Chapter 13

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Hey everyone! How are you guys? I hope you're doing great. It's been months I haven't updated and I'm sorry for that. I know I say that every time but I really mean all these apologizes. Here's the next chapter. Enjoy reading! :)

At the breakfast table Rey and Kaira were waiting for Kriya to arrive. A minute later Kriya arrived there. She shunned away Rey's sight purposely. While on the other hand Rey kept staring at her. The little soul sitting over there was wondering what was wrong with her parents. One was staring at the other continuously while the other's gaze was stuck at the plate.

"Mommy, daddy, are you fine?"

"Yes sweety, why'd you ask?" Rey asked.

"Then daddy why are you staring at mommy? And mommy why are you so silent and not even looking at me?"

"Uh, it's actually nothing." Kriya tried to cover up.

"Actually princess I was looking at your mommy wondering why is she so silent? Did something happen to you mommy?" Rey asked faking to be innocent.

"Kaira honey, nothing happened to your mommy. I'm absolutely fine." She replied to Kaira whilst glaring at Rey who in return winked at her making her eyes wide. Kriya shot a glare to Rey who plainly ignored it. After a while Rey forwarded his leg and rubbed it against hers beneath the table making her choke on the food.

"Are you fine Kriya?" Rey asked faking puppy dog eyes as if he was unaware about what happened.

"Mommy are you fine?"

"Yes sweety. There are some bugs roaming in the house. We just need to shoo them away." Kriya answered shooting a deathly glare at Rey, who gave a cheesy smile in return enjoying his food. Kaira was so confused with her parent's behavior.

"Kaira let's go." Kriya said after both of them completed their breakfast. Rey popped the last piece of parantha in his mouth and followed them. He was enjoying irritating her. As Kaira wanted to watch cartoon, Kriya switched on the tv and both of them were watching it. Kriya wondered where did Rey disappear.

Rey was in the lawn searching for something smooth. He tried to search for a feather but ended up plucking a strand of grass. He was on a toll to irritate Kriya. He returned back and quietly sat next to Kriya. Slowly he took out the strand of grass and in the pretense of stretching his hand, he inserted the grass in her ear disturbing her. She shove his hand off in a irritated manner. He chuckled at her expressions.

He repeated it again and again turning her irritation into anger. "Rey stop doing it." Kriya yelled.

"But what did I do?" He asked in an innocent manner.

"You clearly know what you have done."

"Mommy daddy...enough. Both of you are behaving weirdly. I am leaving." Kaira said with anger surfacing on cute little nose. Saying this she left.

"Reyy!! Now you've upset Kaira as well."

"But what did I do?"

"First you irritate me and then ask what did you do. Yeh toh vahi huya na ulta chor kotwal ko daante." She said flaring her nose.

"I was just having some fun with you." He replied.

"Yeah right." She said pouting.

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