Chapter 11

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I decided to go back to school today. Why? Jack convinced me. He told me that if I wanted to be successful then school should be a priority and that it can help get me away from my house. The good thing was that Jack got me all my missing work and helped me on it so I was caught up. He truly was amazing.

I woke up at 6:15 this morning to get ready. Jack was coming to get me today since he wanted me to hang out with him at his football practice thing. I agreed of course.

I was actually happy to go back to school. Most people thought I was dead. I didn't care. They could think what they wanted. I wanted to show them the real me. The girl I've always been deep down inside. I want to show them Ella Maloley. Not the girl Ella Dillion that I've been playing for a couple of years. Ella Maloley, the funny, sweet, caring girl.

Today I dress in leggings that stop at the middle of my shins. The top I wear is a dark grey muscle tee that says "Signs" on it. Signs as in Nate and Sammy's song. I look at my outfit and decide to change into white shorts. I tuck the front of the tee into my shorts.


I slip on grey vans and brush my hair. It needed to be straightened. I quickly do that and look at myself.


I grab my things and go downstairs. I was sitting in my living room when there was a knock on my door. When I get up I see Jack.
"Hey there." He says smiling.
"Aye." I say smiling back.
"Ready to go back?" He asks as we walk out to his car. I nod and we hop in. Be prepared West Side High. The new and improved Ella had arrived.

When Jack and I walk into the school people starred. I bet they were not expecting me to be here. Or for me to even be alive. Oh well!

"Hey Jack. What's up?" Johnson asks as we approach him.
"Not much." He replies as they do their handshake.
"Hey Ella. Glad you came back." Johnson says smiling at me.
"Thanks. That's good to hear." I say opening my locker as Jack opens his which was right next to mine.
"What have people said?" Johnson asks as he places things into Jack G's locker. We all shared lockers. Except for me. Nobody cared for me.
"They haven't said anything. Just dirty looks and body language." I say closing my locker.
"That's people for you." Jack G says as we walk to our first class. Math.

All three of us have the same classes. Except for one. Media. But Jack G and I have that class together. Johnson takes media but in a different period. When Johnson is in media I'm in sports and entertainment marketing. And Jack G is in weights. I have no clue why he took that class but he did.

"I'm just glad that I know someone in each of my classes. Well all but one." I say to them.
"What class is that?" Johnson asks.
"Sports and entertainment marketing." I tell him.
"Do you have it 5th period?" He asks. I nod.
"This new girl Ashley is in that class." He tells me.
"Cool. Just hope she hasn't heard of what I've done." I say and we walk into the class room.
"I bet she just doesn't understand. I'll talk to her for you." He says as him and Jack take their seats.
"Thank you." I say and sit waiting for class to begin.

Finally it was lunch. Today I was going to sit with the Jack's along with Ashely. I make my way to the cafeteria and I hear shouting. Then screaming. I run to the noises and find students standing in a large circle. A fight was going on.

I push my way past everyone to find a blonde girl I've never seen before and Isabelle fighting. Well more like the blonde trying to get away from her. Isabelle was the girl who I thought was my friend. But never was. She has hit the girl a couple times from what I can see. The blonde had a bloody nose and a cut on her lip. She has fought back though. Not much. The simple ring on her finger cut Isabelle's shirt.

"What did I even do!" The blonde shouts. She did look innocent. The girl was very pretty. Her long blonde hair goes to the middle of her back like mine. The girl wore a pair of black shorts and a pink shirt. She didn't even dress like a desperate girl. Like most do here. She was innocent.
"You were hitting on my boyfriend!" She shouts. This girl hitting on her boyfriend?


"I wasn't hitting on anybody!" She says backing up and some kid pushes her towards Isabelle.

"Fucking bitch!" She yells and swings again hitting the girl in the arm. I couldn't stand here and watch. I'm usually the one in the circle hitting someone. Time to show people that I've changed.

Before Isabelle can make another move I run in the circle and grab the blonde. I pull her away from Isabelle and I let myself deal with her.
"Isabelle stop." I tell her.
"Ella? What the fuck are you doing?" She shouts.
"Helping this girl. She did nothing to you." I say.
"She was hitting on my boyfriend!" She shouts at me.
"Really? You're boyfriend probably was hitting on her because he's tired of you. You treat everyone with disrespect and they'll just leave you. She did nothing to you. So stop it." I tell her. People laugh and "OOOOOH!" at my response.
"Oh really? I disrespect everyone? How about you! You beat every person up!" She shouts.
"I've changed. I've had something happen to me that made me change okay? Just leave this girl alone before this does result in violence." I tell her.

My anger was starting to take over me slowly. I wanted to punch Isabelle so badly but I couldn't. I can't.
"You just made it result in violence bitch." She says and comes at me. All I do is trip her and she falls. I stand over her and look down at her.
"Don't try and hurt me. It's not going to work. Now leave this girl alone." I say and go back over to the blonde and help her up.

"Thank you so much." the girl says quietly as I clean up her nose and lip.
"Anytime." I say gently wiping her lip.
"Why did you help me?" She asks.
"You did noting wrong." I tell her.
"Thanks. I'm Ashley by the way." She says. Ashley?
"Do you by chance have sports and entertainment marketing 5th period?" I ask her. She nods. "Me too."

Awesome. I might have made a new friend. I just hope she will stay.

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