Chapter 1

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"Say one more thing about him! I dare you!" I shout at the girl against the lockers. Do I know her name? No. Do I care? Nope. All I know is that this girl has been taking shit about my brother for a while.
"I-i said nothing!" She says with pleading eyes.
"I don't appreciate people who talk bad about Nate! Now what did you say?" I shout at her.
"I-I just said he's not that talented!" She says looking at me.
"Not talented? He's more talented than you'll ever be! He's more successful than you'll ever be! Come talk to me when you have an album out on iTunes." I say shoving her into the lockers and walking away. "Oh and if I catch you talking bad about him won't say anything for a long while." I shout as I walk down the hall. These events of me threatening kids happen before school, when no one is here, at lunch, or after school when everyone is gone. It's how I do what I've got to do.

Not many people don't know who I am related to. My name at school is Ella Dillon. That's my mom's last name. My real name is Ella Maloley. My dad's last name. The name Maloley just makes people freak out. Why? Because a kid with the name of Nate (Skate) Maloley came to this very school. And if people found out that he was my brother than I would never hear the end of it.

It was my mom's idea to put Dillon on my papers and I was fine with that. For one year of high school I had to pretend that I didn't know who Skate was. My own brother. It was bad.

While I was here there was only one person who knew that Skate and I were related. That person was Sam Wilkinson. Him and Skate are best friends. When Skate moved out to LA Sam had one year of high school left. We became great friends. But he didn't see the side of me that I was hiding.

I've hid this bad girl side to me for a while. I had to hide it for two years and make sure that Sammy or Skate didn't hear. I was also called a "bad girl" as a freshman. I just got more of a reputation as I got up. Now everyone at school knows me. Lots of girls were my friends and just followed me around like a lost puppy but I didn't pay attention to them. I just had two friends I actually like and they don't even live here. Just Sammy and Skate.

I needed to cool down. I was so upset. The gym was the one place I actually liked in this school so I go there and do what relaxes me.

Jack G's POV

"Whatever dude I highly doubt it." Jack Johnson my best friend says to me as we're about to exit the school. There was nobody here. Well there had to be someone here because we heard shouting. Johnson and I quickly hurry to the hall to see the two girls. It was Ella and Kylie. Ella says something to Kylie but it was to quiet for us to hear. Then Kylie gets slammed against the lockers. She falls to the ground as Ella walks away.
"Oh and if I catch you saying one bad thing about him won't be saying anything for a long while." Ella shouts and she walks away. Johnson and I quickly rush over to Kylie and help her.

"Are you okay?" Johnson asks. She shakes her head.
"What happened?" I ask her. Honestly I was more interested in why Ella did that to her. If Ella hit or threatened anyone she has a good reason to.
"I was talking bad about Skate Maloley and she got so mad." Kylie says.
"What did you say about him?" Johnson asks.
"I-I said that he has no talent, but I told her that he wasn't that talented. She can't know I lied to her." She stutters.
"Okay?" I ask in question and quickly stand up."I'll be right back." I say as I stand up to go find Ella.

I was wandering around school when I heard a voice from the gym. Knowing myself I went towards the voice.

"Yeah, It ain't nothin' to a king, I just do this shit for real

Me and Sammy in this thing and we might just sip a little

In a party getting energized, women telling hella lies

Say they got a man, but got my lyrics all memorized

Up inside they brains and we don't do it for the fame

We just out here chasing money making millions to the name." She raps. I've heard that song from somewhere. Who sang it? It said 'me and sammy.' Oh wait! It's Skate! She's rapping to Skate? But why?

"Why are you rapping to Skate?" I ask her. She was currently sitting on the floor in the middle of the gym.
"W-what are you doing here?" She asks quickly turning around after what it looks like wiping her eyes.
"I saw what you did to Kylie. It wasn't cool." I say walking straight towards her.
"Oh really?" You have some nerve to come and say that to me." She says standing up.
"Look Ella I'm sorry she was bad mouthing Nate but why did she deserve that?" I ask with anxiousness in my voice.
"It's none of your business." She says with anger boiling inside her mouth to make her words come out powerful.
"I'm just curious. But I'm sorry that she was taking bad about him." I say as she walks towards me.
"You don't care. So just leave it and me alone." She says and hits her shoulder with mine before she storms out of the school.



Sorry that it's taking forever guys! I was going to write today after I was done testing but the stupid internet didn't work and it deleted the chapter so I had to wait till i got home! It was a struggle. But here it is!

Love you guys!!

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