Chapter 9

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Hey guys!                            

I hope you guys remember me and this story. I'm sure you do, don't you? Err...I know its been like ages since I've updated and I'm terribly sorry for that. I was literally caught in the midst of assignments, records, internals and practicals. The past month has been quite hectic and the forthcoming few weeks are equally hectic with my semesters lining up. Please be patient with me. I'll be updating this story but it'll be very slow. Once I complete my exams, only then I'll be able to update regularly.

Chapter 9:

Since they returned from the lake they have been avoiding each other. Both of them were packing their stuff but quietly. None of them spoke a word. Their flight was scheduled for three in the morning and they had just four hours left for that.

"Umm, I think we should take a short nap before we set out for airport." Rey suggested.

"Hmmm." Came her response.

That's it. This was the only conversation they had since they returned back to their room. The atmosphere again drifted to silence as if they were in some library.

While proceeding towards their seat, one of the passangers unintentionally pushed Kriya who fell on Rey and both of them landed on the seat with Kriya atop Rey. She clutched his shirt tight whilst her eyes were closed. Her hairs fell on her forhead covering a part of her closed eyes. Well it was similar to a cliche situation but the only difference is that in films the protogonists feel sparks flying between them whereas here neither sparks were flying nor they felt unaffected. They felt a different emotions gushing through their veins. It was something undescribable yet nice.

Rey stared at her face. His hands reached up to her forehead and set hairs right. On sensing his touch she slowly opened her eyes staring back at him. Smiling at him Kriya parted away. Luckily they were right in front of the seats alloted to them.

They made themselves comfortable. Rey plugged in his ear phones whereas Kriya preferred reading a book as both of them weren't feeling sleepy. After a while Rey felt Kriya's palm touch him. On looking towards her he found her rubbing her palms on her arms.

"Feeling cold?"

"Hmm yeah."

She had a blanket wrapped around her but it wasn't of any help. Rey pulled her closer such that she was almoat snuggling against him. She stared at him with wide eyes. He just blinked his eyes. She slowly relaxed herself. Few days back none of them.thought that they would be comforatble with each other so soon.

Their comfort level was increasing though they were just friends. They tried to know each other better. They were giving this relation a fair chance though initially none of them favoured it. Soon Kriya drifted to sleep, resting her head on his chest. He smiled at her and again engaged himself with music.

Kriya's sleep broke due to the announcement made for alerting the passengers that they would be landing in few minutes.

Kriya checked her watch and exclaimed  "I slept for so long!"

"Yes sleeping beauty." He replied with a chuckle. She felt embaressed.

"It's alright." He said making her feel better.

As they reached the exit side of the airport they found Kaira and Preeti waiting for them. On seeing Kriya, Kaira ran into her arms.

"Mommy I missed you." Kaira said climbing into her arms and hugging her.

"I missed you too." Kriya replied kissing her cheek.

"Ahem! I guess I should get used to it." Rey replied gaining their attention.

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