Chapter 3

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Here's the next part. I was a bit busy, so couldn't post it yesterday.

Chapter 4:

Why are you so rude to Kriya these days?" Gautam asked smriti who was busy preparing the dinner.

"Gautam I'm not rude to her. I agree I do talk to her in a rude manner at times but that's my worry speaking. I'm her mother and like you even I love her. The thing is I get worried for her more than you and at times I become hyper. No mother in this world would want her child to stay unhappy. And I have a strong feeling that this marriage will really  change our daughters life."

"Hmm, I hope the same."

"Yeah. Now will you leave my kitchen and let me cook?"

"Yes ma'am."

Meanwhile in Kriya's room Sharon lay her head in Kriya's lap whilst Kriya was caressing her hairs.

" feels so good." Sharon said to which Kriya smiled at her.

"Acha by the way di, did you like Rey?"

"I don't know."

"That's not an answer."

Before Kriya could reply her phone rang. It was some unknown number. Finally on Sharon's insist she picked up the call as she avoided to receive calls from unknown numbers.


"Uh hey Kriya, it's Rey here."

"Oh hi."

"I was thinking if we can meet tomorrow for coffee only if you don't mind."

"Um, sure." She replied after a lot of contemplations.

"Cool, I'll pick you up at five." Saying this he hung up.

Their phone conversation was so formal as if they were on a business meet and are going to sign a contract. Well, for them this marriage was no less than a business deal.

"Though I'm getting remarried but for me you will always remain my love, my wife and my life. I've invited her for coffee only to tell her everything about you. I miss you my love." Rey said standing in front of the huge photo of Payal that hung on the wall opposite to his bed.

"Why did you leave me Rajeev. Had you been here then everything would be fine. I don't want to someone else's wife. I miss you...miss you a lot." Kriya said holding Rajeev's photo in her hand.

It was 5 pm and as they decided Rey came to pick her up. He was punctual and hated to wait for someone except for Payal. And Kriya made him wait for twenty minutes as she was stuck in some office work and ended up being late. In a haste, she wore a pink color churidar (Indian dress), with minimal make up and headed downstairs.

"I'm sorry, I was busy with an important file. I hope you understand." She said in a calm tone.

"Yeah, it's fine." He replied trying not to sound irritated.

As Kriya entered the car, she found Kaira seated in the back seat. She looked at Rey in confusion because they didn't decide her coming along with them.

"Kaira wanted to come along and I couldn't deny her. Hope you're fine with it."

"Uh, sure."

The drive was quite silent. But Kaira being a loquacious child, couldn't stop herself from talking.

"Daddy where are we going?"

"To Cafe Coffee Day."

"Oh wow. You know mommy, I just love the ice cream they sell over there. It's just yummy."

"Wait a minute, what did you call me?" Kriya asked interrupting her.


"Mommy?" Kriya kinda felt a bit odd on being called as mommy. On the other hand, even Rey didn't like Kaira calling Kriya as mommy. He always wanted her to call Payal as her mommy.

"Don't you like me calling you as my mommy?" Kaira asked with a sad face.

"Uh, no...not at all. Well, since I'm getting married to your daddy, you have the right to call me mommy." Kriya replied to her. But it seemed as though she was trying to explain herself.

Soon, they reached the coffee shop. Since Rey and Kaira often visited it, almost all the staff knew them. Rey requested the one of the waitresses to take Kaira away from there for a while until they finish their conversation.

"Kriya, I just wanted to tell you that, though we're getting married but I still love Payal. I can never forget her and will never be able to give you her place." Rey said sipping his coffee.

"I understand Rey. I completely understand. I know how it feels like when you lose the person whom you love."

For a while they shared about their past lives. They clearly stated that it was difficult for them to forget their respective partners. Though they talked formally but still they felt a bit relieved after sharing their pain and agony. Then Rey asked the waitress to get Kaira back.

"Sir, Kaira baby wants the ma'am to come and get her." Rey looked at Kriya, with pleading eyes. Kriya just gave a small smile in return and got up to get Kaira.

As Kriya reached there, Kaira caught hold of her finger and took her towards the toys that she had been playing with. She began narrating everything that she did till now in her cute little voice with her hands moving in the air trying to explain her. Kriya just smiled at the little girl and kissed her cheek. Kriya understood that kaira missed the feeling of being with a mother all these years and when she got to know that she was getting a new mother, this excited the little girl.

"Let's go, your daddy is waiting for us."

As they stepped out of the room, Kriya's phone rang. It was from her office. She worked in her dad's company. Her assistant informed her that, one of the employees had some mistake and she was needed at that moment in the office. This angered Kriya and she almost yelled over the phone. For a moment, Kaira got scared. Once she put down the phone, Kriya looked at Kaira and smiled at her. This eased her a bit but still there was some sought of fear in her mind.

I hope this is good enough. If you guys liked it then please vote, comment and share.

Thank You!

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