Chapter 5

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Hey guys, here's the next part. Sorry for making you guys wait. I hope you guys like it. And the picture of Kriya and Rey is on the right (or top).

Chapter 5:

Kaira caught hold of Rey's hand tightly on seeing Kriya there.

"Kaira baby, why are you so scared of me all of a sudden?" Kriya asked in a polite tone.

Kaira stayed quiet and looked down. Kriya caressed her hairs and made Kaira face her.

"Did I do something wrong with you?" She asked again, softly.

This time Kaira nodded her head in negation.

"Then why are you scared of me baby?"

"Because step mothers are bad." She replied innocently.

"Who told you that?"

"My friends and classmates. Today when I told them that I'm getting a new mommy they told me that new mommies are bad. They hit and scold their step children. They don't allow their new children to play and don't give them food. Even Cinderella's step mom was bad. She made Cinderella work for long and treated her badly. Step mothers don't love their step children. And yesterday when I heard you shouting over the phone, I though you would shout at me too." Kaira voiced out her feelings in her babyish tone blend in the mixture of innocence and fear.

Everyone one understood the matter and relaxed a bit. They smiled at the innocence of the little girl.

"It is not true. Not all step moms are bad. A few step moms are good. They love their step children as their own children. They never shout or scold them without any fault. Moreover why would I be rude to a sweet girl like you?"

"Are you a good step mother or a bad one?"

"What do you think?"

"Um, I think a good one." Kaira said smiling a bit.

In return Kriya too smiled at her and embraced her. Everyone relaxed completely.

"Now that everything's solved, let's go and have lunch." Preeti said.

"You people carry on; we'll take a leave now." Smriti said

"No. You guys will not leave without having lunch." Preeti replied.

On being persuaded by Preeti, Kriya and Smriti agreed to stay for lunch whilst Gautam left as he had an urgent meeting to attend. While everyone was heeding back inside, Rey called out to Kriya from behind and indicated her stop.

Once everyone left he spoke "Kriya, I...err I'm sorry for the way I behaved. But I get hyper at the things related to Kaira. I've always pampered her and today when I saw her smile disappeared, I got worried. And I vent out all my frustration on you and blamed you though you weren't at fault. I'm sorry."

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