to me. I nod and run up to his room.

I open one of his drawers and don't find it. I opened the drawer with his pants in it and find nothing. I then opened his underwear drawer and find it. When I pick it up I find something surprising under it.

A box of condoms.


It was unopened.

Oh shit.

Were they for me?

I decide to leave that thought alone and put the bathing suit on. My hair was pulled up so I didn't have to worry with it. The swimsuit I was wearing was a white bikini top with royal blue bottoms. As quickly as I could I slip my shorts and shirt back on and run back to the pool.

"Jack!" I squeal as he splashes me. He laughs and disappears under the water. I follow him with my eyes until he grabs my ankles and pulls me under.

I come back up gasping for air. Jack was laughing uncontrollably. "It's not funny." I say to him. He smiles and comes over to me.
"I thought it was hilarious." He says smirking.
"Whatever." I say crossing my arms.
"Don't do this to me." He whines and puts his hands on my waist. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck. He leans down and kisses me. Everything we had together is what I wanted. Someone to make me happy. And Jack makes me happy. Jack soon lifts me up and continues to kiss me.

"Why don't we go somewhere more private?" He asks me. I nod and he drags me out of the pool and we quickly run up to his room. He locks the door then grabs me kissing me aggressively. Both our bodies were dripping water onto the floor.

Jack lays me down gently on the bed and continues to kiss me. My arms were around his neck and his hands were resting on both sides of my head as he hovers over me. The boy I was currently kissing makes me feel so special and invincible. I love him so much.

"Jack?" I ask him breaking the kiss for a second.
"What's wrong baby girl?" He asks me.
"Nothing just...I-I..."
"You what?" He asks concerned.
"I love you..." I say quietly. He looks at me shocked and sits up. He didn't love me back. Great. I quickly get up. "I-Im sorry." I say my voice giving out as tears escape my eyes.

Was I really crying over a guy? Yes I was because I love this boy. He knows every little detail about me. He knows my life. He gets me. He was the one who I thought would stay with me forever. But I guess I was wrong.

"Ella what's wrong?" He asks me quickly coming over to me.
"I-it's nothing." I say quietly.
"It's something if you're crying. I've only seen you cry once." He says to me. That is true. The only other time I cried in front of him was when Nate died.

"Y-you don't love me back." I say looking down hearing how childish I sound.
"Don't love you? Who said that?" He asks.
"Nobody. B-but when I said it you didn't say it back." I say rubbing my arms.
"I was just shocked. I was about to say it but you beat me to it." He says to me. I look up at him.
"Really?" I ask him. He nods.
"Really." I smile and quickly kiss him. He kisses me back passionately. He did love me. He really did.

Remember what I found in the drawer earlier? Well now I know what they were for. They were for me. And guess what? I'm glad he used it. Even if we didn't use it I was happy because he was my first. And I want him to be my only.

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