Chapter 11

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SURPRISEEEEE!!! Another chapter's up. Have fun!

Chapter 11:

Kriya was stunned. She was shocked on hearing this condition. Accomplishing this condition means having physical relationship with Rey which is a big no. Never in her dreams could she even think about it. She felt disgusted at that moment, disgusted at the thinking of that old woman.

"What kind of condition is this? How can bua dadi even think about it? And what has happened to me? I am not the type of girl to stand and listen to someone's nonsense. But then what happened to me at that moment? Just because she's Rey's relative why was I listening to her even though I knew that what she said was completely immoral?" Kriya was contemplating things. And in this process she couldn't hear Rey, who was calling out to her from the past few minutes.

Getting irritated, he shook her forcefully. "Huh? What happened?" She asked regaining her senses.

"What happened to you? I'm calling you from the last few minutes and you are lost in your own world?"

But Kriya paid no attention to his words. "One thing I'm sure about is that Rey would never agree to such a thing, at least not without my consent." She muttered under her breath.

"Earth calling Kriya..." He yelled in her ears.

"What happened?" She questioned.

"What's wrong with you? What are you pondering about?"

"Ah! Nothing important...just...ah! You say, do you have some work with me?" She covered up. She didn't want Rey to know about the condition.

"Yeah, I'm unable to find a red colored file, did you see it anywhere? I searched almost everywhere but couldn't find it anywhere."

"Are you sure you searched in the room?"

"Yeah I did."

"But I don't think you did 'cause I can see it right behind you on the table." She said raising a brow.

As Rey turned around he found it. Giving a sheepish smile to Kriya he pecked her cheek. This surprised both of them. Kriya touched her cheek where he had kissed her. Automatically a crimson hue carved up her cheek. In order to avoid the awkwardness, Rey proceeded towards the door, but suddenly he stopped in between.

"Kriya?" He called her.


"By the way, what conversation did you and bua dadi have?"

This reminded Kriya of that ugly conversation which she had forgotten for a few moments. "Umm, it's nothing important." She lied.

"Are you sure it's nothing important because your face is telling some other story."

"Yeah, it's nothing to worry about."

"Okay then. I'll see you in sometime." Saying this he left.

"I ought to do something about this bua dadi. Don't know why but I feel that she is doing this purposely. Whatever the reason may be, I will not let her boss on me anymore or let her ruin my relation with Rey and Kaira." Kriya contemplated.

It was evening and Rey and Kaira were in garden.

"Daddy let's play the blindfold game, please."

"But we're only two members; it won't be fun with the two of us."

"We're not two daddy, we're three. Even troy is playing with us." Kaira said patting the back of troy, her pet dog.

Rey laughed at her innocence. "He's just a dog kiddo, he can't play."

"Then how will we play?" She said with a sad pout.

"What if mommy joins you?" Kriya said from behind.

"Yayy! Mommy, you are the best." Kaira said kissing her cheek.

"Common daddy, tie this blindfold around your eyes and find me and mommy. No wait, mommy will tie."

Kriya stood exactly behind Rey. As she tied the blindfold around his eyes, her hand often brushed his cheeks giving a different feel to both of them. They experienced a feeling which they never felt before.

"Mommy now turn daddy around once or twice." Kaira instructed as Kriya finished tying it. Her hands touched his arms which sent shivers down his spine. It was the first time she touched him. She could feel the tense in his body because of her touch. She could feel his well-built muscles. This gave her a clear idea that he was fond of gym and body building.

Her soft palms on his body gave him a good feeling. Once she finished twirling him, Kaira spoke "mommy step back and let daddy catch us."

All the three of them were enjoying the game. Kaira and Kriya confused him a lot. Amidst this confusion, Rey managed to get hold of Kriya. He pulled her in such a way that the fold of her pallu got opened. Kriya's eyes widened. Though Rey had his eyes closed he could feel what he has done. Her back touched his front whilst his hand lay on her hand that was clutching the fold of her pallu near her waist.

Fortunately Kaira didn't pay any heed to them as she was busy with troy who was strolling here and there making her follow him. On the other hand Rey untied the blindfold. The proximity they shared was so intense. He could inhale her fragrance. He could feel her shiver as his hot breath fell on her shoulders. Rey clutched the fold of her pallu with his one hand while with the other hand he removed her hand from the pallu. Kriya stood there numb as he set her pallu back to its place. Her breath heaved up and down as his hand brushed her bare waist. Her stomach made sinuous moments when his hand touched her waist. Once he was done he stared at her. Her eyes were closed and her lips were slightly parted as she breathed heavily. Her face seemed so pure and hypnotizing. Involuntarily he bent down and planted a kiss on her shoulder. Her breath got stuck in her throat as his lips made a contact with her skin. They stayed in that position for a few minutes until they heard troy barking.

They immediately jerked apart and found Kaira giggling at the flushed faces of her parents. "I...I have some work in kitchen." Kriya said and left.

"Uh...even I have some work in study room." Rey said and left. Once they left Kaira laughed heartily. "Mommy and daddy are so cute." She said facing troy as he swayed his tail.

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