Chapter 7

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Hey guys, I'm extremely sorry for not updating this long. I hope you guys forgive me. And I hope this update makes it for not updating for so long.

The dawn finally arrived with the sun spreading its reverend beams all around. Kriya stirred in her sleep as the sun rays fell on her. Soon she woke up, adjusting her vision. Her eyes fell on Kaira and Rey. She smiled on seeing the father-daughter duo. Both of them slept in the same manner with their lips slightly parted and looked cute. Pushing her thoughts aside, she got up from the bed carefully not disturbing their sleep. She opened one of her suitcases and took out Rajeev's photo that she had secretly brought against her mothers agitations of not taking it along.

"Good morning Raj." She said and kissed his picture.

Carefully placing it back, she stood up. As she stood up a huge photo hanging on the wall caught her attention. She immediately guessed that it was of Payal.

"She's beautiful." Kriya thought and entered the washroom.

She came out draped in a blue saree with black borders and with a little work on it. She went towards Kaira and Rey. She was confused whether to wake them or let them sleep. After pondering over her thoughts she decided to wake 'em up.

"Rey" She called out twice. But no use he was sleeping peacefully. She shook him a bit. On sensing some disturbance Rey turned towards the other side unintentionally grabbing her hand along. Due to this she fell upon him and he woke up with a jerk.

"Uh, I was trying to wake you up but...Uh...I'm sorry."

"It's fine." He tried not to sound awkward.

Kriya tried getting up but due to imbalance she fell back again. Inorder to support her balance he put his hand over her bare waist. At this touch both of them looked at each other. They felt different.

Once they got up, Kriya spoke. "You get ready I'll wake up Kaira."

"Cool." Saying this he proceeded towards the washroom.

At the breakfast table, Kriya was feeding Kaira while Preeti and a few other relatives were having their breakfast. Just then Rey entered.

One of Rey's cousins said "Good going bro. Both you and bhabhi (sister in law) in matching attires...nicee..."

Everyone laughed this. It was then Rey and Kriya noticed each other. Both of them were wearing blue. They felt so embarrassed.

"Kriya and Rey get your bags packed as both of you are leaving for Rome tonight for your honeymoon." Rey's dad informed them.

"Honeymoon!" Both of them exclaimed.

"But dad there's no need for this." Rey tried to reason.

"Yes dad." Kriya agreed with Rey.

"No ifs and buts. You guys are going and that's final. And Kaira baby sorry but yoy will not accompany them."

"But dada ji (grand dad) please."

"Kaira don't you want you mommy daddy to spend some time with each other?" Preeti asked to which Kaira nodded a yes.

"Okay no problem. But you have to get me lots of gifts."

"Ofcourse they will."

Having no other option Kriya and Rey had to agree. They wondered what this trip had in store for them.


After a tiring journey they reached the hotel. The bellhop escorted them to their room. It was around four in evening.

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