Chapter 16

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Hello peeps!! I'm here with a new chapter. Bit before that I have some important news for you. As you guys know that FanFiction awards were held recently and you guys being the awesome supporters you are made this book reach the second place. Yes, Amour Indefinitely has won second place under the KriYansh category. None of this would have been possible without your support. Than you so much for all your love and support. You guys are truly the best. And in return the least I can do is to update regularly, which I'll try my best to do.

Enjoy reading. :)

​"Kriya why don't you listen to me? You should take rest. You've been puking since yesterday evening and your eyes look tired."

"But Rey there's a lot of work to be completed. How will you manage alone?"

"Kriya no more arguments. I said get on the bed now. And I'm calling the doctor as well."

"Rey trust me I'm fine. I don't need a doc..." before she could complete her sentence she had to rush to the washroom. Rey stood behind her and slowly patted her back as she threw up once again. Once she finished cleaning herself she tried to argue with him, but his stern gaze made her shut her mouth. As soon as she got under the blankets, he dialed the doctor's number.

"Mommy mommy mommy...where are you??" Kaira entered the room in a singing voice.

"I'm here baby." Kriya replied in a hoarse voice. Kaira climbed the bed and sat next to her.

"Mommy are you not well?"

"I'm absolutely fine baby but your daddy is stressing out." She said making faces at Rey.

"Kaira baby your mommy is not well. Ask her if she wants me to count how many times she has vomited." Rey said in a stern voice which made Kriya pout. For a moment Rey lost his senses. Her bottom lip sticking out made him want to kiss her. He sat beside her and whispered in her ear. "Don't act in this way. It makes me want to kiss you. And I'm sure you wouldn't want Kaira witnessing her parents smooching each other."

Her eyes widened at this. Her cheeks heated up and blood gushed up to them. She avoided Rey's gaze whereas he smirked at her.

"Mommy why are your cheeks red?" Kaira asked.

"Uhh, because mommy is ill." Kriya mumbled.

"Rey, the doctor has arrived." Preeti said entering the room followed by a lady doctor. Rey stood up and placed a chair beside the bed for the doctor to sit on. Once the doctor sat, Rey started speaking.

"Doctor, Kriya has been puking since yesterday evening and she's a bit weak as well."

Once Rey finished speaking, she examined Kriya. "Kriya do you have a headache?" The doctor asked.

"Yeah slightly."

"Did you miss your cycle?" She asked in a low voice enough audible for Kriya. Kriya just nodded a yes.

After completely examining Kriya, she said "Congratulations Mrs Singhaniya you are pregnant."

Shock covered Rey and Kriya's faces as soon as those words escaped the doctor's mouth. Whereas Preeti was extremely happy about it. Dadi bua was neither shocked nor happy; she was confused.

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