Chapter 15

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Hello to all the lovely people out there. Thank you for nominating this book in the fan fiction awards under KriYansh category. And thank you for being patient with me. Enjoy reading!!

Chapter 15:

Both Kaira and Rey were equally excited for the dinner. At the dinner table Kriya started serving the food to everyone. She made all the dishes twice. One set containing garlic and the other without garlic. Everyone was impressed with Kriya's cooking skills.

"Mommy you are an amazing cook." Kaira said.

"Thank you sweety."

"Seriously Kriya, you are truly an all rounder." Ranvijay said.

"Thanks dad." Kriya replied whilst her eyes trailed to Rey waiting for him to say something. But he doesn't. All he does is stare at her with a wide grin while stuffing a spoonful of rice in his mouth. This action of his confirmed her that he approved of her cooking.

Suddenly dadi bua starts coughing so badly that her face turns deep red. Everyone gets worried for her.

"Bua ji paani li jiye. [Bua ji, here drink some water]" Preeti says handing her a glass of water. Even after drinking a whole glass of water her choking doesn't stop. It becomes unable for her to breath.

" h... [It contains garlic]" Is all that she managed to utter! All the eyes shoot towards Kriya. "Kriya are you sure you didn't add garlic in bua ji's food?" Preeti asks.

"Yes mom. I was very cautious while preparing the dishes. I clearly remember avoiding garlic while making the dishes separately for dadi bua."

"Kriya you could've been a bit more alert." Rey says.

"But Rey I did not add the garlic." Rey takes a spoonful of food form Dadi bua's place. After tasting it he almost yells at her. "Yeah Right, you were cautious?? Is this your carefulness?? If you didn't add the garlic then how come it is present in the food??"

Kriya was taken aback at this. She couldn't believe that Rey was actually accusing her. "Sheela, take Kaira to her room and Sarita you go get Bua dadi's medicine box immediately." Rey ordered the maids.

"And Kriya, you need to admit that you're fault." Rey said sternly. This was enough to raise her temper. "Mr.Reyaansh Singhnaiya, I've had enough of your accusations, but now no more. You cannot blame me without knowing the entire truth." Kriya said trying not to raise her voice.

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