Chapter 6

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Rey's point of view in italics.

Chapter 6:

"Oh gosh." Kriya muttered as she sat on the bed completely exhausted after her engagement.

"What's wrong di? You look so tired."

"I am so tired and all 'cause of Kaira."

"Kaira? What did she do?"

"She literally keeps tailing around me everywhere. Not even for a second she leaves me alone. I know she's excited to have a mother but that doesn't mean she eats up my personal space too. For lords sake I'm not only her mother. I have my personal life too." She let out her frustration.

Both Smriti and her sister Shika heard this conversation. Smriti indicated Shikha to explain Kriya because if she tried to paraphrase her then surely a heated argument would take place. Moreover Kriya and Shikha shared a friendly bond than the aunt-niece bond.

"I know it's quite irritating at first but later you'll love this feeling." Shikha said entering the room. Sharon left the place giving them some privacy.

"Kaira has been deprived of mother's love and now when she's finally getting it, she make sure's not to leave a single second to miss it. Every woman in this world has to become a mother at least once in life time."

"I understand maasi (aunt). But every woman learns to be mother right from the time she has the knowledge of her baby developing within her. You can't expect a woman to be a pro mother directly and ask her to be a mother of a five year old kid. It's not simple."

"Who said it's simple. Nothing's as easy as we think. If everything becomes easy and simple then our life would turn into a monotonous one. Give things sometime. They'll sort out on their own. All you need to do is have patience and adjust."

"You know what maasi(aunt), you're the best. I feel so good talking to you."

"And yeah next time when you have any problem discuss it with Preeti or Rey as we might not be there with you every time."

"I'll surely remember this. Anyways, it's getting late now. Night."

"Night dear." Saying this Shikha left the room.

On the other hand in the Singhaniya mansion, Rey was running behind Kaira, trying to pacify her to go to sleep. But Kaira was in a completely different mode. She was enjoying troubling her father.

"Kaiara, princess enough. Daddy is tired now. Will you please stop this fun moment of yours and get back to the bed."

"Uff daddy, learn to be active."

"I'll learn that later but for now you have to go to sleep." Saying this, Rey picked her up and proceeded towards her room. He laid her on the bed and covered her with a blanket. Then he started narrating a bed time tale.

"Daddy your stories are so boring. I'll ask mommy to tell me stories at night."

"You can do that when your mommy comes here. As of now adjust with this story and sleep." Rey said a bit sternly tugging her to bed.


The singhaniya's along with their relative arrived at the Ghai mansion. Music was being played loudly with people dancing like maniacs. Well it's a typical big fat Indian wedding. The Ghai's welcomed the groom and his family in a grand manner, with the red carpet laid on the ground and flower petals bestowing upon them as they proceeded further.

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