Chapter 24

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I was sitting in my room watching Nash's new video that he filmed with Skylynn. He was so sweet towards her. Nash really loves Skylynn and doesn't care if she's his half sister. They were siblings no matter what. Seeing Nash like that with her makes me smile.

That reminds me. I made a YouTube video of my own. It was of me singing a song I wrote called Bring It Back. (Yes. It is Shawn's song.)

I only showed my mouth and me playing the guitar. I couldn't risk showing my face incase Jack saw the video.

"That I can't go back

To this,

To him,

To what we used to have

It's black and burns

My god it's so sad" was sung as I rewatch the video I made after I finished Nash's new video. It was posted about a week ago and it already has over 5 thousand views.

From Sexy Beast: I can't stop watching your video

To Sexy Beast: why not?

From Sexy Beast: because you're voice is amazing. I love it

To Sexy Beast: well thank you

From Sexy Beast: was that song about your ex?

To Sexy Beast: yea. But the person who made me write the song was you because you made me realize how much I didn't need him.

From Sexy Beast: that's good. And if he ever tries to take you back I'll make sure that doesn't happen

To Sexy Beast: good. Oh I gtg someone's at the door.

When I get up to go get the door I see my mom at the door.
"Go back upstairs honey." My mom says.
"Why?" I ask her confused.
"Nate is here. With Jack." She says about to open the door. As quickly as I could I run to my room and close the door.

Shit shit shit shit! What am I going to do now? My instincts kick in and I grab my keys, my phone, and pack a backpack. I turn everything off in my room and close my closet door quietly and climb out the window.

My car was parked outback and I quickly get in. While I was pulling out I see Sammy grabbing his bag from Nate's car. He doesn't look up at me as I pass but a few seconds later he sees my car leave the driveway. I hope he doesn't think it was me.

After I get away from my house I quickly call my mom.
"Hello?" She asks as she picks up her phone.
"Hey. I snuck out my window and drove down the street."
"Okay. Good."
"How long are they staying for?" I ask her.
"A week." She says to me signing.
"Alright. Would you mind if I go visit someone?"
"Not at all sweetheart. Just text me when you get there." She tells me.
"Will do. Love you."
"Love you too honey." My mom responds then hangs up. Time to go see someone.

When I get to their house it looks so nice. I've never been here before, but I just hope they're surprised.

I go up and knock on their door after I got out of a cab and it slowly opens seconds later.
"Can I help you?" The woman at the door asks politely.
"Hi. Um I'm Ella and..."
"Wait! Ella Dillon?" She asks. I nod. "Come on in. Are you here for...them?" She asks. I nod and step inside the door. "Upstairs to your left." She says.
"Thank you." I say as I walk up the stairs and to their room. When I open the door they were asleep on their stomach.

I take my shoes off and place my backpack down on the floor by their closet.

When I go over to them I lay on top of them folding my arms so that they rest under my chin and on their back.

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