Chapter 4

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Hey guys, here's the next part. Thank you so much for voting and commenting. I'm glad you guys are liking it.  Image of Kaira on the side.

Chapter 5:

"Daddy, I don't want a new mommy." Kaira said as she sat on the dinning table for having lunch. This was the first thing she spoke after she returned home from café coffee day, yesterday.

This shocked Preeti and Rey. Rey had been noticing that Kaira was unusually silent. Since yesterday evening she was a bit lost in her thoughts.

"Kaira baby, what's wrong?" Rey asked.

"I don't want a new mommy." She yelled and ran to her room. Rey was tensed now. Never did once Kaira behave in this manner. Till yesterday she was so happy on having a new mommy and today all of a sudden she didn't want to have a mother.

"I told you mom. Kaira doesn't need a mother. But you people never listen to me." Rey said in a frustrated tone.

"Oh shut up Rey. Don't start that drama of yours again. For once stop being so naïve and think what caused this change in Kaira." Rey's mom replied.

"I'll go and check Kaira." The door of Kaira's room was slightly ajar and Rey entered in. He found Kaira sitting near the window lost in her thoughts. He sat beside her and pulled her in his lap.

"What is my baby doing?"

"Daddy you won't bring a new mommy, will you? Please I don't want any mommy."

"Kaira, honey what's wrong? Till yesterday you were so happy and today all of a sudden what happened?" Rey asked in a calm tone.

"Dad please" Saying this Kaira left her room and went to the garden. Sighing, even Rey came out.

"Did she tell some thing?" Preeti asked to which Rey nodded in negation.

"I guess we should talk to Kriya about this." Rey said.

"Kriya? But..." Preeti tried to say something but Rey intervened.

"No but mom. Since yesterday Kaira's quite lost. Kriya can only tell us about it."

"But Rey we can't doubt on Kriya like this." Rey paid no heed to Preeti's words and called Kriya over there. Soon, Kriya along with her parents arrived there. Without bothering to greet them, Rey directly jumped to the matter.

"Kriya what happened between you and Kaira?" Rey asked trying keep his tone calm when his anger was about surface.

"I didn't get you. What are you talking about?" Kriya replied with a puzzled face.

"What did you tell Kaira yesterday? Since we returned home yesterday she's quite lost and today she said that she doesn't want a mother. Now will you tell me what exactly did you do?" Kriya and her parents were shocked. Kriya couldn't believe that he was actually blaming her without any proof.

"Why don't you speak up dammit?" He almost yelled gripping her arm tight making her wince in pain. Preeti and Kriya's parents were astonished on seeing Rey act in this way.

"Rey you're hurting me. And I really have no idea why Kaira's behaving differently." Kriya replied struggling to get out of his grip.

"Oh really? My daughter behaves quite unusually only after meeting you and you say you have no idea about it." Rey said in an irritated tone, leaving her hand.

"For the last time I'm repeating I don't know anything about it." Kriya said in a stern tone while rubbing her arm trying to soothe the pain.

"Where's Kaira?" She asked.

"In the garden" Preeti replied. Kriya proceeded towards the garden while Rey and others followed her. She sat beside Kaira and caressed her hair. On realizing someone's presence, Kaira turned around.

"Aap! (You!)" She said with a scared expression.

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